Global temporary account IP viewers are users with the ability to see temporary account IP addresses on all wikis. This permission is only assigned to users that have or rights on at least one wiki or are , per the foundation policy. Eligible users may request access at (Steward requests/Global permissions), though this is usually granted as part of granting CheckUser, oversight, or global sysop permissions.
See also
]wikipedia, oxu, kitab, kitabxana, axtar, tap, meqaleler, kitablar, oyrenmek, wiki, bilgi, tarix, tarixi, endir, indir, yukle, izlə, izle, mobil, telefon ucun, azeri, azəri, azerbaycanca, azərbaycanca, sayt, yüklə, pulsuz, pulsuz yüklə, haqqında, haqqinda, məlumat, melumat, mp3, video, mp4, 3gp, jpg, jpeg, gif, png, şəkil, muisiqi, mahnı, kino, film, kitab, oyun, oyunlar, android, ios, apple, samsung, iphone, pc, xiomi, xiaomi, redmi, honor, oppo, nokia, sonya, mi, web, computer, komputer
From Meta a Wikimedia project coordination wiki Redirected from Temporary account IP viewers Translate this pageOther languages Bahasa Indonesia Deutsch English Sunda Turkce espanol francais ব ল 中文 日本語 ꠍ ꠟꠐ Global temporary account IP viewers are users with the ability to see temporary account IP addresses on all wikis This permission is only assigned to users that have CheckUser or Oversight rights on at least one wiki or are global sysops per the foundation policy Eligible users may request access at Steward requests Global permissions though this is usually granted as part of granting CheckUser oversight or global sysop permissions See also edit Temporary account IP viewers global permission 160 global groups toolforge 160 member list 160 group changelog Global groups Meta Temporary account IP viewers vteUser groupsLocal groupsOn MetaWithout global effectsAccount creators Autopatrollers Bots Bureaucrats CheckUsers Confirmed users Event organizers Flood flag Importers IP block exemptions Users blocked from the IP Information tool Oversighters Patrollers Temporary account IP viewers Transwiki importers UploadersWith global effectsAdministrators Central notice administrators Global renamers Interface administrators MassMessage senders OAuth administrators Push subscription managers Translation administrators WMF Office IT WMF Trust and SafetyOn some wikisUploaders Autopatrollers Patrollers Reviewers Rollbackers Autochecked users Extended confirmed users File movers Interface editors Abuse filter editors Template editors Eliminators Translation administrators MassMessage senders Arbitration committee members Extended movers Bots with administrator rights Flooders CuratorsOn one wiki except Meta Noratelimit accounts Engineers Upload Wizard campaign editors Image reviewers Test wiki administrators Property creators Wikidata staff Researchers IP block exemption grantorsCross wikiBlocked users Unregistered users Newly registered users Registered users Confirmed users Autoconfirmed users Account creators Bots Administrators Interface administrators Bureaucrats Oversighters CheckUsers IP block exemptions Importers Transwiki importers Temporary account IP viewers Users blocked from the IP Information tool Structured Discussions botsHistorical groupsExtended uploaders Course coordinators Instructors Online volunteers and Campus volunteers Movers ZeroRatedMobileAccess administrators WMF ops monitoring GWToolset usersGlobal groupsLocked accounts Unified accounts Abuse filter helpers Abuse filter maintainers API high limit requestors CAPTCHA exemptions Founder Global bots Global deleters Global Flow creators Global interface editors Global IP block exemptions Global rollbackers Global sysops Temporary account IP viewers Two factor authentication testers New wikis importers Ombuds Recursive export Staff Stewards System administrators U4C Members VRT permissions agents wmf email block override WMF researchersLinks in italic are separate account statuses that are not assigned through user groups See also Wikimedia user groups Retrieved from https meta wikimedia org w index php title Global temporary account IP viewers amp oldid 27975789 Categories User groupsGlobal user groups