Deák_Ferenc_signature.jpg(514 × 280 piksel, fayl həcmi: 21 KB, MIME növü: image/jpeg)
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hal-hazırkı | 06:58, 13 fevral 2009 | ![]() | 514 × 280 (21 KB) | {{Information |Description={{hu|Deák Ferenc aláírása 1848. június 26-ikán kelt levelén}} |Source=[http://mek.niif.hu/00800/00893/html/doc/c400539.htm Szilágyi Sándor: A magyar nemzet története] |Date=1848 |Author=Ferenc Deák |Permission= |othe |
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- Franciscus Deák
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- Ferenc Deák
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- Ferenc Deák
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- Деак, Ференц (политик)
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Fayl Faylin tarixcesi Faylin istifadesi Faylin qlobal istifadesi MetamelumatlarDaha yuksek versiyasi yoxdur Deak Ferenc signature jpg 514 280 piksel fayl hecmi 21 KB MIME novu image jpeg Bu fayl Vikianbarda yerlesir Aciqlama sehifesindeki melumatlar asagida gosterilib Vikianbar azad lisenziyali media anbaridir Siz de tohfe vere bilersiniz Xulase IzahDeak Ferenc signature jpg Magyar Deak Ferenc alairasa 1848 junius 26 ikan kelt levelen Tarix 1848 Menbe Szilagyi Sandor A magyar nemzet tortenete Muellif Ferenc Deak Lisenziya Public domain Public domain false false This work is in the public domain in its country of origin and other countries and areas where the copyright term is the author s life plus 70 years or fewer You must also include a United States public domain tag to indicate why this work is in the public domain in the United States nbsp Note that a few countries have copyright terms longer than 70 years Mexico has 100 years Jamaica has 95 years Colombia has 80 years and Guatemala and Samoa have 75 years This image may not be in the public domain in these countries which moreover do not implement the rule of the shorter term Honduras has a general copyright term of 75 years but it does implement the rule of the shorter term Copyright may extend on works created by French who died for France in World War II more information Russians who served in the Eastern Front of World War II known as the Great Patriotic War in Russia and posthumously rehabilitated victims of Soviet repressions more information Bu fayl butun elaqeli ve qonsu huquqlar da daxil olmaqla muellif huquqlari qanununa esasen melum mehdudiyyetlerden azad oldugu mueyyen edilmisdir https creativecommons org publicdomain mark 1 0 PDM Creative Commons Public Domain Mark 1 0 false falseBasliqlarazerbaycancaBu faylin neyi temsil etdiyine dair bir setirlik izahat elave etBu faylda tesvir olunan elementlertesvir ediryaranma tarixi1848 Faylin tarixcesi Faylin evvelki versiyasini gormek ucun gun tarix bolmesindeki tarixlere klikleyin Tarix VaxtMiniaturOlculerIstifadeciSerh hal hazirki06 58 13 fevral 2009514 280 21 KB Csanady Information Description hu Deak Ferenc alairasa 1848 junius 26 ikan kelt levelen Source http mek niif hu 00800 00893 html doc c400539 htm Szilagyi Sandor A magyar nemzet tortenete Date 1848 Author Ferenc Deak Permission othe Faylin istifadesi Asagidaki sehife bu fayli istifade edir Ferens Deak Faylin qlobal istifadesi Bu fayl asagidaki vikilerde istifade olunur ar wikipedia org layihesinde istifadesi فيرنس دياك arz wikipedia org layihesinde istifadesi فيرنس دياك ba wikipedia org layihesinde istifadesi Ferenc Deak sәjәsmәn be wikipedia org layihesinde istifadesi Ferenc Deak bg wikipedia org layihesinde istifadesi Ferenc Deak ca wikipedia org layihesinde istifadesi Ferenc Deak cs wikipedia org layihesinde istifadesi Ferenc Deak eo wikipedia org layihesinde istifadesi Ferenc Deak es wikipedia org layihesinde istifadesi Ferenc Deak et wikipedia org layihesinde istifadesi Ferenc Deak fa wikipedia org layihesinde istifadesi فرنتس دئاک fr wikipedia org layihesinde istifadesi Ferenc Deak he wikipedia org layihesinde istifadesi פרנץ דיאק hu wikipedia org layihesinde istifadesi Deak Ferenc igazsagugy miniszter hy wikipedia org layihesinde istifadesi Ֆերենց Դեակ it wikipedia org layihesinde istifadesi Ferenc Deak la wikipedia org layihesinde istifadesi Franciscus Deak pl wikipedia org layihesinde istifadesi Ferenc Deak pt wikipedia org layihesinde istifadesi Ferenc Deak de Kehida ro wikipedia org layihesinde istifadesi Ferenc Deak ru wikipedia org layihesinde istifadesi Deak Ferenc politik sv wikipedia org layihesinde istifadesi Ferenc Deak politiker tt wikipedia org layihesinde istifadesi Ferenc Deak sәyasәtche uk wikipedia org layihesinde istifadesi Ferenc Deak politik www wikidata org layihesinde istifadesi Q508823Metamelumatlar Bu faylda fotoaparat ve ya skanerle elave olunmus melumatlar var Eger fayl sonradan redakte olunubsa bezi parametrler bu sekilde gosterilenlerden ferqli ola biler 95 error0 Menbe https az wikipedia org wiki Fayl Deak Ferenc signature jpg