Doktor (lat. doctor, "müəllim") — elmi dərəcə.
Xarici keçidlər
- The Use of Dr. in British Columbia law for Optometrists
- Indiana usage of Dr. title 2015-10-26 at the Wayback Machine SECTION 1. IC 24-5-0.5–12 IS
- use of Dr. title in names in Hungary 2016-03-05 at the Wayback Machine
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Doktor lat doctor muellim elmi derece IstinadlarXarici kecidlerThe Use of Dr in British Columbia law for Optometrists Indiana usage of Dr title 2015 10 26 at the Wayback Machine SECTION 1 IC 24 5 0 5 12 IS use of Dr title in names in Hungary 2016 03 05 at the Wayback Machine