IV Fraat (parf 𐭐𐭓𐭇𐭕, Frahāt; e. ə. I əsr – e.ə. 2) — Arşakilər sülaləsindən olan Parfiya çarı. O, eramızdan əvvəl 38–32-ci illərdə hökmranlıq etmişdir. oğlu olan Fraat Roma ilə müharibədə irsi şahzadə ölümündən sonra varis təyin edilmişdir. O, taxtın varisi təyin edilsə də, atası padşah II Orodu öldürərək taxta çıxmış, ardınca bütün qardaşlarını öldürmüşdür.
IV Fraat | |
![]() | |
Parfiya çarı | |
e.ə. 37 – 2 | |
Əvvəlki | |
Sonrakı | və Muza |
Şəxsi məlumatlar | |
Doğum tarixi | e. ə. I əsr |
Vəfat tarixi | e.ə. 2 |
Fəaliyyəti | suveren[d] |
Həyat yoldaşı | |
![]() |
IV Fraat eramızdan əvvəl 2-ci ildə həyat yoldaşı və oğlu gələcək padşah başçılıq etdiyi sui-qəsdçilər dəstəsi tərəfindən öldürülmüşdür.
Əlavə ədəbiyyat
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IV Fraat parf 𐭐𐭓𐭇𐭕 Frahat e e I esr e e 2 Arsakiler sulalesinden olan Parfiya cari O eramizdan evvel 38 32 ci illerde hokmranliq etmisdir oglu olan Fraat Roma ile muharibede irsi sahzade olumunden sonra varis teyin edilmisdir O taxtin varisi teyin edilse de atasi padsah II Orodu oldurerek taxta cixmis ardinca butun qardaslarini oldurmusdur IV FraatParfiya carie e 37 2EvvelkiSonrakive MuzaSexsi melumatlarDogum tarixi e e I esrVefat tarixi e e 2Fealiyyeti suveren d Heyat yoldasi Parfiyali Muza Vikianbarda elaqeli mediafayllar IV Fraat eramizdan evvel 2 ci ilde heyat yoldasi ve oglu gelecek padsah basciliq etdiyi sui qesdciler destesi terefinden oldurulmusdur IstinadlarElave edebiyyatBigwood J M Queen Mousa Mother and Wife of King Phraatakes of Parthia A Re evaluation of the Evidence Journal of the Classical Association of Canada Project Muse 4 1 2004 35 70 doi 10 1353 mou 2004 0027 Bigwood Joan M Some Parthian Queens in Greek and Babylonian Documents Iranica Antiqua 43 2008 235 274 doi 10 2143 IA 43 0 2024050 Zoroastrians Their Religious Beliefs and Practices Psychology Press 1984 1 252 ISBN 9780415239028 Boyce Mary Grenet Frantz Beck Roger redaktor A History of Zoroastrianism Zoroastrianism under Macedonian and Roman Rule Leiden Brill 1991 ISBN 978 9004293915 Brosius Maria Women i In Pre Islamic Persia Encyclopaedia Iranica online edition New York 2000 Brosius Maria The Persians An Introduction London amp New York Routledge 2006 ISBN 978 0 415 32089 4 Bringmann Klaus A History of the Roman Republic ingilis W J Smyth terefinden tercume olunub Cambridge Polity Press 2007 2002 ISBN 978 0 7456 3371 8 Burstein Stanley M The Reign of Cleopatra Westport CT Greenwood Press 2004 ISBN 978 0 313 32527 4 Curtis Vesta Sarkhosh Religious Iconography on Ancient Iranian coins Journal of Late Antiquity London 2007 413 434 Curtis Vesta Sarkhosh Parthian Coins Kingship and Divine Glory 2012 67 83 Curtis Vesta Sarkhosh Ancient Iranian Motifs and Zoroastrian Iconography Williams Markus Stewart Sarah Hintze Almut redaktorlar The Zoroastrian Flame Exploring Religion History and Tradition I B Tauris 2016 179 203 ISBN 9780857728159 Dabrowa Edward The Arsacid Empire redaktor The Oxford Handbook of Iranian History Oxford University Press 2012 1 432 ISBN 978 0 19 987575 7 Dabrowa Edward Tacitus on the Parthians 2017 171 189 Dabrowa Edward Arsacid Dynastic Marriages Electrum 25 2018 73 83 doi 10 4467 20800909EL 18 005 8925 Garthwaite Gene Ralph The Persians Oxford amp Carlton Blackwell Publishing Ltd 2005 ISBN 978 1 55786 860 2 Kia Mehrdad The Persian Empire A Historical Encyclopedia 2 volumes ABC CLIO 2016 ISBN 978 1610693912 Parthia and Rome Eastern Perspectives Kennedy David L Braund David redaktorlar The Roman Army in the East Ann Arbor Cushing Malloy Inc Journal of Roman Archaeology Supplementary Series Number Eighteen 1996 67 90 ISBN 978 1 887829 18 2 Metcalf William E The Oxford Handbook of Greek and Roman Coinage Oxford Oxford University Press 2016 ISBN 9780199372188 Olbrycht Marek Jan The Genealogy of Artabanos II AD 8 9 39 40 King of Parthia 2014 92 97 Olbrycht Marek Jan Dynastic Connections in the Arsacid Empire and the Origins of the House of Sasan Curtis Vesta Sarkhosh Pendleton Elizabeth J Alram Michael Daryaee Touraj redaktorlar The Parthian and Early Sasanian Empires Adaptation and Expansion Oxbow Books 2016 ISBN 9781785702082 Pourshariati Parvaneh Karin Encyclopaedia Iranica online edition New York 2017 Arsacid Elymaean and Persid Coinage Potts Daniel T redaktor The Oxford Handbook of Ancient Iran Oxford University Press 2013 ISBN 978 0199733309 Richardson J S Augustan Rome 44 BC to AD 14 The Restoration of the Republic and the Establishment of the Empire Edinburgh University Press 2012 ISBN 978 0 7486 1954 2 Roller Duane W Cleopatra A Biography Oxford Oxford University Press 2010 ISBN 978 0 19 536553 5 Zoroastrianism in Armenia Harvard University Press 1987 ISBN 978 0674968509 Schippmann K Arsacids ii The Arsacid Dynasty Encyclopaedia Iranica online edition Vol II Fasc 5 1986 525 536 Schmitt Rudiger Personal Names Iranian iv Parthian Period Encyclopaedia Iranica online edition New York 2005 Strugnell Emma Ventidius Parthian War Rome s Forgotten Eastern Triumph Acta Antiqua 46 3 2006 239 252 doi 10 1556 AAnt 46 2006 3 3 Strugnell Emma Thea Musa Roman Queen of Parthia Iranica Antiqua 43 2008 275 298 doi 10 2143 IA 43 0 2024051 Widengren G Antiochus of Commagene Encyclopaedia Iranica online edition Vol II Fasc 2 1986 135 136 Dabrowa Edward The Parthian Kingship 2007 123 134 Dabrowa Edward Arsakes Epiphanes Were the Arsacids Deities Revealed 2010 223 231 Dabrowa Edward The Parthian Aristocracy Its Social Position and Political Activity 2013 53 62 Marciak Michal Sophene Gordyene and Adiabene Three Regna Minora of Northern Mesopotamia Between East and West BRILL 2017 ISBN 9789004350724 Olbrycht Marek Jan Parthian King s tiara Numismatic evidence and some aspects of Arsacid political ideology 2 1997 27 61 Olbrycht Marek Jan Arsacid Iran and the nomads of Central Asia Ways of cultural transfer 2015 333 390 Shayegan M Rahim Arsacids and Sasanians Political Ideology in Post Hellenistic and Late Antique Persia Cambridge University Press 2011 1 539 ISBN 9780521766418