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ComiRNAty brendi altında satılanPfizer–BioNTech COVID-19 peyvəndi (INN: tozinaran), Almaniyanın BioNTech biotexnologiya şirkəti tərəfindən hazırlanmış və onun hazırlanmasında klinik sınaqlar, logistika və istehsal dəstəyi üçün Amerika şirkəti Pfizer ilə əməkdaşlıq edən mRNT əsaslı COVID-19 peyvəndidir. Peyvənd yolu ilə verilir. O, lipid nanohissəcikləri ilə əhatə olunmuş SARS-CoV-2-nin tam uzunluqlu sünbül zülalının mutasiya edilmiş formasını kodlayan nukleozidlə dəyişdirilmiş mRNT-dən (modRNT) ibarətdir. İlkin tövsiyədə peyvəndin 21 gün ara ilə iki dozada verilməli olduğu bildirilmişdi, lakin sonradan bu interval ABŞ-da 42 günə, Kanadada isə dörd aya qədər uzadıldı.

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Bu meqale qaralama halindadir Lutfen meqaleni umumvikipediya ve redakte qaydalarina uygun sekilde tertib edin Eger mumkundurse daha deqiq bir sablondan istifade edin ComiRNAty brendi altinda satilanPfizer BioNTech COVID 19 peyvendi INN tozinaran Almaniyanin BioNTech biotexnologiya sirketi terefinden hazirlanmis ve onun hazirlanmasinda klinik sinaqlar logistika ve istehsal desteyi ucun Amerika sirketi Pfizer ile emekdasliq eden mRNT esasli COVID 19 peyvendidir Peyvend yolu ile verilir O lipid nanohissecikleri ile ehate olunmus SARS CoV 2 nin tam uzunluqlu sunbul zulalinin mutasiya edilmis formasini kodlayan nukleozidle deyisdirilmis mRNT den modRNT ibaretdir Ilkin tovsiyede peyvendin 21 gun ara ile iki dozada verilmeli oldugu bildirilmisdi lakin sonradan bu interval ABS da 42 gune Kanadada ise dord aya qeder uzadildi ABS bazari ucun Pfizer BioNTech COVID 19 peyvendi flakonuIstinadlar ComiRNTty EPAR olu kecid European Medicines Agency EMA Retrieved 24 October 2021 FDA Approves First COVID 19 Vaccine Press release U S Food and Drug Administration FDA 23 August 2021 from the original on 23 August 2021 Retrieved 23 August 2021 Browne R 11 November 2020 What you need to know about BioNTech the European company behind Pfizer s Covid 19 vaccine CNBC from the original on 4 March 2021 Retrieved 14 January 2021 Thomas K Gelles D Zimmer C 9 November 2020 Pfizer s early data shows vaccine is more than 90 effective The New York Times from the original on 23 November 2020 Retrieved 9 November 2020 Walsh EE Frenck RW Falsey AR Kitchin N Absalon J Gurtman A et al October 2020 Safety and Immunogenicity of Two RNT Based Covid 19 Vaccine Candidates The New England JouRNTl of Medicine 383 25 2439 50 doi 10 1056 NEJMoa2027906 PMC 7583697 PMID 33053279 Pfizer BioNTech COVID 19 Vaccine Standing Orders for Administering Vaccine to Persons 12 Years of Age and Older 2021 03 02 at the Wayback Machine PDF U S Centers for Disease Control and Prevention CDC 28 September 2021 Retrieved 24 October 2021 Study to Describe the Safety Tolerability Immunogenicity and Efficacy of RNT Vaccine Candidates Against COVID 19 in Healthy Individuals ClinicalTrials gov 30 April 2020 from the original on 11 October 2020 Retrieved 5 August 2021 Palca J 9 November 2020 Pfizer says experimental COVID 19 vaccine is more than 90 effective NPR org NPR from the original on 9 November 2020 Retrieved 9 November 2020 Herper M 9 November 2020 Covid 19 vaccine from Pfizer and BioNTech is strongly effective early data from large trial indicate Stat News from the original on 9 November 2020 Retrieved 9 November 2020 Ellis R CDC Gap Between Vaccine Doses Could Be 6 Weeks WebMD from the original on 4 may 2021 Retrieved 8 July 2021 Canada vaccine panel recommends 4 months between COVID doses ABC News 4 March 2021 from the original on 26 July 2021 Retrieved 9 July 2021 Public Health Agency of Canada 2 July 2021 Recommendations on the use of COVID 19 vaccines PDF Health Canada Report PDF from the original on 23 June 2021 Retrieved 9 July 2021