Faylın orijinalı(SVG faylı, nominal olaraq 669 × 747 piksel, faylın ölçüsü: 879 KB)
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Tarix/Vaxt | Miniatür | Ölçülər | İstifadəçi | Şərh | |
hal-hazırkı | 18:06, 6 iyul 2021 | ![]() | 669 × 747 (879 KB) | lower part of ribbon edited as requested by Veverve | |
14:39, 6 noyabr 2020 | ![]() | 669 × 747 (1,52 MB) | Higher contrast in the body of eagle as requested by Speravir and approved by original requester Veverve. | ||
14:10, 29 oktyabr 2020 | ![]() | 669 × 747 (1,52 MB) | changed the ribbon tie as requested by Veverve | ||
14:32, 27 oktyabr 2020 | ![]() | 669 × 747 (1,53 MB) | had to save as plain svg, optimized didn't work | ||
14:27, 27 oktyabr 2020 | ![]() | 669 × 747 (821 KB) | trying to solve preview issues | ||
14:21, 27 oktyabr 2020 | ![]() | 669 × 747 (821 KB) | {{Information |description ={{en|1=Coat of Arms of the Ecumenical Patriarchate Constantinople as found on the wall of the St. George's Cathedral, Istanbul. It is described by the Ecumenical Patriarchate on its official website as "Στὰ βημόθυρα τῆς Ὡραίας Πύλης ὑψώνεται τὸ αἰώνιον σύμβολον τοῦ Πατριαρχείου, ὁ δικέφαλος ἀετός" ("the [https://en.wiktionary.org/wiki/%CE%B1%E1%BC%B0%CF%8E%CE%BD%CE%B9%CE%BF%CF%82 eternal] symbol of the Patriarchate, the double-headed eagle") ([https://ec-patr.o... |
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Fayl Faylin tarixcesi Faylin istifadesi Faylin qlobal istifadesi MetamelumatlarBu SVG faylin PNG formatindaki bu gorunusunun olcusu 537 600 piksel Diger olculer 215 240 piksel 430 480 piksel 688 768 piksel 917 1 024 piksel 1 834 2 048 piksel 669 747 piksel Faylin orijinali SVG fayli nominal olaraq 669 747 piksel faylin olcusu 879 KB Bu fayl Vikianbarda yerlesir Aciqlama sehifesindeki melumatlar asagida gosterilib Vikianbar azad lisenziyali media anbaridir Siz de tohfe vere bilersiniz Xulase IzahCoat of Arms of the Ecumenical Patriarchate Constantinople St George s Cathedral Istanbul svg English Coat of Arms of the Ecumenical Patriarchate Constantinople as found on the wall of the St George s Cathedral Istanbul above the entrance It is described by the Ecumenical Patriarchate on its official website as the eternal symbol of the Patriarchate the double headed eagle source and an all round double headed eagle the emblem of the Ecumenical Patriarchate and a symbol of the hopes of the Nation which goes back to the Byzantine imperial symbolism source It is used as an illustration for the EP on its official website s home page The meaning of the Greek letters OIK P and K P are not indicated but they probably mean Oikoymeniko Patriarxeio Ecumenical Patriarchate and Kwnstantinoypolews of Constantinople This version is more faithful than File CoA of the Ecumenical Patriarchate Constantinople St George s Cathedral of Istanbul version png to the original model Francais nbsp Armoiries du patriarcat œcumenique de Constantinople telles qu elles se trouvent sur le mur de la cathedrale Saint Georges d Istanbul au dessus de l entree Il est decrit par le Patriarcat œcumenique sur son site officiel comme le symbole eternel du Patriarcat l aigle a deux tetes et un aigle a deux tetes polyvalent qui remonte au symbolisme imperial byzantin Tarix 27 oktyabr 2020 Menbe Oz isi This file was derived from CoA of the Ecumenical Patriarchate Constantinople St George s Cathedral of Istanbul version png Byzantine eagle emblem of the Ecumenical Patriarchate of Constantinople entrance of the St George s Cathedral Istanbul jpg Royal Crown of Denmark svg Church of St George Istanbul August 2010 jpg https ec patr org wp content uploads 2019 10 dikefalos png Information from Veverve Muellif Goran tek en following request by and knowledge from Veverve Icaze Faylin tekrar istifadesi Bu fayl Creative Commons Attribution Share Alike 4 0 Beynelxalq lisenziyasi altinda yayimlanir Atribut Goran tek enSiz hec bir mehdudiyyet olmadan paylasa bilersiniz eseri kocure paylaya ve oture bilersiniz remiks ede bilersiniz eseri adaptasiya ede bilersiniz Asagidaki sertlere emel etmekle istinad vermek Muvafiq istinad vermeli lisenziyaya kecid elave etmeli ve deyisiklikler edilib edilmediyini bildirmelisiniz Siz bunu istenilen sekilde ede bilersiniz lakin lisenziya verenin size sexsen icaze verdiyini gosteren formada yox benzer paylasma Eseri remix edirsinizse deyisdirirsinizse ve ya uzerinde is aparirsinizsa oz tohfelerinizi orijinalda oldugu kimi eyni ve ya uygun lisenziya altinda yayimlamalisiniz https creativecommons org licenses by sa 4 0 CC BY SA 4 0 Creative Commons Attribution Share Alike 4 0 true true SVG nbsp genesisInfoField nbsp The SVG code is valid nbsp This map was created with Inkscape or with something else BasliqlarazerbaycancaBu faylin neyi temsil etdiyine dair bir setirlik izahat elave etingilisCoat of Arms of the Ecumenical Patriarchate Constantinople as found on the wall of the St George s Cathedral Istanbul fransizArmoiries du patriarcat œcumenique de ConstantinopleBu faylda tesvir olunan elementlertesvir edircopyright status nbsp ingiliscopyrighted nbsp ingilislisenziyaCreative Commons Attribution ShareAlike 4 0 International nbsp ingilisyaranma tarixi27 oktyabr 2020source of file nbsp ingilisoriginal creation by uploader nbsp ingilismedia type nbsp ingilisimage svg xmlchecksum nbsp ingilis964fb2453f3bb58c8e3e19284d7488d2548c012bteyinetme usulu SHA 1data size nbsp ingilis899 931 Baythundurluyu boyu747 pikseleni669 piksel Faylin tarixcesi Faylin evvelki versiyasini gormek ucun gun tarix bolmesindeki tarixlere klikleyin Tarix VaxtMiniaturOlculerIstifadeciSerh hal hazirki18 06 6 iyul 2021669 747 879 KB Goran tek enlower part of ribbon edited as requested by Veverve 14 39 6 noyabr 2020669 747 1 52 MB Goran tek enHigher contrast in the body of eagle as requested by Speravir and approved by original requester Veverve 14 10 29 oktyabr 2020669 747 1 52 MB Goran tek enchanged the ribbon tie as requested by Veverve 14 32 27 oktyabr 2020669 747 1 53 MB Goran tek enhad to save as plain svg optimized didn 039 t work 14 27 27 oktyabr 2020669 747 821 KB Goran tek entrying to solve preview issues 14 21 27 oktyabr 2020669 747 821 KB Goran tek en Information description en 1 Coat of Arms of the Ecumenical Patriarchate Constantinople as found on the wall of the St George 039 s Cathedral Istanbul It is described by the Ecumenical Patriarchate on its official website as Stὰ bhmo8yra tῆs Ὡraias Pylhs ὑpswnetai tὸ aἰwnion symbolon toῦ Patriarxeioy ὁ dikefalos ἀetos the https en wiktionary org wiki CE B1 E1 BC B0 CF 8E CE BD CE B9 CE BF CF 82 eternal symbol of the Patriarchate the double headed eagle https ec patr o Faylin istifadesi Asagidaki sehife bu fayli istifade edir Konstantinopol Pravoslav Kilsesi Faylin qlobal istifadesi Bu fayl asagidaki vikilerde istifade olunur ar wikipedia org layihesinde istifadesi آيا صوفيا ردود الفعل على عملية طوفان الأقصى arz wikipedia org layihesinde istifadesi بطريركية القسطنطينه المسكونيه be tarask wikipedia org layihesinde istifadesi Ab abarone kanstytucyjnaga ladu y sfery dzejnasci religijnyh arganizacyyay zakon Ukrainy be wikipedia org layihesinde istifadesi Grechaskae pravaslaye Zakon Ukrainy Ab abarone kanstytucyjnaga ladu y sfery dzejnasci religijnyh arganizacyj bg wikipedia org layihesinde istifadesi Grazhdanska vojna vv Vizantiya 1341 1347 br wikipedia org layihesinde istifadesi Patriarchiezh eukumenek Kergustentin ca wikipedia org layihesinde istifadesi Esglesia Ortodoxa de Constantinoble cs wikipedia org layihesinde istifadesi Byzantska rise Konstantinopolsky patriarchat Apostolos Daniilidis Dimitrios Kommatas Ioakeim Billis Smaragdos Karagiannidis Nathanail Diakopanagiotis Paisios Aravantinos Stefanos Kates Kyrillos Papanthimou Chrysostomos Pitsis Kyrillos Diamantakis Damaskinos Papagiannakis Amfilochios Andronikakis Gerasimos Marmatakis Prodromos Xenakis Methodios Vernidakis Paisios Larentzakis Ioakeim Archontos Evmenios Tamiolakis Vartholomaios Kessidis Konstantinopolsky ekumenicky patriarcha de wikipedia org layihesinde istifadesi Liste griechischer Phrasen Delta el wikipedia org layihesinde istifadesi Patriarxhs A8hnagoras Apostolos Andreas Patriarxhs Bar8olomaios Patriarxhs Iwakeim G Patriarxhs Germanos E Meletios Meta3akhs Patriarxhs Iwakeim B Staxys Onhsimos Byzantioy Ploytarxos Byzantioy Sedekiwn Byzantioy Diogenhs Byzantioy Eley8erios Byzantioy Fhli3 Byzantioy Polykarpos B Byzantioy Sxisma toy 1054 A8hnodwros Byzantioy Eyzwios Byzantioy Bu faylin qlobal istifadesine baxin Metamelumatlar Bu faylda fotoaparat ve ya skanerle elave olunmus melumatlar var Eger fayl sonradan redakte olunubsa bezi parametrler bu sekilde gosterilenlerden ferqli ola biler Genislik668 57Hundurluk746 93 Menbe https az wikipedia org wiki Fayl Coat of Arms of the Ecumenical Patriarchate Constantinople St George 27s Cathedral Istanbul svg