Edvard Burton (ing. Edward Burton; 13 fevral 1794 – 19 yanvar 1836) — İngiltərə ilahiyyatçısı. O, Oksfordda ilahiyyat üzrə professoru olmuşdur.
Edvard Burton | |
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Doğum tarixi | 13 fevral 1794 |
Vəfat tarixi | 19 yanvar 1836 (41 yaşında) |
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Edvard Burton 13 fevral 1794-cü ildə Şrusberidə anadan olmuşdur. O, mayor Edvard Burtonun oğlu olmuşdur. O, Vestminster məktəbində təhsil almışdır. Burton 15 may 1812-ci ildə Oksford Krist kilsəsinin ümumi üzvü kimi təhsil təhsil almış, növbəti il il tələbə adını qazanmış və 1815-ci ildə həm klassik, həm də riyaziyyat üzrə birinci sinif əldə etmişdir. O, 29 oktyabr 1815-ci ildə bakalavr dərəcəsini aldıqdan sonra Staffordşirin Pettenhall kuratorluğuna təyin edilmişdir. O, 28 may 1818-ci ildə magistratura təhsilini davam etdirmişdir.
Onun əsərləri arasında var:
- ‘An Introduction to the Metre of the Greek Tragedians,’ 1814.
- ‘A Description of the Antiquities … of Rome,’ 1821, 1828.
- ‘The Power of the Keys,’ 1823.
- ‘Testimonies of the Ante-Nicene Fathers to the Divinity of Christ,’ 1826, 1829.
- ‘An edition of the Works of Bishop Bull,’ 1827.
- An Inquiry into the Heresies of the Apostolic Age Bampton Lectures 1829.
- ‘The Greek Testament, with English notes,’ 1830, 1835.
- ‘Testimonies of the Ante-Nicene Fathers to the Doctrine of the Trinity,’ 1831.
- ‘Advice for the Proper Observance of the Sunday,’ 1831, 1852.
- ‘The Three Primers … of Henry VIII,’ 1834.
- ‘Lectures on Ecclesiastical History,’ 1831, 1833.
- ‘An edition of Pearson on the Creed,’ 1833.
- ‘Thoughts on the Separation of Church and State,’ 1834, 1868. He also superintended the publication of Peter Elmsley's edition of the ‘Medea’ and ‘Heraclidæ,’ 1828, and of some posthumous works of Bishop Lloyd. Among the works on which he was engaged at the time of his death was an edition of Eusebius, published 1838, 1856; the notes of this volume were separately edited by Heinichen, 1840; the text was used in the edition of Eusebius of 1872. Burton was also the author of other smaller works.
- Dictionary of National Biography, Burton, Edward (1794–1836), Church of England clergyman and theologian by William Hunt, rev. H. C. G. Matthew.
- This article incorporates text from a publication now in the public domain: Hunt, William (1886). "Burton, Edward (1794-1836)". In Stephen, Leslie (ed.). Dictionary of National Biography. Vol. 08. London: Smith, Elder & Co.
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Edvard Burton ing Edward Burton 13 fevral 1794 19 yanvar 1836 Ingiltere ilahiyyatcisi O Oksfordda ilahiyyat uzre professoru olmusdur Edvard BurtonDogum tarixi 13 fevral 1794 1794 02 13 Vefat tarixi 19 yanvar 1836 1836 01 19 41 yasinda Vikianbarda elaqeli mediafayllarHeyatiEdvard Burton 13 fevral 1794 cu ilde Srusberide anadan olmusdur O mayor Edvard Burtonun oglu olmusdur O Vestminster mektebinde tehsil almisdir Burton 15 may 1812 ci ilde Oksford Krist kilsesinin umumi uzvu kimi tehsil tehsil almis novbeti il il telebe adini qazanmis ve 1815 ci ilde hem klassik hem de riyaziyyat uzre birinci sinif elde etmisdir O 29 oktyabr 1815 ci ilde bakalavr derecesini aldiqdan sonra Staffordsirin Pettenhall kuratorluguna teyin edilmisdir O 28 may 1818 ci ilde magistratura tehsilini davam etdirmisdir EserleriOnun eserleri arasinda var An Introduction to the Metre of the Greek Tragedians 1814 A Description of the Antiquities of Rome 1821 1828 The Power of the Keys 1823 Testimonies of the Ante Nicene Fathers to the Divinity of Christ 1826 1829 An edition of the Works of Bishop Bull 1827 An Inquiry into the Heresies of the Apostolic Age Bampton Lectures 1829 The Greek Testament with English notes 1830 1835 Testimonies of the Ante Nicene Fathers to the Doctrine of the Trinity 1831 Advice for the Proper Observance of the Sunday 1831 1852 The Three Primers of Henry VIII 1834 Lectures on Ecclesiastical History 1831 1833 An edition of Pearson on the Creed 1833 Thoughts on the Separation of Church and State 1834 1868 He also superintended the publication of Peter Elmsley s edition of the Medea and Heraclidae 1828 and of some posthumous works of Bishop Lloyd Among the works on which he was engaged at the time of his death was an edition of Eusebius published 1838 1856 the notes of this volume were separately edited by Heinichen 1840 the text was used in the edition of Eusebius of 1872 Burton was also the author of other smaller works IstinadlarDictionary of National Biography Burton Edward 1794 1836 Church of England clergyman and theologian by William Hunt rev H C G Matthew This article incorporates text from a publication now in the public domain Hunt William 1886 Burton Edward 1794 1836 In Stephen Leslie ed Dictionary of National Biography Vol 08 London Smith Elder amp Co