Vladimir İosifoviç Levenşteyn (rus. Влади́мир Ио́сифович Левенште́йн; 20 may 1935, Moskva – 6 sentyabr 2017, Moskva) — informasiya nəzəriyyəsi, korreksiya kodları və kombinator dizayn sahəsində tədqiqatlar aparmış rus və sovet alimi. O, həmçinin 1965-ci ildə hazırladığı Levenşteyn məsafəsi və Levenşteyn alqoritmi ilə tanınır.
Vladimir Levenşteyn | |
Doğum tarixi | 20 may 1935 |
Doğum yeri | |
Vəfat tarixi | 6 sentyabr 2017(82 yaşında) |
Vəfat yeri | |
Elm sahəsi | tətbiqi riyaziyyat |
Elmi dərəcəsi | |
Təhsili |
1958-ci ildə Moskva Dövlət Universitetinin riyaziyyat və mexanika fakültəsini bitirib və o vaxtdan Moskvada işləyib. IEEE İnformasiya Nəzəriyyəsi Cəmiyyətinin üzvü idi.
O, 2006-cı ildə Levenşteyn məsafəsi də daxil olmaqla korreksiya kodları və informasiya nəzəriyyəsinə verdiyi töhfələrə görə Riçard Hemminq medalına layiq görülüb.
Levenşteyn 1958-ci ildə Moskva Dövlət Universitetinin mexanika-riyaziyyat fakültəsində oxuyub. Bitirdikdən sonra M.V.Keldış Tətbiqi Riyaziyyat İnstitutunda işləyib.
- Levenshtein, V. I., "Binary codes capable of correcting deletions, insertions, and reversals.", Doklady Akademii Nauk SSSR, 163 (4), 1965: 845–848
- Delsarte, P.; Levenshtein, V. I., "Association schemes and coding theory", IEEE Transactions on Information Theory, 44 (6), 1998: 2477–2504, doi:10.1109/18.720545
- V.I. Levenshtein, "On a class of systematic codes", Doklady Akademii Nauk SSSR, 131 (5), 1960: 1011–1014
- V.I. Levenshtein, Application of Hadamard matrices to a problem in coding theory, Problems of Cybernetics, vol. 5, GIFML, Moscow, 1961, 125–136.
- V.I. Levenshtein, "Certain properties of code systems", Doklady Akademii Nauk SSSR, 140 (6), 1961: 1274–1277
- V.I. Levenshtein, "Self-adaptive automata for decoding messages", Doklady Akademii Nauk SSSR, 141 (6), 1961: 1320–1323
- V.I. Levenshtein, "On the inversion of finite automata", Doklady Akademii Nauk SSSR, 147 (6), 1962: 1300–1303
- V.I. Levenshtein, On the stable extension of finite automata, Problems of Cybernetics, vol. 10, GIFML, Moscow, 1963, 281–286.
- V.I. Levenshtein, On some coding systems and self-tuning machines for decoding messages, Problems of Cybernetics, vol. 11, GIFML, Moscow, 1964, 63–121.
- V.I. Levenshtein, Decoding automata invariant with respect to the initial state, Problems of Cybernetics, vol. 12, GIFML, Moscow, 1964, 125–136.
- V.I. Levenshtein, "Binary codes with correction for deletions and insertions of the symbol 1", Problemy Peredachi Informatsii, 1 (1), 1965: 12–25
- V.I. Levenshtein, "On a Method of Solving the Problem of Synchronizing a Chain of Automata in Minimal Time", Problemy Peredachi Informatsii, 1 (4), 1965: 20–32
- V.I. Levenshtein, Binary codes providing synchronization and correction of errors, Abstracts of short scientific reports of the International Congress of Mathematicians, Section 13, Moscow, 1966, 24.
- V.I. Levenshtein, Asymptotically optimal binary code with correction of occurrences of one or two adjacent characters, Problems of Cybernetics, vol. 19, Science, Moscow, 1967, 293–298.
- V.I. Levenshtein, On the redundancy and deceleration of separable coding of natural numbers, Problems of Cybernetics, vol. 20, Nauka, Moscow, 1968, 173–179.
- V.I. Levenshtein, "On the Synchronization of Two-Way Networks of Automata", Problemy Peredachi Informatsii, 4 (4), 1968: 49–62
- V.I. Levenshtein, "Bounds for Codes Ensuring Error Correction and Synchronization", Problemy Peredachi Informatsii, 5 (2), 1969: 3–13
- V.I. Levenshtein, "On the Maximum Number of Words in Codes without Overlapping", Problemy Peredachi Informatsii, 6 (4), 1970: 88–90
- V.I. Levenshtein, "One Method of Constructing Quasilinear Codes Providing Synchronization in the Presence of Errors", Problemy Peredachi Informatsii, 7 (3), 1971: 30–40
- V.I. Levenshtein, "Upper-Bound Estimates for Fixed-Weight Codes", Problemy Peredachi Informatsii, 7 (4), 1971: 3–12
- V.I. Levenshtein, "Minimum Redundancy of Binary Error-Correcting Codes", Problemy Peredachi Informatsii, 10 (2), 1974: 26–42
- V.I. Levenshtein, Elements of coding theory, In the book. Discrete mathematics and mathematical questions of cybernetics, Nauka, Moscow, 1974, 207–305.
- V.I. Levenshtein, "Maximal packing density of n-dimensional Euclidean space with equal balls", Matematicheskie Zametki, 18 (2), 1975: 301–311.
- VI Levenshtein, Methods for obtaining bounds in metric problems of coding theory, Proc. of the 1975 IEEE-USSR Joint Workshop on Information Theory, New York, 1976, 126–143.
- V.I. Levenshtein, "Bounds on the Probability of Undetected Error", Problemy Peredachi Informacii, 13 (1), 1977: 3–18
- G.A. Kabatiansky; V.I. Levenshtein, "On Bounds for Packings on a Sphere and in Space", Problemy Peredachi Informatsii, 14 (1), 1978: 3–25
- V.I. Levenshtein, On the choice of polynomials for obtaining boundaries in packaging problems, VII All-Union Conference on the Theory of Coding and Information Transfer, Part II, Moscow - Vilnius, 1978, 103–108.
- V.I. Levenshtein, "On boundaries for packings in n-dimensional Euclidean space", Doklady Akademii Nauk SSSR, 245 (6), 1979: 1299–1303
- V.I. Levenshtein, "Bounds of the maximal capacity of a code with a limited scalar product modulus", Doklady Akademii Nauk SSSR, 263 (6), 1982: 1303–1308
- V.I. Levenshtein, Borders for packaging of metric spaces and some of their applications, Problems of cybernetics, vol. 40, Science, Moscow, 1983, 43–110.
- VI Levenshtein, Packing of polynomial metric spaces, Third International Workshop on Information Theory, Convolutional codes; multi-user communication, Sochi, 1987, 271–274.
- V.I. Levenshtein, "On the Straight-Line Bound for the Undetected Error Exponent", Problemy Peredachi Informatsii, 25 (1), 1989: 33–37
- VI Levenshtein, Perfect deletion-correcting codes as combinatorial designs, Proc. of the Second International Workshop: Algebraic and Combinatorial Coding Theory, Leningrad, USSR, 1990, 137–140.
- V.I. Levenshtein, "Perfect codes in the metric of deletions and insertions", Diskretnaya Matematika, 3 (1), 1991: 3–20.
- VI Levenshtein, Designs as maximum codes in polynomial metric spaces, Acta Applicandae Mathematicae, vol. 29 (1992), 1-82.
- VI Levenshtein, Bounds for self-complementary codes and their applications, in Eurocode-92. CISM Courses and Lectures, vol. 339. Springer-Verlag, Wien-New-York, 1993, 159–171.
- VI Levenshtein, Bounds for codes as solutions of extremum problems for systems of orthogonal polynomials, Applied Algebra, Algebraic Algorithms and Error-Correcting Codes, Lectures Notes in Computer Science, vol. 673, Springer-Verlag, 1993, 25–42.
- V.I. Levenshtein; , "Perfect (d,k)-codes capable of correcting single peak-shifts", , , 39 (2), 1993: 656–662, doi:10.1109/18.212300
- V.I. Levenshtein, "Packing and Decomposition Problems for Polynomial Association Schemes", , 14 (5), 1993: 461–477, doi:10.1006/eujc.1993.1049
- T. Ericson and VI Levenshtein, Superimposed codes in the Hamming space, IEEE Trans. Inform. Theory, vol. 40, no. 6 (1994), 1882–1893.
- G. Fasekas and VI Levenshtein, On upper bounds for code distance and covering radius of designs in polynomial metric spaces, J. Combin. Th. Ser. A, vol. 70, no. 2 (1995), 267–288.
- T. Helleseth, T. Klove, VI Levenshtein, and O. Ytrehus, Bounds on the minimum support weights, IEEE Trans. Inform. Theory, vol. 41, no. 2 (1995), 432–440.
- VI Levenshtein, Krawtchouk polynomials and universal bounds for codes and designs in Hamming spaces, IEEE Trans. Inform. Theory, vol. 41, no. 5 (1995), 1303–1321.
- V.I. Levenshtein, "A Simple Proof of the Basic Inequalities for the Fundamental Parameters of Codes in Polynomial Relationship Schemes", Problemy Peredachi Informatsii, 31 (4), 1995: 37–50.
- VI Levenshtein, Reconstructing binary sequences by the minimum number of their subsequences or supersequences of a given length. Proceedings of Fifth Intern. Workshop on Algebr. and Combin. Coding Theory, Sozopol, Bulgaria, June 1–7, 1996, 176–183.
- VI Levenshtein, Lower bounds on crosscorrelation of codes. Proceedings of IEEE Fourth Intern. Symp on Spread Spectrum Techniques and Appl., Mainz, Germany, September 22–25, 1996, 657–661.
- VI Levenshtein, Split orthogonal arrays and maximum independent resilient systems of functions, Designs, Codes and Cryptography, vol. 12, no. 2 (1997), 131–160.
- T. Helleseth, T. Klove, and VI Levenshtein, On the information function of an error-correcting code, IEEE Trans. Inform. Theory, vol. 43, no. 2 (1997), pp. 549–557.
- V.I. Levenshtein, "Reconstruction of objects from the minimum number of distorted patterns", Doklady Akademii Nauk SSSR, 354 (5), 1997: 593–596
- P. Delsarte and VI Levenshtein, Association schemes and coding theory, IEEE Trans. Inform. Theory, vol. 44, no. 6 (1998), 2477–2504.
- VI Levenshtein, Universal bounds for codes and designs, in Handbook of Coding Theory, VS Pless and WC Huffman, Eds., Amsterdam: Elsevier, vol. 1, 499–648, 1998.
- VI Levenshtein, On designs in compact metric spaces and a universal bound on their size, Discrete Mathematics, vol. 192 (1998), 251–271.
- VI Levenshtein, On the maximum T-wise independent systems of Boolean functions, Workshop on Coding and Cryptography, Paris, France, 1999, 367–370.
- VI Levenshtein, Equivalence of Delsarte's bounds for codes and designs in symmetric association schemes and some applications, Discrete Mathematics, vol. 197/198 (1999), 515–536.
- VI Levenshtein, New lower bounds on aperiodic crosscorrelation of binary codes, IEEE Trans. Inform. Theory, vol. 45, no. 1 (1999), 284–288.
- IN AND. Levenshtein, On designs in continuous unit cubes, Proceedings of the IV International Conference: Discrete models in the theory of control systems, Moscow State University, MAKS Press, 2000, 62–64.
- VI Levenshtein, Efficient reconstruction of sequences, IEEE Trans. Inform. Theory, vol. 47, no. 1 (2001), 2-22.
- VI Levenshtein, Efficient reconstruction of sequences from their subsequences or supersequences, Journal of Combin. Theory, Ser. A, vol. 93, no. 2 (2001), 310–332.
- T. Berger and VI Levenshtein, Asymptotical efficiency of two-stage testing, IEEE Trans. Inform. Theory, vol. 48, no. 7 (2002), 1741–1749.
- T. Berger and VI Levenshtein, Application of cover-free codes and combinatorial designs to two-stage testing, Discrete Applied Mathematics.
- T. Helleseth, T. Klove and VI Levenshtein, Hypercubic 4 and 5-designs from double-error-correcting BCH codes, Designs, Codes and Cryptography.
- VI Levenshtein, A universal bound for a covering in regular posets and its application to pool testing, Discrete Mathematics.
- Helleseth, Tor; Kløve, Torleiv; Levenshtein, Vladimir, "Error-correction capability of binary linear codes", , , 51 (4), 2005: 1408–1423, doi:10.1109/TIT.2005.844080
- VI Levenshtein, Combinatorial problems motivated by comma-free codes, Discrete Mathematics.
- https://nplus1.ru/material/2017/09/25/vladimir-levenshtein.
- "Код без ошибок". nplus1.ru (rus). 2020-09-23 tarixində arxivləşdirilib. İstifadə tarixi: 2017-10-21.
- "IEEE Richard W. Hamming Medal Recipients" (PDF). . October 17, 2012 tarixində arxivləşdirilib (PDF). İstifadə tarixi: May 29, 2011.
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Vladimir Iosifovic Levensteyn rus Vladi mir Io sifovich Levenshte jn 20 may 1935 Moskva 6 sentyabr 2017 Moskva informasiya nezeriyyesi korreksiya kodlari ve kombinator dizayn sahesinde tedqiqatlar aparmis rus ve sovet alimi O hemcinin 1965 ci ilde hazirladigi Levensteyn mesafesi ve Levensteyn alqoritmi ile taninir Vladimir LevensteynDogum tarixi 20 may 1935 1935 05 20 Dogum yeri Moskva RSFSR SSRIVefat tarixi 6 sentyabr 2017 2017 09 06 82 yasinda Vefat yeri Moskva RusiyaElm sahesi tetbiqi riyaziyyatElmi derecesi fizika riyaziyyat elmleri doktoruTehsili Moskva Dovlet Universiteti Moskva Dovlet Universiteti Mexanika riyaziyyat fakultesi d 1958 ci ilde Moskva Dovlet Universitetinin riyaziyyat ve mexanika fakultesini bitirib ve o vaxtdan Moskvada isleyib IEEE Informasiya Nezeriyyesi Cemiyyetinin uzvu idi O 2006 ci ilde Levensteyn mesafesi de daxil olmaqla korreksiya kodlari ve informasiya nezeriyyesine verdiyi tohfelere gore Ricard Hemminq medalina layiq gorulub HeyatiLevensteyn 1958 ci ilde Moskva Dovlet Universitetinin mexanika riyaziyyat fakultesinde oxuyub Bitirdikden sonra M V Keldis Tetbiqi Riyaziyyat Institutunda isleyib EserleriLevenshtein V I Binary codes capable of correcting deletions insertions and reversals Doklady Akademii Nauk SSSR 163 4 1965 845 848 Delsarte P Levenshtein V I Association schemes and coding theory IEEE Transactions on Information Theory 44 6 1998 2477 2504 doi 10 1109 18 720545 V I Levenshtein On a class of systematic codes Doklady Akademii Nauk SSSR 131 5 1960 1011 1014 V I Levenshtein Application of Hadamard matrices to a problem in coding theory Problems of Cybernetics vol 5 GIFML Moscow 1961 125 136 V I Levenshtein Certain properties of code systems Doklady Akademii Nauk SSSR 140 6 1961 1274 1277 V I Levenshtein Self adaptive automata for decoding messages Doklady Akademii Nauk SSSR 141 6 1961 1320 1323 V I Levenshtein On the inversion of finite automata Doklady Akademii Nauk SSSR 147 6 1962 1300 1303 V I Levenshtein On the stable extension of finite automata Problems of Cybernetics vol 10 GIFML Moscow 1963 281 286 V I Levenshtein On some coding systems and self tuning machines for decoding messages Problems of Cybernetics vol 11 GIFML Moscow 1964 63 121 V I Levenshtein Decoding automata invariant with respect to the initial state Problems of Cybernetics vol 12 GIFML Moscow 1964 125 136 V I Levenshtein Binary codes with correction for deletions and insertions of the symbol 1 Problemy Peredachi Informatsii 1 1 1965 12 25 V I Levenshtein On a Method of Solving the Problem of Synchronizing a Chain of Automata in Minimal Time Problemy Peredachi Informatsii 1 4 1965 20 32 V I Levenshtein Binary codes providing synchronization and correction of errors Abstracts of short scientific reports of the International Congress of Mathematicians Section 13 Moscow 1966 24 V I Levenshtein Asymptotically optimal binary code with correction of occurrences of one or two adjacent characters Problems of Cybernetics vol 19 Science Moscow 1967 293 298 V I Levenshtein On the redundancy and deceleration of separable coding of natural numbers Problems of Cybernetics vol 20 Nauka Moscow 1968 173 179 V I Levenshtein On the Synchronization of Two Way Networks of Automata Problemy Peredachi Informatsii 4 4 1968 49 62 V I Levenshtein Bounds for Codes Ensuring Error Correction and Synchronization Problemy Peredachi Informatsii 5 2 1969 3 13 V I Levenshtein On the Maximum Number of Words in Codes without Overlapping Problemy Peredachi Informatsii 6 4 1970 88 90 V I Levenshtein One Method of Constructing Quasilinear Codes Providing Synchronization in the Presence of Errors Problemy Peredachi Informatsii 7 3 1971 30 40 V I Levenshtein Upper Bound Estimates for Fixed Weight Codes Problemy Peredachi Informatsii 7 4 1971 3 12 V I Levenshtein Minimum Redundancy of Binary Error Correcting Codes Problemy Peredachi Informatsii 10 2 1974 26 42 V I Levenshtein Elements of coding theory In the book Discrete mathematics and mathematical questions of cybernetics Nauka Moscow 1974 207 305 V I Levenshtein Maximal packing density of n dimensional Euclidean space with equal balls Matematicheskie Zametki 18 2 1975 301 311 VI Levenshtein Methods for obtaining bounds in metric problems of coding theory Proc of the 1975 IEEE USSR Joint Workshop on Information Theory New York 1976 126 143 V I Levenshtein Bounds on the Probability of Undetected Error Problemy Peredachi Informacii 13 1 1977 3 18 G A Kabatiansky V I Levenshtein On Bounds for Packings on a Sphere and in Space Problemy Peredachi Informatsii 14 1 1978 3 25 V I Levenshtein On the choice of polynomials for obtaining boundaries in packaging problems VII All Union Conference on the Theory of Coding and Information Transfer Part II Moscow Vilnius 1978 103 108 V I Levenshtein On boundaries for packings in n dimensional Euclidean space Doklady Akademii Nauk SSSR 245 6 1979 1299 1303 V I Levenshtein Bounds of the maximal capacity of a code with a limited scalar product modulus Doklady Akademii Nauk SSSR 263 6 1982 1303 1308 V I Levenshtein Borders for packaging of metric spaces and some of their applications Problems of cybernetics vol 40 Science Moscow 1983 43 110 VI Levenshtein Packing of polynomial metric spaces Third International Workshop on Information Theory Convolutional codes multi user communication Sochi 1987 271 274 V I Levenshtein On the Straight Line Bound for the Undetected Error Exponent Problemy Peredachi Informatsii 25 1 1989 33 37 VI Levenshtein Perfect deletion correcting codes as combinatorial designs Proc of the Second International Workshop Algebraic and Combinatorial Coding Theory Leningrad USSR 1990 137 140 V I Levenshtein Perfect codes in the metric of deletions and insertions Diskretnaya Matematika 3 1 1991 3 20 VI Levenshtein Designs as maximum codes in polynomial metric spaces Acta Applicandae Mathematicae vol 29 1992 1 82 VI Levenshtein Bounds for self complementary codes and their applications in Eurocode 92 CISM Courses and Lectures vol 339 Springer Verlag Wien New York 1993 159 171 VI Levenshtein Bounds for codes as solutions of extremum problems for systems of orthogonal polynomials Applied Algebra Algebraic Algorithms and Error Correcting Codes Lectures Notes in Computer Science vol 673 Springer Verlag 1993 25 42 V I Levenshtein Perfect d k codes capable of correcting single peak shifts 39 2 1993 656 662 doi 10 1109 18 212300 V I Levenshtein Packing and Decomposition Problems for Polynomial Association Schemes 14 5 1993 461 477 doi 10 1006 eujc 1993 1049 T Ericson and VI Levenshtein Superimposed codes in the Hamming space IEEE Trans Inform Theory vol 40 no 6 1994 1882 1893 G Fasekas and VI Levenshtein On upper bounds for code distance and covering radius of designs in polynomial metric spaces J Combin Th Ser A vol 70 no 2 1995 267 288 T Helleseth T Klove VI Levenshtein and O Ytrehus Bounds on the minimum support weights IEEE Trans Inform Theory vol 41 no 2 1995 432 440 VI Levenshtein Krawtchouk polynomials and universal bounds for codes and designs in Hamming spaces IEEE Trans Inform Theory vol 41 no 5 1995 1303 1321 V I Levenshtein A Simple Proof of the Basic Inequalities for the Fundamental Parameters of Codes in Polynomial Relationship Schemes Problemy Peredachi Informatsii 31 4 1995 37 50 VI Levenshtein Reconstructing binary sequences by the minimum number of their subsequences or supersequences of a given length Proceedings of Fifth Intern Workshop on Algebr and Combin Coding Theory Sozopol Bulgaria June 1 7 1996 176 183 VI Levenshtein Lower bounds on crosscorrelation of codes Proceedings of IEEE Fourth Intern Symp on Spread Spectrum Techniques and Appl Mainz Germany September 22 25 1996 657 661 VI Levenshtein Split orthogonal arrays and maximum independent resilient systems of functions Designs Codes and Cryptography vol 12 no 2 1997 131 160 T Helleseth T Klove and VI Levenshtein On the information function of an error correcting code IEEE Trans Inform Theory vol 43 no 2 1997 pp 549 557 V I Levenshtein Reconstruction of objects from the minimum number of distorted patterns Doklady Akademii Nauk SSSR 354 5 1997 593 596 P Delsarte and VI Levenshtein Association schemes and coding theory IEEE Trans Inform Theory vol 44 no 6 1998 2477 2504 VI Levenshtein Universal bounds for codes and designs in Handbook of Coding Theory VS Pless and WC Huffman Eds Amsterdam Elsevier vol 1 499 648 1998 VI Levenshtein On designs in compact metric spaces and a universal bound on their size Discrete Mathematics vol 192 1998 251 271 VI Levenshtein On the maximum T wise independent systems of Boolean functions Workshop on Coding and Cryptography Paris France 1999 367 370 VI Levenshtein Equivalence of Delsarte s bounds for codes and designs in symmetric association schemes and some applications Discrete Mathematics vol 197 198 1999 515 536 VI Levenshtein New lower bounds on aperiodic crosscorrelation of binary codes IEEE Trans Inform Theory vol 45 no 1 1999 284 288 IN AND Levenshtein On designs in continuous unit cubes Proceedings of the IV International Conference Discrete models in the theory of control systems Moscow State University MAKS Press 2000 62 64 VI Levenshtein Efficient reconstruction of sequences IEEE Trans Inform Theory vol 47 no 1 2001 2 22 VI Levenshtein Efficient reconstruction of sequences from their subsequences or supersequences Journal of Combin Theory Ser A vol 93 no 2 2001 310 332 T Berger and VI Levenshtein Asymptotical efficiency of two stage testing IEEE Trans Inform Theory vol 48 no 7 2002 1741 1749 T Berger and VI Levenshtein Application of cover free codes and combinatorial designs to two stage testing Discrete Applied Mathematics T Helleseth T Klove and VI Levenshtein Hypercubic 4 and 5 designs from double error correcting BCH codes Designs Codes and Cryptography VI Levenshtein A universal bound for a covering in regular posets and its application to pool testing Discrete Mathematics Helleseth Tor Klove Torleiv Levenshtein Vladimir Error correction capability of binary linear codes 51 4 2005 1408 1423 doi 10 1109 TIT 2005 844080 VI Levenshtein Combinatorial problems motivated by comma free codes Discrete Mathematics Istinadlarhttps nplus1 ru material 2017 09 25 vladimir levenshtein Kod bez oshibok nplus1 ru rus 2020 09 23 tarixinde arxivlesdirilib Istifade tarixi 2017 10 21 IEEE Richard W Hamming Medal Recipients PDF October 17 2012 tarixinde arxivlesdirilib PDF Istifade tarixi May 29 2011 Xarici kecidler