Brent Donald Şou (ing. Brent Donald Shaw; 27 may 1947 və ya 1947, Edmonton) — Kanada və ABŞ tarixçisi. Fəlsəfə doktoru (1978), 2004-cü ildən Prinston Universitetinin professoru, ondan əvvəl Letbric və Pensilvaniya universitetlərində professor, üzvü (2012).
Brent Şou | |
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Doğum tarixi | 27 may 1947 (77 yaş) və ya 1947 |
Doğum yeri | |
Elm sahələri | tarix, Qədim Dünya |
Elmi dərəcəsi | |
İş yerləri | |
Təhsili |
1976–1977-ci illərdə Birminhem Universitetində qədim tarix üzrə müəllim olmuşdur. 1977–1996-cı illərdə dərs demiş, 1981-ci ildən professordur. 1994-cü ildə Təkmilləşdirilmiş Tədqiqat İnstitutunda professordur. 1989–1995-ci illərdə Prinston Universitetində qonaq professor olmuşdur. 1996-cı ildən Pensilvaniya Universitetində professor olmuşdur. 2004-cü ildən Prinston Universitetində klassiklər üzrə professor olmuşdur. Pensilvaniya Universitetinin fəxri magistr dərəcəsinə layiq görülmüşdür (1996).
1969-cu ildən evlidir.
Seçilmiş əsərləri
- Spartacus and the Slave Wars: A Brief History with Documents (2001). Bedford/St. Martin's. ISBN
- Sacred Violence: African Christians and Sectarian Hatred in the Age of Augustine (2011). Cambridge University Press. ISBN
- Bringing in the Sheaves: Economy and Metaphor in the Roman World (2013). University of Toronto Press. ISBN
- Finley, Moses I. (1983). Economy and Society in Ancient Greece (Saller, Richard P. and Shaw, Brent D. eds.). Penguin (Pelican). ISBN
- Finley, Moses I. (1998). Ancient Slavery and Modern Ideology (Shaw, Brent D., ed. Reprinting of 1980 edition). Markus Wiener Publishers. ISBN
- Shaw, Brent D., et. al. (2008). Worlds Together, Worlds Apart 2nd edition. W. W. Norton. ISBN
Toplanılmış sənədlər
- Environment and Society in Roman North Africa (1995). Variorum. ISBN
- Rulers, Nomads, and Christians in Roman North Africa (1995). Variorum. ISBN
- "Eaters of Flesh, Drinkers of Milk: the Ancient Mediterranean Ideology of the Pastoral Nomad". Ancient Society. 13: 5–31. December 1982.
- "Bandits in the Roman Empire". Past & Present. 105: 326–374. 1984.
- Revised with addendum on recent research in: Shaw, Brent, Bandits in the Roman Empire // Osborne, R. (redaktor), Studies in Ancient Greek and Roman Society, Cambridge University Press, 2003, 326–374.
- Shaw, Brent D. "The Family in Late Antiquity: The Experience of Augustine". Past & Present. 115 (115). 1987: 3–51. doi:10.1093/past/115.1.3. ISSN 0031-2746. JSTOR 650838.
- Shaw, Brent D. "The Age of Roman Girls at Marriage: Some Reconsiderations". Journal of Roman Studies. 77. 1987: 30–46. doi:10.2307/300573. JSTOR 300573.
- Shaw, Brent D. "The Passion of Perpetua". Past and Present. 139. 1993: 3–45. doi:10.1093/past/139.1.3.
- Revised with addendum on recent research in: Shaw, Brent, The Passion of Perpetua // Osborne, R. (redaktor), Studies in Ancient Greek and Roman Society, Cambridge University Press, 2003, 286–325.
- Shaw, Brent D. "Seasons of Death: Aspects of Mortality in Imperial Rome". The Journal of Roman Studies. 86. 1996: 100–138. doi:10.1017/s0075435800057452.
- Shaw, Brent, Climate, Environment, and History: the Case of Roman North Africa // Wigley, T.M.L.; Ingram, M.; Farmer, G. (redaktorlar ), Climate and History: Studies in Past Climates and their Impact on Man, Cambridge University Press, 2003, 379–403.
- Shaw, Brent D. "The Myth of the Neronian Persecution". Journal of Roman Studies. 105. 2015: 73–100. doi:10.1017/S0075435815000982.
- Shaw, Brent D. // Çex Milli Hakimiyyət Məlumat bazası.
- "APS Member History". 2021-02-07 tarixində . İstifadə tarixi: 2023-01-06.
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Brent Donald Sou ing Brent Donald Shaw 27 may 1947 ve ya 1947 Edmonton Kanada ve ABS tarixcisi Felsefe doktoru 1978 2004 cu ilden Prinston Universitetinin professoru ondan evvel Letbric ve Pensilvaniya universitetlerinde professor uzvu 2012 Brent SouDogum tarixi 27 may 1947 1947 05 27 77 yas ve ya 1947Dogum yeri Edmonton Alberta KanadaElm saheleri tarix Qedim DunyaElmi derecesi felsefe doktoruIs yerleri Prinston Universiteti Pensilvaniya UniversitetiTehsili Kembric Universiteti Alberta Universiteti 1976 1977 ci illerde Birminhem Universitetinde qedim tarix uzre muellim olmusdur 1977 1996 ci illerde ders demis 1981 ci ilden professordur 1994 cu ilde Tekmillesdirilmis Tedqiqat Institutunda professordur 1989 1995 ci illerde Prinston Universitetinde qonaq professor olmusdur 1996 ci ilden Pensilvaniya Universitetinde professor olmusdur 2004 cu ilden Prinston Universitetinde klassikler uzre professor olmusdur Pensilvaniya Universitetinin fexri magistr derecesine layiq gorulmusdur 1996 1969 cu ilden evlidir Secilmis eserleriKitablar Spartacus and the Slave Wars A Brief History with Documents 2001 Bedford St Martin s ISBN 0 312 23703 0 Sacred Violence African Christians and Sectarian Hatred in the Age of Augustine 2011 Cambridge University Press ISBN 0 521 12725 4 Bringing in the Sheaves Economy and Metaphor in the Roman World 2013 University of Toronto Press ISBN 1 442 64479 6Hemmuellif Finley Moses I 1983 Economy and Society in Ancient Greece Saller Richard P and Shaw Brent D eds Penguin Pelican ISBN 0 140 22520 X Finley Moses I 1998 Ancient Slavery and Modern Ideology Shaw Brent D ed Reprinting of 1980 edition Markus Wiener Publishers ISBN 1 558 76171 3 Shaw Brent D et al 2008 Worlds Together Worlds Apart 2nd edition W W Norton ISBN 0 393 93493 4Toplanilmis senedler Environment and Society in Roman North Africa 1995 Variorum ISBN 0 860 78479 7 Rulers Nomads and Christians in Roman North Africa 1995 Variorum ISBN 0 860 78490 8Meqaleler Eaters of Flesh Drinkers of Milk the Ancient Mediterranean Ideology of the Pastoral Nomad Ancient Society 13 5 31 December 1982 Bandits in the Roman Empire Past amp Present 105 326 374 1984 Revised with addendum on recent research in Shaw Brent Bandits in the Roman Empire Osborne R redaktor Studies in Ancient Greek and Roman Society Cambridge University Press 2003 326 374 dd Shaw Brent D The Family in Late Antiquity The Experience of Augustine Past amp Present 115 115 1987 3 51 doi 10 1093 past 115 1 3 ISSN 0031 2746 JSTOR 650838 Shaw Brent D The Age of Roman Girls at Marriage Some Reconsiderations Journal of Roman Studies 77 1987 30 46 doi 10 2307 300573 JSTOR 300573 Shaw Brent D The Passion of Perpetua Past and Present 139 1993 3 45 doi 10 1093 past 139 1 3 Revised with addendum on recent research in Shaw Brent The Passion of Perpetua Osborne R redaktor Studies in Ancient Greek and Roman Society Cambridge University Press 2003 286 325 dd Shaw Brent D Seasons of Death Aspects of Mortality in Imperial Rome The Journal of Roman Studies 86 1996 100 138 doi 10 1017 s0075435800057452 Shaw Brent Climate Environment and History the Case of Roman North Africa Wigley T M L Ingram M Farmer G redaktorlar Climate and History Studies in Past Climates and their Impact on Man Cambridge University Press 2003 379 403 Shaw Brent D The Myth of the Neronian Persecution Journal of Roman Studies 105 2015 73 100 doi 10 1017 S0075435815000982 IstinadlarShaw Brent D Cex Milli Hakimiyyet Melumat bazasi https www nybooks com contributors brent d shaw APS Member History 2021 02 07 tarixinde Istifade tarixi 2023 01 06 Xarici kecidlerPrinston Universitetinin saytinda