Şəbəklər – İraqın şimalında yaşayan kürdlərin subetnik qrupu. Hazırda İraqın şimalında Kərkük və Mosul şəhərləri arasında 72 kənddə təxminən 400 min nəfər şəbək yaşadığı ehtimal olunur. Şəbəklərin təxminən 70%-i islamın şiə təriqətinə etiqad edir.
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Qeyri-rəsmi bayraq |
Ümumi sayı |
400,000 |
Yaşadığı ərazilər |
Ninəvə Ərbil Kərkük |
Dili |
Dini |
Qohum xalqlar |
Xarici keçidlər
- alshabak.net 2020-07-15 at the Wayback Machine
- Shabak News 2009-02-02 at the Wayback Machine
- Unrepresented Nations and Peoples Organization : Iraq: Minorities Suffer Persecution 2010-06-05 at the Wayback Machine-...The problems of the Shabaks, a community of up to 400,000 with their own language and cultural traditions, are rarely reported by foreign media, in contrast to those of Iraqi Christians, for example.
- Etnologue report for Shabak 2008-04-30 at the Wayback Machine- ...Dialects : Closely related to Gurani, Sarli , Bajelani.
- A Kizilbash Community in Iraqi Kurdistan : The Shabak 2016-03-04 at the Wayback Machine : ....The Shabak live in several dozen villages east of Mosul, in a triangle bounded by the Tigris and the Greater Zab.3 In 1925 their numbers were estimated at around 10,000 ; the 1960 Iraqi census enumerated 15,000, living in 35 villages. Recent estimates tend to be considerably higher, and one local source even claims that there are 100,000 (in 1997) Shabak scattered over some 60 villages, with several thousand of them presently living in the city of Mosul. Most Shabak are multilingual, which has given rise to contradictory claims about their ethnic identity. They have been declared Turcomans or Kurdish speakers or even Arabs, and individual Shabak have frequently accepted one or the other of these designations when it was expedient. Outsiders have commonly regarded them as Kurds, like the other heterodox groups of the region, and this is how most of the Shabak appear to have thought of themselves, if they ever thought of a more encompassing identity than that of their own sect. The language of their prayers and religious ritual, however, is Turkish , which may be the reason why they have sometimes been thought to be Turcomans.
- Christians of İraq :Conflicts between Kurds and the Shabak 2009-02-15 at the Wayback Machine-...They have settled in Ninavah plains since the Safawed era and have lived in a stargic strip of land between Khazir and Tigris river in about 72 scattered villages and some of them live in eastern side of Mosul .There are about 400.000 Shabak in Iraq who live within the administrative boudaries of Namroud, Qaraqoush, Bar-tillah ,Basheqa, and Telkeef towns.
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Sebekler Iraqin simalinda yasayan kurdlerin subetnik qrupu Hazirda Iraqin simalinda Kerkuk ve Mosul seherleri arasinda 72 kendde texminen 400 min nefer sebek yasadigi ehtimal olunur Sebeklerin texminen 70 i islamin sie teriqetine etiqad edir Sebekler Qeyri resmi bayraqUmumi sayi400 000Yasadigi erazilerNineve Erbil KerkukDiliGorani diliDiniIslamQohum xalqlarTurkmanlar BacalanlarXarici kecidleralshabak net 2020 07 15 at the Wayback Machine Shabak News 2009 02 02 at the Wayback MachineIstinadlarUnrepresented Nations and Peoples Organization Iraq Minorities Suffer Persecution 2010 06 05 at the Wayback Machine The problems of the Shabaks a community of up to 400 000 with their own language and cultural traditions are rarely reported by foreign media in contrast to those of Iraqi Christians for example Etnologue report for Shabak 2008 04 30 at the Wayback Machine Dialects Closely related to Gurani Sarli Bajelani A Kizilbash Community in Iraqi Kurdistan The Shabak 2016 03 04 at the Wayback Machine The Shabak live in several dozen villages east of Mosul in a triangle bounded by the Tigris and the Greater Zab 3 In 1925 their numbers were estimated at around 10 000 the 1960 Iraqi census enumerated 15 000 living in 35 villages Recent estimates tend to be considerably higher and one local source even claims that there are 100 000 in 1997 Shabak scattered over some 60 villages with several thousand of them presently living in the city of Mosul Most Shabak are multilingual which has given rise to contradictory claims about their ethnic identity They have been declared Turcomans or Kurdish speakers or even Arabs and individual Shabak have frequently accepted one or the other of these designations when it was expedient Outsiders have commonly regarded them as Kurds like the other heterodox groups of the region and this is how most of the Shabak appear to have thought of themselves if they ever thought of a more encompassing identity than that of their own sect The language of their prayers and religious ritual however is Turkish which may be the reason why they have sometimes been thought to be Turcomans Christians of Iraq Conflicts between Kurds and the Shabak 2009 02 15 at the Wayback Machine They have settled in Ninavah plains since the Safawed era and have lived in a stargic strip of land between Khazir and Tigris river in about 72 scattered villages and some of them live in eastern side of Mosul There are about 400 000 Shabak in Iraq who live within the administrative boudaries of Namroud Qaraqoush Bar tillah Basheqa and Telkeef towns Etnik qrup ile elaqedar bu meqale qaralama halindadir Meqaleni redakte ederek Vikipediyani zenginlesdirin