Fletayron (ing. Flatiron District — Fletayron kvartalı) — Manhettendə rayon.

Fletayron qərbdə Altıncı prospekt və Çelsi rayonu, şərqdə və Qramersi rayonu, şimalda 23-cü küçə və (və ya NoMad) və cənubda 14-cü küçə, və ilə əhatələnib.
Brodvey rayonun ortasından keçir, 23-cü küçədə başlayır və şimala doğru gedir. Rayonun şimalında (şəhərin yuxarı hissəsində) 2001-ci ildə tamamilə təmir edilmiş parkı yerləşir. Fletayron rayonuna və Milli Tarixi Yer olan Teodor Ruzveltin doğum yeri daxildir. Fletayron eyni zamanda Nyu-Yorkun yüksək texnoloji sektorunun metonimi olan yaradıldığı yerdir.
Fletayron Manhettenin 5-ci dairəsinin bir hissəsidir.
- Jackson, Kenneth T., ed. (2010). The Encyclopedia of New York City (2nd ed.). New Haven: Yale University Press. p. 2179. ISBN 978-0-300-11465-2. "Flatiron district. Neighborhood in Manhattan, lying between Chelsea and Gramercy Park and bounded to the north by 23rd Street, to the east by Park Avenue, to the south by 14th Street, and to the west by Sixth Avenue."
- Jack Finnegan. Newcomer's Handbook For Moving to and Living in New York City. 2007. səh. 37. ISBN . 2019-04-21 tarixində . İstifadə tarixi: 2021-01-01.
- Aileen Jacobson. "Living in the Flatiron District: Not Just a Place to Shop". New York Times. 2017-02-22. 2022-02-09 tarixində . İstifadə tarixi: 2021-01-01.
- John Freeman Gill. "Flatiron District/Living In: Profile, Always High, Keeps Current Too". New York Times. 2012-04-01. 2021-03-14 tarixində . İstifadə tarixi: 2021-01-01.
The boundaries of the Flatiron can be a subject of disagreement, but the district generally runs from the Avenue of the Americas to Park Avenue South between 14th and 23rd Streets, excluding the blocks adjacent to Union Square. Still, as often happens when a neighborhood becomes popular, some see its borders as expanded. The Flatiron 23rd Street Partnership...places the northern boundary in the upper 20s, an area some call NoMad, or North of Madison Square Park.
- "Flatiron District". . 2019-04-21 tarixində . İstifadə tarixi: 2018-01-12. New York City real estate map, showing the Flatiron District bounded by 14th Street, 23rd Street, Sixth Avenue, and Park Avenue South.
- Neighborhoods in New York City do not have official status, and their boundaries are not specifically set by the city. (There are a number of , whose boundaries are officially set, but these are fairly large and generally contain a number of neighborhoods and the neighborhood map sentyabr 15, 2012, at the Wayback Machine issued by the Department of City Planning only shows the largest ones.) Because of this, the definition of where neighborhoods begin and end is subject to a variety of forces, including the efforts of real estate concerns to promote certain areas, the use of neighborhood names in media news reports, and the everyday usage of people.
- Karim Lahlou. "Startups move to co-shared offices amid high real estate prices". . August 21, 2014 tarixində . İstifadə tarixi: August 20, 2014.
- Fergal Gallagher. "The mysterious origins of the term Silicon Alley revealed". Built in NYC. 2015-11-04. 2022-05-05 tarixində . İstifadə tarixi: 2021-01-01.
- "NYC Planning | Community Profiles". communityprofiles.planning.nyc.gov. New York City Department of City Planning. November 10, 2021 tarixində . İstifadə tarixi: June 6, 2018.
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Fletayron ing Flatiron District Fletayron kvartali Manhettende rayon Empayr Steyt Bildinqden cenub istiqametinde merkezi Fletayron rayonunun goruntusu Fletayron Bildinq sag terefde ortadaki ucbucaq formasinda olan binadir Ondan soldan Medison skver merkezde ile Metropolitan Life Tower qullesini gormek olar 23 cu kuceden park ile qullenin ortasindan baslayir Fletayron qerbde Altinci prospekt ve Celsi rayonu serqde ve Qramersi rayonu simalda 23 cu kuce ve ve ya NoMad ve cenubda 14 cu kuce ve ile ehatelenib Brodvey rayonun ortasindan kecir 23 cu kucede baslayir ve simala dogru gedir Rayonun simalinda seherin yuxari hissesinde 2001 ci ilde tamamile temir edilmis parki yerlesir Fletayron rayonuna ve Milli Tarixi Yer olan Teodor Ruzveltin dogum yeri daxildir Fletayron eyni zamanda Nyu Yorkun yuksek texnoloji sektorunun metonimi olan yaradildigi yerdir Fletayron Manhettenin 5 ci dairesinin bir hissesidir IstinadlarJackson Kenneth T ed 2010 The Encyclopedia of New York City 2nd ed New Haven Yale University Press p 2179 ISBN 978 0 300 11465 2 Flatiron district Neighborhood in Manhattan lying between Chelsea and Gramercy Park and bounded to the north by 23rd Street to the east by Park Avenue to the south by 14th Street and to the west by Sixth Avenue Jack Finnegan Newcomer s Handbook For Moving to and Living in New York City 2007 seh 37 ISBN 9780912301723 2019 04 21 tarixinde Istifade tarixi 2021 01 01 Aileen Jacobson Living in the Flatiron District Not Just a Place to Shop New York Times 2017 02 22 2022 02 09 tarixinde Istifade tarixi 2021 01 01 John Freeman Gill Flatiron District Living In Profile Always High Keeps Current Too New York Times 2012 04 01 2021 03 14 tarixinde Istifade tarixi 2021 01 01 The boundaries of the Flatiron can be a subject of disagreement but the district generally runs from the Avenue of the Americas to Park Avenue South between 14th and 23rd Streets excluding the blocks adjacent to Union Square Still as often happens when a neighborhood becomes popular some see its borders as expanded The Flatiron 23rd Street Partnership places the northern boundary in the upper 20s an area some call NoMad or North of Madison Square Park Flatiron District 2019 04 21 tarixinde Istifade tarixi 2018 01 12 New York City real estate map showing the Flatiron District bounded by 14th Street 23rd Street Sixth Avenue and Park Avenue South Neighborhoods in New York City do not have official status and their boundaries are not specifically set by the city There are a number of whose boundaries are officially set but these are fairly large and generally contain a number of neighborhoods and the neighborhood map sentyabr 15 2012 at the Wayback Machine issued by the Department of City Planning only shows the largest ones Because of this the definition of where neighborhoods begin and end is subject to a variety of forces including the efforts of real estate concerns to promote certain areas the use of neighborhood names in media news reports and the everyday usage of people Karim Lahlou Startups move to co shared offices amid high real estate prices August 21 2014 tarixinde Istifade tarixi August 20 2014 Fergal Gallagher The mysterious origins of the term Silicon Alley revealed Built in NYC 2015 11 04 2022 05 05 tarixinde Istifade tarixi 2021 01 01 NYC Planning Community Profiles communityprofiles planning nyc gov New York City Department of City Planning November 10 2021 tarixinde Istifade tarixi June 6 2018