Amerika Birləşmiş Ştatları vətəndaşlıq qanunu şəxsin hansı hallarda Birləşmiş Ştatlar vətəndaşı olmasını müəyyən edir. Amerika Birləşmiş Ştatlarında vətəndaşlıq ABŞ Konstitusiyasındakı müddəalar, müxtəlif qanunlar və beynəlxalq müqavilələr yolu ilə əldə edilir. Yerli sənədlərdə tez-tez vətəndaşlıq və milliyətlilik bir-birini əvəz etdiyi halda, milliyyət, qanuni yolla bir şəxsin milli şəxsiyyət əldə etməsinin və bir millətə rəsmi üzvlüyünün əldə edilməsini izah etdiyi halda, vətəndaşlıq bir millətə üzv olduqdan sonra olan əlaqə deməkdir.

ABŞ-nin 50 əyalətində, Kolumbiya Bölgəsində və ya demək olar ki, hər hansı bir ərazidə anadan olanlar, doğuşdan Amerika Birləşmiş Ştatları vətəndaşlarıdır. Yeganə istisna, fərdlərin adətən doğuşdan ABŞ vətəndaşı olmayan Amerika Samoasıdır. Hər hansı bir əyalətdə və ya ixtisaslı ərazidə yaşayan xarici vətəndaşlar daimi sakin olduqdan və yaşayış şərtini (normal olaraq beş il) yerinə yetirdikdən sonra vətəndaşlıq ala bilərlər.
Əlavə oxumaq üçün
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- Valideynlərin statusu heç bir əhəmiyyət daşımadığı üçün, xarici bir hökumətin hərbi və ya diplomatik korpusunun bir hissəsi olaraq işlədikləri hallar istisna olmaqla, ABŞ-də doğulan qadınlar öz vətəndaşlarını uşaqlarına ötürə bilərlər. ABŞ -da doğulmuş, özləri də məhdud bir qrupa daxil olan valideynlər kimi. Məsələn, Ali Məhkəmə Birləşmiş Ştatlara Wong Kim Ark'a qarşı (169 US 649, 1898) məsələsində ABŞ-də mühacirlərdən doğulan və vətəndaşlığa qəbul edilməyən uşaqların doğum hüququ olan vətəndaşlar olduğuna qərar verdi.
- Qanun layihələri təqdim olunsa da, nə Uşaqlıq Gəlişləri üçün Təxirə salınmış Fəaliyyət, nə də DREAM Qanunu ABŞ -a uşaq olaraq gətirilən icazəsiz mühacirlərin vətəndaşlıq alması üçün hərbi xidmətə getməsinə icazə vermir. Qeydiyyatdan keçmək üçün immiqrasiya statusunun təsdiqlənməsi tələb olunur.
Həmçinin bax
Xarici keçidlər
- İmmiqrasiya və Vətəndaşlıq Qanunu
- ABŞ Vətəndaşlıq Məlumatı (USCIS)
- ABŞ vətəndaşlığı (USCIS)
- ABŞ Vətəndaşlıq Qanunları və Siyasəti (ABŞ Dövlət Departamenti)
- Vətəndaşlığın itirilməsi və bərpası ilə bağlı ABŞ qanunları
- ABŞ Dövlət Departamentinin Xarici İşlər üzrə Təlimatı Cild 7: ABŞ ərazilərində və mülkiyyətində ABŞ milliyətliyinin alınması
- Pulsuz Onlayn ABŞ Vətəndaşlıq Praktiki Testi (USCIS)
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Amerika Birlesmis Statlari vetendasliq qanunu sexsin hansi hallarda Birlesmis Statlar vetendasi olmasini mueyyen edir Amerika Birlesmis Statlarinda vetendasliq ABS Konstitusiyasindaki muddealar muxtelif qanunlar ve beynelxalq muqavileler yolu ile elde edilir Yerli senedlerde tez tez vetendasliq ve milliyetlilik bir birini evez etdiyi halda milliyyet qanuni yolla bir sexsin milli sexsiyyet elde etmesinin ve bir millete resmi uzvluyunun elde edilmesini izah etdiyi halda vetendasliq bir millete uzv olduqdan sonra olan elaqe demekdir Fizik Albert Eynsteyn 1940 ci ilde Hakim Phillip Formandan Vetendasliq Sertifikatini alir ABS nin 50 eyaletinde Kolumbiya Bolgesinde ve ya demek olar ki her hansi bir erazide anadan olanlar dogusdan Amerika Birlesmis Statlari vetendaslaridir Yegane istisna ferdlerin adeten dogusdan ABS vetendasi olmayan Amerika Samoasidir Her hansi bir eyaletde ve ya ixtisasli erazide yasayan xarici vetendaslar daimi sakin olduqdan ve yasayis sertini normal olaraq bes il yerine yetirdikden sonra vetendasliq ala bilerler Elave oxumaq ucunRobert Ceyms Makriter Vetendasliq axini cedveli American Bar Association 2007 ISBN 978 1 59031 921 5 Biblioqrafiya Aleinikoff T Alexander Theories of Loss of Citizenship Ann Arbor Michigan 84 7 June 1986 1471 1503 doi 10 2307 1288994 ISSN 0026 2234 JSTOR 1288994 OCLC 5544296499 Istifade tarixi March 13 2021 Gendered States A Comparitive Construction of Citizenship and Nation Charlottesville Virginia John Bassett Moore Society of International Law 41 1 Fall 2001 93 139 ISSN 0042 6571 OCLC 93293362 Istifade tarixi March 4 2021 vasitesile Barros Aline US Court Clears Path for Fast Track Citizenship for Foreign Born Military Service Members Voice of America Washington D C September 3 2020 January 15 2021 tarixinde Istifade tarixi March 12 2021 Batlan Felice She Was Surprised and Furious Expatriation Suffrage Immigration and the Fragility of Women s Citizenship 1907 1940 PDF Stanford Journal of Civil Rights amp Civil Liberties Palo Alto California XV Special Issue July 2020 315 349 ISSN 1553 7951 July 15 2020 tarixinde PDF Istifade tarixi December 11 2020 Citizenship in the American Constitution PDF Arizona Law Review Tucson Arizona 15 2 1973 369 387 ISSN 0004 153X March 7 2021 tarixinde PDF Istifade tarixi March 7 2021 Boll Alfred Michael Multiple Nationality And International Law Leiden 2007 ISBN 978 90 04 14838 3 Bredbenner Candice Lewis A Nationality of her Own Women Marriage and the Law of Citizenship Berkeley California 1998 ISBN 0 520 20650 9 Bruyneel Kevin PDF Cambridge Cambridgeshire Cambridge University Press 18 1 April 2004 30 43 doi 10 1017 S0898588X04000021 ISSN 0898 588X OCLC 4669043126 2021 03 06 tarixinde orijinalindan PDF arxivlesdirilib Istifade tarixi March 6 2021 Justice for All Marriage and Deprivation of Citizenship in the United States Sarat Austin Kearns Thomas R redaktorlar Justice and Injustice in Law and Legal Theory Ann Arbor Michigan 2009 77 98 ISBN 978 0 472 02368 4 Buss David Hryck David Granwell Alan The U S Tax Consequences of Expatriation Is It a Tax Planning Opportunity or a Trap for the Unwary PDF International Tax Strategies Chicago Illinois August 2007 OCLC 231356574 February 1 2014 tarixinde PDF Istifade tarixi May 18 2012 Marriage and Women s Citizenship in the United States 1830 1934 New York New York Oxford University Press for the 103 5 December 1998 1440 1474 doi 10 2307 2649963 ISSN 0002 8762 JSTOR 2649963 Istifade tarixi December 10 2020 Erler Edward J West Thomas G Marini John A The Founders on Citizenship and Immigration Principles and Challenges in America Lanham Maryland 2007 ISBN 978 0 7425 5855 7 Escobar Cristina Report on Citizenship Law Colombia PDF cadmus eui eu May 2015 March 6 2018 tarixinde PDF Istifade tarixi December 30 2020 Flournoy Jr Richard W Hudson Manley O A Collection of Nationality Laws of Various Countries as Contained in Constitutions Statutes and Treaties New York New York Oxford University Press 1929 OCLC 875321407 vasitesile Forliti Amy Though Ordered Deported Suspected Nazi War Criminals Never Left U S Other Nations Won t Take Them Jacksonville Florida News Service July 30 2013 August 5 2020 tarixinde Istifade tarixi March 13 2021 Gansallo Ayodele Bernstein Baker Judith Understanding Immigration Law and Practice ingilis New York New York 2016 ISBN 978 1 4548 5038 0 General Accounting Office PDF Hesabat Washington D C Committee on Resources House of Representatives November 7 1997 B 271897 March 4 2021 tarixinde orijinalindan PDF arxivlesdirilib Istifade tarixi March 9 2021 Getschman Gregory J The Uncertain Role of Innocence in United StatesEfforts to Deport Nazi War Criminals PDF Ithaca New York 21 2 Summer 1988 287 316 ISSN 0010 8812 OCLC 7128216778 March 13 2021 tarixinde PDF Istifade tarixi March 13 2021 Sexual Equality Under the Fourteenth and Equal Rights Amendments Washington University Law Review St Louis Missouri 1 January 1979 161 178 ISSN 2166 7993 OCLC 8092712430 December 6 2020 tarixinde Istifade tarixi March 6 2021 Supreme Court of the United States Syllabus Sessions Attorney General v Morales Santana PDF SupremeCourt gov Washington D C June 2017 137 S Ct 1678 2017 February 24 2021 tarixinde PDF Istifade tarixi March 6 2021 Guerry Linda Rundell Ethan Married Women s Nationality in the International Context 1918 1935 Clio Paris Editions Belin 43 1 Gender and the Citizen 2016 73 94 ISSN 2554 3822 JSTOR 26242543 OCLC 7788119453 Istifade tarixi December 19 2020 Hacker Meg When Saying I Do Meant Giving Up Your U S Citizenship PDF Washington D C Spring 2014 56 61 ISSN 0033 1031 Istifade tarixi November 22 2020 Hein John R Born in the U S A But Not Natural Born How Congressional Territorial Policy Bars Native Born Puerto Ricans from the Presidency Philadelphia Pennsylvania 11 2 January 2009 423 457 ISSN 1521 2823 OCLC 8092055580 September 4 2020 tarixinde Istifade tarixi March 9 2021 Howe Amy Opinion Analysis Court Rejects Gender Based Distinctions in Citizenship Laws Washington D C Supreme Court of the United States June 12 2017 December 3 2020 tarixinde Istifade tarixi March 6 2021 Hoxie Frederick E What Was Taney Thinking American Indian Citizenship in the Era of Dred Scott Chicago Kent Law Review Chicago Illinois 82 1 December 2006 329 359 ISSN 0009 3599 OCLC 143598229 November 25 2020 tarixinde Istifade tarixi March 5 2021 Irby Kate Citizenship for Military Service California Democrat Renews Bill to Let Dreamers Enlist Modesto California June 20 2019 November 19 2020 tarixinde Istifade tarixi March 12 2021 Isenberg Nancy Sex and Citizenship in Antebellum America Chapel Hill North Carolina 1998 seh 45 ISBN 978 0 8078 4746 6 Appleby Joyce Ball Terence redaktorlar Jefferson Political Writings Cambridge Texts in the History of Political Thought Cambridge UK Cambridge University Press 1999 219 220 ISBN 978 0 521 64841 7 Kelly H Ansgar Dual Nationality the Myth of Election and a Kinder Gentler State Department University of Miami Inter American Law Review Coral Gables Florida 23 2 January 1992 421 464 ISSN 0884 1756 OCLC 8092081763 September 21 2020 tarixinde Istifade tarixi March 13 2021 No Constitutional Right to Be Ladies Women and the Obligations of Citizenship 1st New York New York 1998 ISBN 0 8090 7383 8 Kramer Daniel C The Restraints of Schneider v Rusk upon the Foreign Policy Powers of the Political Branches How Meaningful Are They Philadelphia Pennsylvania 38 3 Spring 1965 279 287 ISSN 0040 2974 Istifade tarixi March 13 2021 vasitesile Laskow Sarah I m An American Radio Show Promoted Inclusion Before World War II NPR Washington D C National Public Radio October 16 2017 April 12 2020 tarixinde Istifade tarixi March 7 2021 Lin Tom C W Americans Almost and Forgotten Berkeley California 107 4 September 2019 1249 1302 ISSN 0008 1221 OCLC 8270441227 SSRN 3454210 Istifade tarixi March 9 2021 MacDonald Victoria Maria Demanding their Rights The Latino Struggle for Educational Access and Equity American Latino Theme Study Washington D C 2014 May 27 2020 tarixinde Istifade tarixi November 10 2020 Forte David F Spalding Matthew The Heritage Guide to the Constitution Washington D C 2005 ISBN 978 1 59698 001 3 Michal Edward J American Samoa or Eastern Samoa The Potential for American Samoa to Become Freely Associated with the United States PDF Honolulu Hawaii 4 1 Spring 1992 137 160 ISSN 1043 898X OCLC 79847993 March 12 2021 tarixinde PDF Istifade tarixi March 12 2021 Miller Darrell A H The Janus of Civil Rights Law Samito Christian G redaktor The Greatest and the Grandest Act The Civil Rights Act of 1866 from Reconstruction to Today Carbondale Illinois 2018 233 264 ISBN 978 0 8093 3652 4 Office of the Historian The Immigration Act of 1924 The Johnson Reed Act Foreign Service Institute Washington D C United States Department of State 2020 November 16 2019 tarixinde arxivlesdirilib Istifade tarixi December 17 2020 Olivares Mariela Unreformed Towards Gender Equality in Immigration Law PDF Chapman Law Review Orange California 18 2 February 2015 419 450 ISSN 2381 3245 August 14 2020 tarixinde PDF Istifade tarixi December 17 2020 Orfield Lester B The Citizenship Act of 1934 PDF Chicago Illinois 2 1 December 1934 99 118 doi 10 2307 1596298 ISSN 0041 9494 JSTOR 1596298 OCLC 5544328554 March 6 2021 tarixinde PDF Istifade tarixi March 6 2021 Park Sandra The Supreme Court Strikes Down a Nationality Law That Treated Fathers Differently Than Mothers Based on Outdated Stereotypes aclu org New York New York June 13 2017 November 12 2020 tarixinde Istifade tarixi March 6 2021 Puzzanghera Jim Two Senators Want to Stop Facebook s Saverin from Dodging Taxes Los Angeles California May 18 2012 October 20 2020 tarixinde Istifade tarixi March 13 2021 Rodriguez Cristina M PDF Philadelphia Pennsylvania 11 5 July 2009 1363 1371 ISSN 1521 2823 OCLC 8091446338 July 15 2011 tarixinde orijinalindan PDF arxivlesdirilib Istifade tarixi March 6 2021 Rodriguez Serna Nicolas Report on Citizenship Law Panama PDF cadmus eui eu Rubio Grundell Lucrecia terefinden tercume olunub June 2016 June 16 2017 tarixinde PDF Istifade tarixi January 2 2021 Romo Vanessa American Samoans Citizenship Status Still in Limbo After Judge Issues Stay Washington D C NPR December 13 2019 January 5 2021 tarixinde Rutherglen George Civil Rights in the Shadow of Slavery The Constitution Common Law and the Civil Rights Act of 1866 New York New York Oxford University Press 2013 ISBN 978 0 19 973970 7 Women Citizenship and Nationality Immigration and Naturalization Policies in the United States Thousand Oaks California 13 1 March 1984 1 26 doi 10 1177 003232928401300101 ISSN 0032 3292 OCLC 4650679194 Istifade tarixi December 11 2020 Sheridan Clare Contested Citizenship National Identity and the Mexican Immigration Debates of the 1920s Journal of American Ethnic History Champaign Illinois for the Immigration amp Ethnic History Society 21 3 Spring 2002 3 35 ISSN 0278 5927 JSTOR 27502846 OCLC 5556646221 Istifade tarixi March 6 2021 Smith Marian L Any woman who is now or may hereafter be married Women and Naturalization ca 1802 1940 Washington D C 30 2 Summer 1998 146 153 ISSN 0033 1031 OCLC 208742006 Milhollan David L Administrative Decisions Under Immigration amp Nationality Laws 17 June 1979 February 1981 Washington D C U S Government Printing Office 1981 Spiro Peter J Report on Citizenship Law United States PDF cadmus eui eu July 2015 December 13 2019 tarixinde PDF Istifade tarixi March 8 2021 Stcherbatcheff Barbara Why Americans Abroad Are Giving Up Their Citizenship Newsweek New York New York Newsweek LLC July 1 2014 ISSN 0028 9604 January 20 2021 tarixinde Istifade tarixi March 13 2021 Report on the Nationality of Women PDF 7th Conference of American Republics Montevideo December 1933 Washington D C November 28 1933 Women and Social Movements vasitesile Taparata Evan The US Has Come a Long Way Since Its First Highly Restrictive Naturalization Law The World Minneapolis Minnesota July 4 2016 October 28 2020 tarixinde Istifade tarixi December 10 2020 United Nations Division for the Advancement of Women Chinkin Christine Women Nationality and Citizenship PDF Women2000 and Beyond New York New York United Nations Department of Economic and Social Affairs June 2003 ISSN 2071 1514 OCLC 614497525 September 21 2020 tarixinde PDF Istifade tarixi January 2 2021 United States Department of Justice In the Matter of W In Exclusion Proceedings A 6391576 Sharon Joel Paul redaktor Administrative Decisions Under Immigration amp Nationality Laws 2 January 1944 to August 1947 Washington D C U S Government Printing Office 1950 778 782 U S Senate Committee on Immigration American Citizenship Rights of Women Hearing Before a Subcommittee of the Committee on Immigration United States Senate Seventy second Congress Second Session March 2 1933 Washington D C 1933 OCLC 6257990 Venator Santiago Charles R US Territorial Citizenship Today Four Interpretations New York New York Cambridge University Press 50 2 March 2017 515 519 doi 10 1017 S1049096516003103 ISSN 1049 0965 OCLC 8271230316 Istifade tarixi March 12 2021 Villazor Rose Cuison American Nationals and Interstitial Citizenship New York New York 85 4 March 2017 1673 1724 ISSN 0015 704X OCLC 8090930759 March 22 2020 tarixinde Istifade tarixi March 9 2021 Volpp Leti Divesting Citizenship On Asian American History and the Loss of Citizenship through Marriage PDF Los Angeles California 53 2 2005 405 483 ISSN 0041 5650 OCLC 193654281 Weare Neil Citizenship in U S Territories Constitutional Right or Congressional Privilege Centro Journal New York New York 29 1 Spring 2017 136 163 ISSN 1538 6279 OCLC 7107053144 SSRN 2927402 Istifade tarixi March 9 2021 Weinrib Laura Protecting Sex Sexual Disincentives and Sex Based Discrimination in Nguyen v INS Columbia Journal of Gender and Law New York New York Columbia University School of Law 12 1 January 2003 222 273 doi 10 7916 cjgl v12i1 2449 ISSN 1062 6220 Istifade tarixi March 4 2021 Wong Cara Bonaguro Jonathan The Value of Citizenship and Service to the Nation PDF RSF The Russell Sage Foundation Journal of the Social Sciences New York New York 6 3 November 2020 96 116 doi 10 7758 rsf 2020 6 3 05 ISSN 2377 8253 OCLC 8866861962 March 1 2021 tarixinde PDF Worster William Thomas Human Rights Law and the Taxation Consequences for Renouncing Citizenship Renouncing Citizenship Saint Louis University Law Journal St Louis Missouri 62 1 Fall 2017 85 101 ISSN 0036 3030 OCLC 7249732835 March 7 2020 tarixinde Istifade tarixi March 13 2021 Worster William Thomas Renouncing U S Citizenship Through Expatriation Davis Michael H Rizzo Danielle M Vrapi Olsi redaktorlar The Consular Practice Handbook Washington D C 2012 ISBN 978 1 57370 308 6 SSRN 2429682 Yang Philip Q Explaining Immigrant Naturalization New York New York for 28 3 Autumn 1994 449 477 doi 10 2307 2546816 ISSN 0197 9183 JSTOR 2546816 OCLC 425856564 PMID 12345790 Istifade tarixi March 12 2021 Bureau of Consular Affairs Washington D C U S Department of State 2014 March 28 2015 tarixinde orijinalindan arxivlesdirilib Istifade tarixi March 8 2021 Acquisition of U S Citizenship at Birth by a Child Born Abroad Bureau of Consular Affairs Washington D C U S Department of State 2017 March 3 2021 tarixinde Istifade tarixi March 8 2021 American Samoa and the Citizenship Clause A Study in Insular Cases Revisionism PDF Cambridge Massachusetts 130 6 1680 1703 April 10 2017 ISSN 0017 811X OCLC 7023192332 October 27 2017 tarixinde PDF Istifade tarixi October 27 2017 Civil Rights Act of 1866 Civil War on the Western Border org Kansas City Missouri 2016 December 23 2018 tarixinde Istifade tarixi December 16 2020 Convention on the Nationality of Women Inter American December 26 1933 New Haven Connecticut December 26 1933 December 27 2020 tarixinde arxivlesdirilib Istifade tarixi December 27 2020 Dual Citizenship Security Clearance Implications PDF careers state gov Washington D C February 2016 December 31 2020 tarixinde PDF Istifade tarixi March 13 2021 Former Nazi Camp Guard 94 Who Lived in US for Years to Be Deported The Times of Israel Jerusalem Associated Press March 6 2020 February 2 2021 tarixinde Istifade tarixi March 13 2021 Policy Manual Chapter 2 Becoming a U S Citizen US Citizenship and Immigration Services Washington D C 2021 February 22 2021 tarixinde Istifade tarixi March 9 2021 Policy Manual Chapter 4 Automatic Acquisition of Citizenship after Birth INA 320 US Citizenship and Immigration Services Washington D C 2021 March 1 2021 tarixinde Istifade tarixi March 12 2021 Title 8 Chapter 12 USC 1101 Definitions www uscis gov Washington D C US House of Representatives April 23 2018 tarixinde Istifade tarixi March 12 2021 QeydlerValideynlerin statusu hec bir ehemiyyet dasimadigi ucun xarici bir hokumetin herbi ve ya diplomatik korpusunun bir hissesi olaraq isledikleri hallar istisna olmaqla ABS de dogulan qadinlar oz vetendaslarini usaqlarina oture bilerler ABS da dogulmus ozleri de mehdud bir qrupa daxil olan valideynler kimi Meselen Ali Mehkeme Birlesmis Statlara Wong Kim Ark a qarsi 169 US 649 1898 meselesinde ABS de muhacirlerden dogulan ve vetendasliga qebul edilmeyen usaqlarin dogum huququ olan vetendaslar olduguna qerar verdi Qanun layiheleri teqdim olunsa da ne Usaqliq Gelisleri ucun Texire salinmis Fealiyyet ne de DREAM Qanunu ABS a usaq olaraq getirilen icazesiz muhacirlerin vetendasliq almasi ucun herbi xidmete getmesine icaze vermir Qeydiyyatdan kecmek ucun immiqrasiya statusunun tesdiqlenmesi teleb olunur Hemcinin baxABS vetendasligiXarici kecidlerImmiqrasiya ve Vetendasliq Qanunu ABS Vetendasliq Melumati USCIS ABS vetendasligi USCIS ABS Vetendasliq Qanunlari ve Siyaseti ABS Dovlet Departamenti Vetendasligin itirilmesi ve berpasi ile bagli ABS qanunlari ABS Dovlet Departamentinin Xarici Isler uzre Telimati Cild 7 ABS erazilerinde ve mulkiyyetinde ABS milliyetliyinin alinmasi Pulsuz Onlayn ABS Vetendasliq Praktiki Testi USCIS IstinadlarLaskow 2017