İoann Qavalas (yun. Ἰωάννης Γαβαλᾶς, translit. Ioánnis Gavalás; bilinmir – 1250) — Bizans yunanı maqnat və Rodos adasının hökmdarı (hak. 1240–1248). O, 1248-ci ildə adanın nəzarətini Genuya Respublikasına itirmiş və ağalığını qəbul etmiş Nikeya imperiyasından kömək istəmişdir. Nikeya qoşunları adanı fəth etmiş, lakin adanı öz əyalətinə çevirən nikeyalılar adanın nəzarətini İoanna qaytarmamışdır.
İoann Qavalas | |
yun. Ἰωάννης Γαβαλᾶς | |
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Şəxsi məlumatlar | |
Doğum tarixi | bilinmir |
Vəfat tarixi | 1250 |
Fəaliyyəti | dövlət rəsmisi, hərbi qulluqçu |
- Hendy, 1999a. səh. 116–118
- Savvides, 1990. səh. 187–196
- Hendy, 1999b. səh. 648–649
- Cheynet, Jean-Claude. Pouvoir et Contestations à Byzance (963–1210) (ingilis). Paris: Publications de la Sorbonne. 1996. ISBN .
- Hendy, Michael F. Catalogue of the Byzantine Coins in the Dumbarton Oaks Collection and in the Whittemore Collection, Volume 4: Alexius I to Michael VIII, 1081–1261 – Part 1: Alexius I to Alexius V (1081–1204) (ingilis). Washington, District of Columbia: Research Library and Collection. 1999a. ISBN .
- Hendy, Michael F. Catalogue of the Byzantine Coins in the Dumbarton Oaks Collection and in the Whittemore Collection, Volume 4: Alexius I to Michael VIII, 1081–1261 – Part 2: The Emperors of Nicaea and Their Contemporaries (1204–1261) (ingilis). Washington, District of Columbia: Research Library and Collection. 1999b. ISBN .
- Macrides, Ruth. George Akropolites: The History – Introduction, Translation and Commentary (ingilis). Oxford: Oxford University Press. 2007. ISBN .
- Savvides, Alexis. "Η γενουατική κατάληψη της Ρόδου το 1248-1250 μ.Χ.". Παρνασσός (yunan). 32. 1990: 183–199.
- Savvides, Alexis. "Ἡ Ῥóδoς καὶ ἡ Δυναστεία τῶν Γαβαλάδων τὴν Περίoδo 1204-1250 μ.Χ.". Δελτίoν τῆς Ἱστoρικῆς καὶ Ἐθνoγικῆς Ἐταιρείας τῆς Ἐλλάδoς (yunan). 24. 1981: 358–376.
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Ioann Qavalas yun Ἰwannhs Gabalᾶs translit Ioannis Gavalas bilinmir 1250 Bizans yunani maqnat ve Rodos adasinin hokmdari hak 1240 1248 O 1248 ci ilde adanin nezaretini Genuya Respublikasina itirmis ve agaligini qebul etmis Nikeya imperiyasindan komek istemisdir Nikeya qosunlari adani feth etmis lakin adani oz eyaletine ceviren nikeyalilar adanin nezaretini Ioanna qaytarmamisdir Ioann Qavalasyun Ἰwannhs GabalᾶsSexsi melumatlarDogum tarixi bilinmirVefat tarixi 1250Fealiyyeti dovlet resmisi herbi qulluqcuIstinadlarHendy 1999a seh 116 118 Savvides 1990 seh 187 196 Hendy 1999b seh 648 649MenbeCheynet Jean Claude Pouvoir et Contestations a Byzance 963 1210 ingilis Paris Publications de la Sorbonne 1996 ISBN 978 2 85944 168 5 Hendy Michael F Catalogue of the Byzantine Coins in the Dumbarton Oaks Collection and in the Whittemore Collection Volume 4 Alexius I to Michael VIII 1081 1261 Part 1 Alexius I to Alexius V 1081 1204 ingilis Washington District of Columbia Research Library and Collection 1999a ISBN 0 88402 233 1 Hendy Michael F Catalogue of the Byzantine Coins in the Dumbarton Oaks Collection and in the Whittemore Collection Volume 4 Alexius I to Michael VIII 1081 1261 Part 2 The Emperors of Nicaea and Their Contemporaries 1204 1261 ingilis Washington District of Columbia Research Library and Collection 1999b ISBN 0 88402 233 1 Macrides Ruth George Akropolites The History Introduction Translation and Commentary ingilis Oxford Oxford University Press 2007 ISBN 978 0 19 921067 1 Savvides Alexis H genoyatikh katalhpsh ths Rodoy to 1248 1250 m X Parnassos yunan 32 1990 183 199 EdebiyyatSavvides Alexis Ἡ Ῥodos kaὶ ἡ Dynasteia tῶn Gabaladwn tὴn Periodo 1204 1250 m X Deltion tῆs Ἱstorikῆs kaὶ Ἐ8nogikῆs Ἐtaireias tῆs Ἐllados yunan 24 1981 358 376