Barbara Cillian Briqqs (ing. Barbara Gillian Briggs d: 1934) — Avstraliya botaniki.
Barbara Cillian Briqqs | |
Doğum tarixi | 15 iyun 1934 (89 yaş) və ya 22 noyabr 1934(89 yaş) |
Doğum yeri |
Elm sahəsi | botanika |
Təhsili | |
Mükafatları | ![]() |
Elmi fəaliyyəti
Barbara Cillian Briqqs əsasən toxumlu bitkilər üzrə ixtisaslaşmışdır.
- Briggs, B.G. 1962. Interspecific hybridization in the Ranunculus lappaceus group. Evolution 16: 372–390.
- Johnson, L.A.S., & Briggs, B.G. 1963. Evolution in the Proteaceae. Austral. J. Bot. 11: 21–61.
- Johnson, L.A.S. & Briggs, B.G. 1975. On the Proteaceae – the evolution and classification of a southern family. J. Linn. Soc. (London) Bot., 70: 83–182.
- Briggs, B.G., & Johnson, L.A.S. 1979. Evolution in the Myrtaceae – evidence from inflorescence structure. Proc. Linn. Soc. New S. Wales 102: 157–256.
- Johnson L.A.S. & Briggs, B.G. 1981. Three old southern families – Myrtaceae, Proteaceae and Restionaceae. In Keast, A. (ed.) Ecological Biogeography of Australia. Pp. 427–464. W. Junk: The Hague.
- Johnson, L.A.S. & Briggs, B.G. 1984. Myrtales and Myrtaceae – a phylogenetic analysis. Ann. Missouri Bot. Gard. 71: 700–756.
- Briggs, B.G. 1986. Alpine Ranunculi of the Kosciusko plateau – habitat change and hybridization. In B.A. Barlow (ed), Flora and Fauna of Alpine Australasia: Ages and Origins. CSIRO. pp. 401–412.
- Briggs, B.G. 1991. One hundred years of plant taxonomy, 1889–1989. Ann. Missouri Bot. Gard. 78: 19–32.
- Briggs, B.G., & Ehrendorfer, F. 1992. A revision of the Australian species of Parahebe and Derwentia (Scrophulariaceae). Telopea 5: 241–287.
- Briggs, B.G. & Johnson, L.A.S. (1998) Georgeantha hexandra, a new genus and species of Ecdeiocoleaceae (Poales) from Western Australia. Telopea 7: 307–312.
- Briggs, B.G. & Johnson, L.A.S. (1998) New genera and species of Australian Restionaceae (Poales). Telopea 7: 345–373.
- Linder, H.P., Briggs, B.G. & Johnson, L.A.S. (1998) Anarthriaceae: pp. 19–21, Ecdeiocoleaceae: pp 195–197, Restionaceae pp. 425–445 in, K. Kubitzki (Ed.) The Families and Genera of Flowering Plants IV. Springer-Verlag: Berlin.
- Briggs, B.G. & Johnson, L.A.S. (1999) A guide to a new classification of Restionaceae and allied families. Pp. 25–56 in Meney, K.A. & Pate, J.S. (eds) Australian Rushes, Biology, Identification and Conservation of Restionaceae and allied families. (University of Western Australia Press, Nedlands).
- Briggs, B.G., Marchant, A.D., Gilmore, S. and Porter, C.L. (2000). A molecular phylogeny of Restionaceae and allies. Pp. 661–671 in Wilson, K.L. & Morrison, D. (eds.) Monocots – Systematics and Evolution (Proc. 2nd Int. Conf. Comparative Biol. Monocots, Sydney 1998). (CSIRO: Melbourne).
- Saarela, J.M., Rai, H.S., Doyle, J.A., Endress, P.K., Mathews, S., Marchant, A.D, Briggs, B.G. and Graham, S.W. (2007) Hydatellaceae identified as a new branch near the base of the angiosperm phylogenetic tree. Nature 446, 312–315.
- Garnock-Jones PJ, Albach D and Briggs BG (2007) Botanical names in Southern Hemisphere Veronica (Plantaginaceae): sect. Detzneria, sect. Hebe, and sect. Labiatoides. Taxon: 56: 571–582.
- Marchant, A.D and Briggs, B.G. (2007) Ecdeiocoleaceae and Joinvilleaceae, sisters of Poaceae (Poales): evidence from rbcL and matK data. Telopea 11: 437–450.
Xarici keçidlər
- "Biographical memoir of Lawrence Alexander Sidney Johnson, 1926-1997" by Barbara G. Briggs 2006-05-10 at the Wayback Machine
- "What is significant – The Wollemi pine or the southern rushes?" by Barbara G. Briggs
- Encyclopedia of Australian Science (ing.).
- "International Plant Names Index: Barbara Gillian Briggs (1934)". 2016-03-12 tarixində . İstifadə tarixi: 2020-07-19.
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Barbara Cillian Briqqs ing Barbara Gillian Briggs d 1934 Avstraliya botaniki Barbara Cillian BriqqsDogum tarixi 15 iyun 1934 1934 06 15 89 yas ve ya 22 noyabr 1934 1934 11 22 89 yas Dogum yeri London London qrafligi d Ingiltere Birlesmis KralliqElm sahesi botanikaTehsili Monas UniversitetiMukafatlariElmi fealiyyetiBarbara Cillian Briqqs esasen toxumlu bitkiler uzre ixtisaslasmisdir EserleriBriggs B G 1962 Interspecific hybridization in the Ranunculus lappaceus group Evolution 16 372 390 Johnson L A S amp Briggs B G 1963 Evolution in the Proteaceae Austral J Bot 11 21 61 Johnson L A S amp Briggs B G 1975 On the Proteaceae the evolution and classification of a southern family J Linn Soc London Bot 70 83 182 Briggs B G amp Johnson L A S 1979 Evolution in the Myrtaceae evidence from inflorescence structure Proc Linn Soc New S Wales 102 157 256 Johnson L A S amp Briggs B G 1981 Three old southern families Myrtaceae Proteaceae and Restionaceae In Keast A ed Ecological Biogeography of Australia Pp 427 464 W Junk The Hague Johnson L A S amp Briggs B G 1984 Myrtales and Myrtaceae a phylogenetic analysis Ann Missouri Bot Gard 71 700 756 Briggs B G 1986 Alpine Ranunculi of the Kosciusko plateau habitat change and hybridization In B A Barlow ed Flora and Fauna of Alpine Australasia Ages and Origins CSIRO pp 401 412 Briggs B G 1991 One hundred years of plant taxonomy 1889 1989 Ann Missouri Bot Gard 78 19 32 Briggs B G amp Ehrendorfer F 1992 A revision of the Australian species of Parahebe and Derwentia Scrophulariaceae Telopea 5 241 287 Briggs B G amp Johnson L A S 1998 Georgeantha hexandra a new genus and species of Ecdeiocoleaceae Poales from Western Australia Telopea 7 307 312 Briggs B G amp Johnson L A S 1998 New genera and species of Australian Restionaceae Poales Telopea 7 345 373 Linder H P Briggs B G amp Johnson L A S 1998 Anarthriaceae pp 19 21 Ecdeiocoleaceae pp 195 197 Restionaceae pp 425 445 in K Kubitzki Ed The Families and Genera of Flowering Plants IV Springer Verlag Berlin Briggs B G amp Johnson L A S 1999 A guide to a new classification of Restionaceae and allied families Pp 25 56 in Meney K A amp Pate J S eds Australian Rushes Biology Identification and Conservation of Restionaceae and allied families University of Western Australia Press Nedlands Briggs B G Marchant A D Gilmore S and Porter C L 2000 A molecular phylogeny of Restionaceae and allies Pp 661 671 in Wilson K L amp Morrison D eds Monocots Systematics and Evolution Proc 2nd Int Conf Comparative Biol Monocots Sydney 1998 CSIRO Melbourne Saarela J M Rai H S Doyle J A Endress P K Mathews S Marchant A D Briggs B G and Graham S W 2007 Hydatellaceae identified as a new branch near the base of the angiosperm phylogenetic tree Nature 446 312 315 Garnock Jones PJ Albach D and Briggs BG 2007 Botanical names in Southern Hemisphere Veronica Plantaginaceae sect Detzneria sect Hebe and sect Labiatoides Taxon 56 571 582 Marchant A D and Briggs B G 2007 Ecdeiocoleaceae and Joinvilleaceae sisters of Poaceae Poales evidence from rbcL and matK data Telopea 11 437 450 Xarici kecidler Biographical memoir of Lawrence Alexander Sidney Johnson 1926 1997 by Barbara G Briggs 2006 05 10 at the Wayback Machine What is significant The Wollemi pine or the southern rushes by Barbara G Briggs Elm xadimi ile elaqedar bu meqale qaralama halindadir Meqaleni redakte ederek Vikipediyani zenginlesdirin Encyclopedia of Australian Science ing International Plant Names Index Barbara Gillian Briggs 1934 2016 03 12 tarixinde Istifade tarixi 2020 07 19