Aleksandr Georq və ya Aleksandr Segger Georq (ing. Alexander George və ya ing. Alexander Segger George, 4 aprel 1939) — Avstraliya botaniki.
Aleksandr Georq | |
ing. Alexander George ing. Alexander Segger George | |
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Vətəndaşlığı | Avstraliya |
Elm sahəsi | Botanika |
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Tədqiqatçı, botanika taksonlarını təsnif edən. Beynəlxalq Botaniki Adlandırma Kodeksində bu ad qısaldılmış şəkildə belə göstərilir: «A.S.George». Bu cür taksonlar IPNI saytında Şəxsi səhifə IPNI saytında
- Orchids of Western Australia. 1969.
- A New Eucalypt from Western Australia. 1970.
- A List of the Orchidaceae of Western Australia. 1971.
- Flowers and Plants of Western Australia. 1973.
- The Genus Banksia. 1981.
- The Banksias. 1981—2002, with Celia Rosser.
- The Banksia Book. 1984.
- An Introduction to the Proteaceae of Western Australia. 1985.
- "New taxa, combinations and typifications in Verticordia (Myrtaceae: Chamelaucieae)". Nuytsia. 1991.
- Notes on Banksia L.f. (Proteaceae). 1996.
- Wildflowers of Southern Western Australia. 1996, with Margaret G. Corrick and Bruce A. Fuhrer.
- Banksia in Flora of Australia: Volume 17B: Proteaceae 3: Hakea to Dryandra. 1999.
- Dryandra in Flora of Australia: Volume 17B: Proteaceae 3: Hakea to Dryandra. 1999.
- William Dampier in New Holland: Australia's First Natural Historian.
- The Long Dry: Bush Colours of Summer and Autumn in South-Western Australia.
- Hall, Norman (1978). Botanists of the Eucalypts. CSIRO, Melbourne. .
- Rosser, Celia E. and Alex S. George (1981—2001). "Alex George". The Banksias (3 volumes). London: Academic Press in association with Monash University.
- George, Alex (1986). "Banksias (Talk given at 1985 AGM):Part I". Native Plants for NSW (Australian Plants Society, NSW Region) 21 (4): 18—22.
- George, Alex (1986). "Banksias (Talk given at 1985 AGM):Part II". Native Plants for NSW (Australian Plants Society, NSW Region) 21 (5): 11—14.
Xarici keçidlər
- Alexander S. George (1939)
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Aleksandr Georq ve ya Aleksandr Segger Georq ing Alexander George ve ya ing Alexander Segger George 4 aprel 1939 Avstraliya botaniki Aleksandr Georqing Alexander George ing Alexander Segger GeorgeDogum tarixi 4 aprel 1939 85 yas Vetendasligi AvstraliyaElm sahesi BotanikaTehsili Qerbi Avstraliya UniversitetiMukafatlariCanli tebietin sistematikiTedqiqatci botanika taksonlarini tesnif eden Beynelxalq Botaniki Adlandirma Kodeksinde bu ad qisaldilmis sekilde bele gosterilir A S George Bu cur taksonlar IPNI saytinda Sexsi sehife IPNI saytinda VikiNovlerde sehifelerEserleriOrchids of Western Australia 1969 A New Eucalypt from Western Australia 1970 A List of the Orchidaceae of Western Australia 1971 Flowers and Plants of Western Australia 1973 The Genus Banksia 1981 The Banksias 1981 2002 with Celia Rosser The Banksia Book 1984 An Introduction to the Proteaceae of Western Australia 1985 New taxa combinations and typifications in Verticordia Myrtaceae Chamelaucieae Nuytsia 1991 Notes on Banksia L f Proteaceae 1996 Wildflowers of Southern Western Australia 1996 with Margaret G Corrick and Bruce A Fuhrer Banksia in Flora of Australia Volume 17B Proteaceae 3 Hakea to Dryandra 1999 Dryandra in Flora of Australia Volume 17B Proteaceae 3 Hakea to Dryandra 1999 William Dampier in New Holland Australia s First Natural Historian The Long Dry Bush Colours of Summer and Autumn in South Western Australia EdebiyyatHall Norman 1978 Botanists of the Eucalypts CSIRO Melbourne ISBN 0 643 00271 5 Rosser Celia E and Alex S George 1981 2001 Alex George The Banksias 3 volumes London Academic Press in association with Monash University George Alex 1986 Banksias Talk given at 1985 AGM Part I Native Plants for NSW Australian Plants Society NSW Region 21 4 18 22 George Alex 1986 Banksias Talk given at 1985 AGM Part II Native Plants for NSW Australian Plants Society NSW Region 21 5 11 14 IstinadlarXarici kecidlerAlexander S George 1939 Elm xadimi ile elaqedar bu meqale qaralama halindadir Meqaleni redakte ederek Vikipediyani zenginlesdirin