II Ernst (alm. Ernst August Karl Johann Leopold Alexander Eduard; 21 iyun 1818[…], Koburq – 22 avqust 1893) — II Saksen-Koburq-Qota hersoqu. Qardaşı Şahzadə-konsort Albertlə çox yaxın idi və övladı olmadığı üçün qardaşının oğlu Edinburq hersoqu Alfredi öz varisi təyin etdi.
II Ernst | |
alm. Ernst II von Sachsen-Coburg und Gotha | |
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29 yanvar 1844 – 22 avqust 1893 | |
Əvvəlki | I Ernst |
Sonrakı | Şahzadə Alfred |
Şəxsi məlumatlar | |
Doğum adı | Ernst August Karl Johann Leopold Alexander Eduard von Sachsen-Coburg-Saalfeld |
Doğum tarixi | 21 iyun 1818[…] |
Doğum yeri | |
Vəfat tarixi | 22 avqust 1893(75 yaşında) |
Təhsili | |
Fəaliyyəti | zabit, bəstəkar, rəssam, əsilzadə |
Atası | Ernest I, Duke of Saxe-Coburg and Gotha |
Ailəsi | Saksen-Koburq-Qot sülaləsi |
Dini | lüteranlıq |
Hərbi xidmət | |
Döyüşlər | |
Rütbəsi | general |
Elmi fəaliyyəti | |
Elm sahəsi | hərbi iş[d], musiqi |
| |
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- Alden, Raymond; George Berry; Ernest I. Bogart; və b. The Encyclopedia Americana: A Library of Universal Knowledge, Volume 10. New York: The Encyclopedia Americana Corporation. 1918.
- Allinson, A.R. The War Diary of the Emperor Frederick III - 1870 - 1871. Home Farm Books. 2006. ISBN .
- Berwanger, Eugene H. The British Foreign Service and the American Civil War. Lexington, KY: University Press of Kentucky. 1994. ISBN .
- Coit Gilman, Daniel; Harry Thurston Peck; Frank Moore Colby. The New International Encyclopædia, Volume 6. New York: Dodd, Mead, and Company. 1903.
- D'Auvergne, Edmund Basil. The Coburgs: The Story of the Rise of a Great Royal House. New York: James Pott & Company. 1911. ISBN .
The Coburgs: The Story of the Rise of a Great Royal House.
- Feuchtwanger, E.J. Albert and Victoria: The Rise and Fall of the House of Saxe-Coburg-Gotha. London: Hambledon Continuum. 2006. ISBN .
- Gill, Gillian. We Two: Victoria and Albert: Rulers, Partners, Rivals. New York: Ballatine Books. 2009. ISBN .
- Grey, Hon. Charles. The Early Years of His Royal Highness The Prince Consort. New York: Harper & Brothers Publishers. 1868.
The Early Years of His Royal Highness The Prince Consort.
. Ernest II. // Kisholm, Hyu (redaktor). Britannika Ensiklopediyası. 9 (XI). Cambridge University Press. 1911. 751–752.
- Hibbert, Christopher. Edward VII: The Last Victorian King. New York: Palgrave Macmillan. 2007.
- Hough, Richard. Victoria and Albert. New York: St. Martin's Griffin. 1996. ISBN .
Victoria and albert.
- Kenning, George. Kenning's Masonic Encyclopedia and Handbook of Masonic Archeology, History and Biography. London: Kessinger Publishing. 1878. ISBN .
- Packard, Jerome M. Victoria's Daughters. New York: St. Martin's Press. 1998. ISBN .
- Pakula, Hannah. An Uncommon Woman: The Empress Frederick, Daughter of Queen Victoria, Wife of the Crown Prince of Prussia, Mother of Kaiser Wilhelm. New York: Simon and Schuster Inc. 1997. ISBN .
- Weintraub, Stanley. Uncrowned King: The Life of Prince Albert. London: 1997. ISBN .
- Ernest II // Encyclopædia Britannica (ing.).
- Lundy D. R. Ernst II August Herzog von Sachsen-Coburg und Gotha // The Peerage (ing.).
- Deutsche Nationalbibliothek Record #118685279 // Ümumi tənzimləmə nəzarəti (GND) (alm.). 2012—2016.
- Arnošt // Çex Milli Hakimiyyət Məlumat bazası.
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II Ernst alm Ernst August Karl Johann Leopold Alexander Eduard 21 iyun 1818 Koburq 22 avqust 1893 II Saksen Koburq Qota hersoqu Qardasi Sahzade konsort Albertle cox yaxin idi ve ovladi olmadigi ucun qardasinin oglu Edinburq hersoqu Alfredi oz varisi teyin etdi II Ernstalm Ernst II von Sachsen Coburg und Gotha Saksen Koburq Qota hersoqu29 yanvar 1844 22 avqust 1893EvvelkiI ErnstSonrakiSahzade AlfredSexsi melumatlarDogum adi Ernst August Karl Johann Leopold Alexander Eduard von Sachsen Coburg SaalfeldDogum tarixi 21 iyun 1818 1818 06 21 Dogum yeri Koburq Almaniya ittifaqiVefat tarixi 22 avqust 1893 1893 08 22 75 yasinda Tehsili Bonn UniversitetiFealiyyeti zabit bestekar ressam esilzadeAtasi Ernest I Duke of Saxe Coburg and GothaAilesi Saksen Koburq Qot sulalesiDini luteranliqHerbi xidmetDoyusler Fransa Prussiya muharibesiRutbesi generalElmi fealiyyetiElm sahesi herbi is d musiqi Vikianbarda elaqeli mediafayllarMenbeAlden Raymond George Berry Ernest I Bogart ve b The Encyclopedia Americana A Library of Universal Knowledge Volume 10 New York The Encyclopedia Americana Corporation 1918 Allinson A R The War Diary of the Emperor Frederick III 1870 1871 Home Farm Books 2006 ISBN 1 4067 9995 5 Berwanger Eugene H The British Foreign Service and the American Civil War Lexington KY University Press of Kentucky 1994 ISBN 0 8131 1876 X Coit Gilman Daniel Harry Thurston Peck Frank Moore Colby The New International Encyclopaedia Volume 6 New York Dodd Mead and Company 1903 D Auvergne Edmund Basil The Coburgs The Story of the Rise of a Great Royal House New York James Pott amp Company 1911 ISBN 1 120 85860 7 The Coburgs The Story of the Rise of a Great Royal House Feuchtwanger E J Albert and Victoria The Rise and Fall of the House of Saxe Coburg Gotha London Hambledon Continuum 2006 ISBN 1 85285 461 8 Gill Gillian We Two Victoria and Albert Rulers Partners Rivals New York Ballatine Books 2009 ISBN 978 0 345 52001 2 Grey Hon Charles The Early Years of His Royal Highness The Prince Consort New York Harper amp Brothers Publishers 1868 The Early Years of His Royal Highness The Prince Consort Ernest II Kisholm Hyu redaktor Britannika Ensiklopediyasi 9 XI Cambridge University Press 1911 751 752 Hibbert Christopher Edward VII The Last Victorian King New York Palgrave Macmillan 2007 Hough Richard Victoria and Albert New York St Martin s Griffin 1996 ISBN 0 312 30385 8 Victoria and albert Kenning George Kenning s Masonic Encyclopedia and Handbook of Masonic Archeology History and Biography London Kessinger Publishing 1878 ISBN 0 7661 6526 4 Packard Jerome M Victoria s Daughters New York St Martin s Press 1998 ISBN 0 312 24496 7 Pakula Hannah An Uncommon Woman The Empress Frederick Daughter of Queen Victoria Wife of the Crown Prince of Prussia Mother of Kaiser Wilhelm New York Simon and Schuster Inc 1997 ISBN 0 684 84216 5 Weintraub Stanley Uncrowned King The Life of Prince Albert London 1997 ISBN 0 7195 5756 9 IstinadlarErnest II Encyclopaedia Britannica ing Lundy D R Ernst II August Herzog von Sachsen Coburg und Gotha The Peerage ing Deutsche Nationalbibliothek Record 118685279 Umumi tenzimleme nezareti GND alm 2012 2016 Arnost Cex Milli Hakimiyyet Melumat bazasi