Paniranizm (fars. پانایرانیسم) — əsasən İranda yayılan ideologiya. Bu ideologiyanın tərəfdarları İranda yaşayan xalqların, eləcə də osetinlərin, talışların, tatların, kürdlərin, taciklərin, puştunların, bəlucların, zazaların bir dövlət altında birləşdirilməsini istəyirlər. İdeologiyanı dəstəkləyənlərin fikrincə türk dillərindən biri olan Azərbaycan dilində danışsalar da iranlı kökünə sahib olduğuna görə azərbaycanlılar da bu sıraya aiddirlər.

Paniranizm ilk dəfə 1920-ci illərdə Mahmud Əfşar Yəzdi irəli sürülmüşdür.
- Professor Richard Frye states:The Turkish speakers of Azerbaijan are mainly descended from the earlier Iranian speakers, several pockets of whom still exist in the region (Frye, Richard Nelson, «Peoples of Iran», in Encyclopedia Iranica).
- « AZERBAIJAN , REPUBLIC OF»,., Vol. 3, Colliers Encyclopedia CD-ROM, 02-28-1996: «The original Persian population became fused with the Turks, and gradually the Persian language was supplanted by a Turkic dialect that evolved into the distinct Azerbaijani language.
- Xavier Planhol, „Lands of Iran" in Encyclopedia Iranica. Excerpt: The toponyms, with more than half of the place names of Iranian origin in some areas, such as the Sahand, a huge volcanic massif south of Tabriz, or the Qara Dagh, near the border (Planhol, 1966, p. 305; Bazin, 1982, p. 28) bears witness to this continuity. The language itself provides eloquent proof. Azeri, not unlike Uzbek (see above), lost the vocal harmony typical of Turkish languages. It is a Turkish language learned and spoken by Iranian peasants.»(Encyclopedia Iranica, «Lands of Iran»)
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Paniranizm fars پان ایرانیسم esasen Iranda yayilan ideologiya Bu ideologiyanin terefdarlari Iranda yasayan xalqlarin elece de osetinlerin talislarin tatlarin kurdlerin taciklerin pustunlarin beluclarin zazalarin bir dovlet altinda birlesdirilmesini isteyirler Ideologiyani destekleyenlerin fikrince turk dillerinden biri olan Azerbaycan dilinde danissalar da iranli kokune sahib olduguna gore azerbaycanlilar da bu siraya aiddirler Paniranistlerin nezerince Boyuk Iran in xeritesiTarixcePaniranizm ilk defe 1920 ci illerde Mahmud Efsar Yezdi ireli surulmusdur IstinadlarProfessor Richard Frye states The Turkish speakers of Azerbaijan are mainly descended from the earlier Iranian speakers several pockets of whom still exist in the region Frye Richard Nelson Peoples of Iran in Encyclopedia Iranica AZERBAIJAN REPUBLIC OF Vol 3 Colliers Encyclopedia CD ROM 02 28 1996 The original Persian population became fused with the Turks and gradually the Persian language was supplanted by a Turkic dialect that evolved into the distinct Azerbaijani language Xavier Planhol Lands of Iran in Encyclopedia Iranica Excerpt The toponyms with more than half of the place names of Iranian origin in some areas such as the Sahand a huge volcanic massif south of Tabriz or the Qara Dagh near the border Planhol 1966 p 305 Bazin 1982 p 28 bears witness to this continuity The language itself provides eloquent proof Azeri not unlike Uzbek see above lost the vocal harmony typical of Turkish languages It is a Turkish language learned and spoken by Iranian peasants Encyclopedia Iranica Lands of Iran