Bu məqalədəki məlumatların olması üçün əlavə mənbələrə ehtiyac var. |
Yusif Qasımov (8 iyun 1968, Cəbrayıl) — fizika-riyaziyyat elmləri doktoru.
Yusif Qasımov | |
Qasımov Yusif Soltan oğlu | |
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Doğum tarixi | |
Doğum yeri | Cəbrayıl rayonu, Azərbaycan SSR, SSRİ |
Vətəndaşlığı | |
Milliyyəti | azərbaycanlı |
Elm sahəsi | riyaziyyat |
Elmi dərəcəsi | fizika-riyaziyyat elmləri doktoru |
Elmi adı | elmi İşlər üzrə prorektor |
İş yeri | Azərbaycan Universiteti |
Təhsili | Bakı Dövlət Universitetinin Mexanika-riyaziyyat fakültəsi |
Qasımov Yusif Soltan oğlu 1968-ci il iyun ayının 8-də Cəbrayıl rayonunda anadan olmuşdur. 1985-ci ildə Cəbrayıl rayonu Süleymanlı kənd orta məktəbini bitirmişdir.1992-ci ildə Bakı Dövlət Universitetinin Mexanika-riyaziyyat fakültəsini bitirmişdir. 1996-cı ildə namizədlik dissertasiyası müdafiə edib. 2010-cu il doktorluq dissertasiyasını müdafiə etmişdir. [1]
Təhsili, elmi dərəcə və elmi adları
- 1985-1992-Mexanika Riyaziyyat fakültəsi, BDU
- 1996 - fizika-riyaziyyat elmləri namizədi
- 2010- fizika-riyaziyyat elmləri doktoru
Əmək fəaliyyəti
- 1992-1995- Tətbiqi Riyaziyyat Elmi Tədqiqat İnstitutu kiçik elmi işçi
- 1995-1997- Tətbiqi Riyaziyyat Elmi Tədqiqat İnstitutu böyük elmi işçi
- 2006-cı il may-iyun - dəvətli professor, Nant Universiteti, Fransa [2]
- 1997-hal-hazırda- Tətbiqi Riyaziyyat Elmi Tədqiqat İnstitutu,“Tərs məsələr və qeyri-xətti tənliklər” şöbəsinin müdiri
- 2009-cu il may-iyun - dəvətli professor, Nant Universiteti, Fransa
- 2017-hal-hazırda- Azərbaycan Universiteti, elmi işlər üzrə prorektor
Tədqiqat sahəsi
Spektral nəzəriyyə, dəyişən oblastlı məxsusi ədəd məsələləri, „shape“ optimallaşdırma
- Fəxri Fərmanı
- Təhsil Nazirliyinin Fəxri Fərmanı
- Fırat Universiteti (Türkiyə) rektorunun Fəxri Fərmanı
- BDU rektorunun Fəxri Fərmanı
Qrantlar və nailiyyətlər
- “Applied and Computattional Mathematics” Beynəlxalq jurnalının aparıçı redaktoru. www.science.az/acm;
- COİA-2005 Beynəlxalq konfransın elmi katibi;
- COİA-2008 Beynəlxalq konfransın elmi katibi;
- Tərs məsələlər və formanın optimallaşdırılması- Beynəlxalq konfransın həmtəşkilatçısı, Nant Universiteti, Fransa, 2007;
- Tərs məsələlər və formanın optimallaşdırılması- Beynəlxalq konfransın həmtəşkilatçısı, Nant Universiteti, Fransa, 2008;
- Azərbaycan Riyaziyyat Cəmiyyətinin üzvü;
- III Türk dünyası Riyaziyyat simpoziumunun təşkilat komitəsinin üzvü, Almatı, Qazaxıstan;
- Dəvətli məruzəçi, III Türk dünyası Riyaziyyat simpoziumu, Almatı, Qazaxıstan (Layihəni Qazaxıstan Elm və Təhsil Nazirliyi maliyələşdirir);
- Acıq Cəmiyyət İnstitutu –SOROS fondu Qrant No 500481HE61,(Layihəni SOROS fondu maliyələşdirir);
- Acıq Cəmiyyət İnstitutu –ZUG fondu Qrant No 17013(Layihəni SOROS fondu maliyələşdirir);
- EGIDE-ECONET Qrant No. 16362VB;(Layihəni Fransa Xarici İşlər Nazirliyi maliyələşdirir);
- PİCS Layihə, No.4962-koordinator (Layihəni CNRS və AMEA maliyələşdirir);
- Scientific Committee Member of the 1st Eurasian Conference on Mathematical Sciences and Applications, September 03-07, 2012, Pristine, Kosovo;
- 2015- BDU-nun İlin alimi müsabiqəsinin qalibi.
Beynəlxalq seminar, simpoium və konfranslarda iştirakı
- 1998 – Proceedings of the conference dedicated to the 80th anniversary of prof. G.T. Ahmatov, Baku;
- 1998 – International Conference Dedicated to the 90th Anniversary of L.S. Pontyagin, Moscow;
- 1999 – „Tools or Mathematical Modeling“ International Conference, Saint-Peterburg;
- 2000 – The second Joint Seminar on Applied Mathematics, Zanjan University, Iran;
- 2007 – Conf. „Inverse and III –Pesed Problems of Mathematical Physics“ dedicated to Prof. M.M. Lavrentev in occasion of his 75th birthday, Novosibirsk;
- 2008 – The 2-nd International Conference on Control and Optimization with Industrial Applications, Baku;
- 2008 – Journess Problems Inverses et Optimisation de Form, Laboratoire de Mathematiques Jean Leray, Nantes, France;
- 2012- 1st Eurasian Conference on Mathematical Sciences and Applications, Pristine, Kosovo;
Elmi əsərləri
1.Abbasov,A.M., Aliev F.A. Gasimov Y.S. et al. English-Russian-Azerbaijanian Terminological Dictionary on Informatics, Telecommunication and Radioelectronics, Publishing House of Azerbaijan State University of Economics, 2003.
2.Niftiyev A.A. Gasimov Y.S. Control by Boundaries and Eigenvalue Problems with Variable Domain, Publishing House of Baku State University, 2004, 185p.
3.Yusif S. Gasimov. Variable domain eigenvalue problems with applications to some mechanical systems. In: Use of Risk Analysis in Computer-Aided Persuasion, pp. 222–244, NATO Science for Peace and Security Series - E: Human and Societal Dynamics, IOS Press, Netherlands, Volume 88, 2011, 327 p.
1.Min Ma, Dumitru Baleanu, Yusif S. Gasimov, Xiao-Jun Yang. New results for multidimensional diffusion equations in fractal dimensional space, Romanian Journal of Physics, Vol. 61, No.5-6, pp. 784–794.
2.Gasimov Y.S., Allahverdiyeva N.A. Aliyeva A.R. On an optimal shape problem for the eigenfrequency of the clamped plate, TWMS J. Pure Appl. Math., Vol.7, No.1, 2016, pp. 28–33.
3.Yusif Gasimov, Ghasem Farjamia, Wireless sensor networks architecture, International Research Journal of Computer Science, Vol.3, No.1, 2016
4. H.F. Guliyev, Y.S. Gasimov, S.M. Zeynalli, Optimal control method for solving the Cauchy-Neumann problem for the Poisson equation, Journal of Mathematical Physics, Analysis, Geometry, Vol.10, No.4, 2014, pp. 32–41.
5.H.F.Guliyev, Y.S.Gasimov, S.M.Zeynalli, Application of the optimization methods to solution of the Cauchy-Dirichlet problem for Poisson equation, News of Baku University, No.3, 2013, pp. 12–18.
6.S. I. Kabanikhin, Y. S. Gasimov, D. B. Nurseitov, M. A. Shishlenin, B. B. Sholpanbaev, S. Kasenov, Regularization of the continuation problem for elliptic equations, Journal of Inverse and Ill-Posed Problems. Volume 21, Issue 6, November 2013, pp. 871–884, DOI: 10.1515/jip-2013-0041.
7.Gasimov Y.S. On a shape design problem for one spectral functional, Journal of Inverse and Ill-Posed Problems, Vol. 21, N. 5, 2013, pp. 629–637, DOI: 10.1515/jip-2012-0001
8.Aliev F.A., Gasimov Y.S., Velieva N.I., Safarova N.A., Agamalieva L.F. High accuracy algorithms to the solution of the optimal output feedback problem for the linear systems, Proceedings of the Romanian Academy, Series A, Vol. 13, N3, 2012, pp. 207–214.
9.Aliev F.A., Velieva N.I., Gasimov Y.S. Comments on “An alternate numerical solution to the linear quadratic problem” by P.L.D. Peres and J.C. Geromel, Applied and Computational Mathematics, V.9, N.1, 2010, pp. 146–148.
10.Aliev F.A., Gasimov Y.S. Application of the shape optimization method to one optimal control problem in oil extraction by gazlift method, Reports of ANAS, V. LXVI, N.2, 2010, pp. 18–23.
11.Gasimov Y.S., Nachaoui A., Niftiyev A.A. Nonlinear eigenvalue problems for -Laplacian, Optimization Letters, 2010, N.4, pp. 67–84.
12.Pourgholi R., Azizi N., Gasimov Y.S., Aliev F.A., Khalafi H.K. Removal of numerical instability in the solution of an inverse head conduction problem, Communications in Nonlinear Science and Numerical Simulation, V.14, N.6, 2009, pp. 2664–2669.
13.Mardanov M.J., Nachaoui A., Velieva N.I., Gasimov Y.S., Niftili A.A. Methods for the solution of the optimal stabilization problem for the descriptor systems, Reports of ANAS, V. LXIV, N.4, 2008, pp. 8–13.
14.Aliev F.A., Gasimov Y.S., Nachaoui A., Safarova N.A., Efendiev R.F. An iterative algorithm for the solution of the discrete periodic optimal regulator problem, Reports of ANAS, V. LXIV, N.6, 2008, pp. 3–7.
15. Gasimov Y.S. An inverse spectral problem W.R.T. domain, Mathematical Physics, Analysis, Geometry, V.4, N.3, 2008, pp. 358–370.
16. Gasimov Y.S. Some shape optimization problems for the eigenvalues, J. Phys. A: Math. Theor. 41, 2008, N.5, pp. 521–529.
17. Gasimov Y.S. Algorithm to the solution of a shape optimization problem for the eigenvalues, Reports of ANAS, V. LXIII, N.6, 2007, pp. 15–21.
18. Gasimov Y.S. On a convex dependence of the eigenvalues of Schrödinger operator on the domain, News of Baku State University, N.2, 2006, pp. 29–33.
19. Gasimov Y.S., Ahmadov E. Algorithm to the solution of the discrete problem of the variational calculus with unknown boundaries, Reports of ANAS, V. LXI, N.5, 2005, pp. 31–37.
20. Gasimov Y.S. On one inverse problem for defining of the domain of the plate, Applied and Computational Mathematics, V.4, N.2, 2005, pp. 41–46.
21. Gasimov Y.S. On one inverse problem relatively domain for the plate, Archive: Math.SP/0506442, V.1, 2005, 7p.
22. Gasimov Y.S. On some properties of the eigenvalues by the variation of the domain, Mathematical Physics, Analysis, Geometry, V.10, N.2, 2003, pp. 249– 255.
23. Gasimov Y.S., Niftiyev A.A. On a dependence of the eigenfrequency of the plate under across vibrations, Problems of Durability and Plasticity, 2002, issue 64, pp. 91–95.
24. Gasimov Y.S., Niftiyev A.A. On a minimization of the eigenvalues of Schrödinger operator relatively domain, Differential Equations, V.38, N.6, 2002, pp. 842–844.
25. Gasimov Y.S. Variation of the eigenvalues of the second-order elliptic operator with respect to boundary conditions, Optimization Methods and Applications, V.4, 2001, pp. 82–88.
26. Gasimov Y.S., Niftiyev A.A. On a minimization of the eigenvalues of Schrödinger operator with respect to domain, Doklady Mathematics, V. 380, N.3, 2001, pp. 305–307.
27. Gasimov Y.S., Niftiyev A.A. On a minimization of the fist eigenvalue of the Laplace operator over domains, The Journal of Mathematics, University of Istanbul, V.57-58, 2001, pp. 99–102.
28. Gasimov Y.S., Niftiyev A.A. Some properties of the eigenvalues and their parametrical dependence on the domain, Theory, and Practice of Differential Equations, V.6, 2000, pp. 70–74.
29. Gasimov Y.S. On a minimization of the eigenvalues of Laplace operator with respect to domain, Theory and Practice of Differential Equations, V.7, 2000, pp. 70–73.
30. Niftiyev A.A., Gasimov Y.S. The optimal control problem for the elliptic equation, Statistics, Journal of Turkish Statistical Association, V.2, N.3, 1999, pp. 175 – 186.
31. Niftiyev A.A., Gasimov Y.S. The optimal control problem for the elliptic equation with unknown boundaries, News of Baku State University, N. 3-4, 1999, pp. 124–136.
1.Gasimov Y.S., Allahverdiyeva N. Amirova L., On a convexity property of the eigenfrequency of the clamped plate, International Conference on Differential Equations and Dynamic Systems, Suzdal, Russia, 8-12 July 2016
2.Aliyev A.M., Gasimov Y.S., On an inverse problem relatively domain in variational formulation V International Scientific Conference “Assymptotical, Topological, and Computer Methods in Mathematics” devoted to the 85 Aniversary of academician M.Imanaliyev, Bishkek, 2016
3.Gasimov Y.S., On a solution of the inverse spectral problems on reconstruction of the domain for some operators, 5th International Conference on Mathematics & Information Sciences, 11-13 Feb. 2016, Zeval City, Egypt
4.Gasimov Y.S., Farjamia G., Probe selection to reduce the power consumption in wireless sensor networks, International Conference on Electrical Engineering Computer Information Technology, Tabriz, İran, September 2016
5.Gasimov Y.S., Farjamia G., CS ideas on WSN deployment International Conference on Electrical Engineering Computer Information Technology, Tabriz, İran, September, 2016
6.Gasimov Y.S., Amirova L.I., Allahverdiyeva N., Investigation of one applied optimization problem by shape optimization method, Scientific Conference “Functional Analysis and Applications”dedicated to the 100th Anniversary of prof. A.Habibzade, Bakı, 2016
7.Gasımov Y.S., Murtuzayeva A., Aliyeva A. On an inverse problem for the composite type equation, Scientific Conference dedicated to the 100th Anniversary of prof. M.L. Rasulov, Sheki, Azerbaijan, November 2016.
8.Gasimov Y.S., A.Aliyeva, On a variation of the eigenvalues of Pauli operator with respect to domain V Congress of the Turkic World Mathematicians, Kyrgyzstan, “Issyk-Kul Aurora”, 5-7 June 2014, p. 70.
9.Gasimov Y.S. Allahverdiyeva N.A.On an extremal problem for the eigenvalue of Pauli operator with variable domain V Congress of the Turkic World Mathematicians, Kyrgyzstan, “Issyk-Kul Aurora”, 5-7 June 2014, p. 70.
10.Г.Ф.Кулиев, Ю.С.Гасымов, С.М.Зейналлы, Об определении правой части уравнения колебаний струны Mathematics and ICT Applications Sphere: New Training Technologies, Ganja, Azerbaijan, 5-6 June, 2014, pp. 198–199.
11.F.A.Aliev, N.A.Ismailov, Y.S.Gasimov, M.M.Mutallimov Mathematical modeling, control and stabilization of gas-lift process V Congress of the Turkic World Mathematicians, Kyrgyzstan, “Issyk-Kul Aurora”, 5-7 June 2014, p. 235.
12.Gasimov Y.S., Allahverdiyeva N.A.On an optimal shape design problem for the eigenvalues of the biharmonic operator, Extended abstracts of the 4th International Conference on Control and Optimization with Industrial Applications, 10-12 July 2013, Borovets, Bulgaria.
13.Guliyev H.F. , Gasimov Y.S. Optimal control method to solving the Cauchy-Dirichlet problem for elliptic equation, Extended abstracts of the 4th International Conference on Control and Optimization with Industrial Applications, 10-12 July 2013, Borovets, Bulgaria.
14.Gasimov Y.S., Allahverdiyeva N.A. Algorithm to solution of the shape optimization problem for the eigenvalues, 2nd International Eurasian Conference on Mathematical Sciences and Applications, 26-29 September 2013, Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina.
15.Gasimov Y.S., Amirova L.I. On a shape design problem for the eigenfrequency of the membrane with fixed boundary length, The 1st Eurasian Conference on Mathematical Sciences and Applications, September 03-07, 2012, Pristine, Kosovo, p. 144.
16.Aliev F.A., Gasimov Y.S., Velieva N.I., Agamalieva L.F. A method for the solution of the optimal control problem for the linear descriptor systems, The 1st Eurasian Conference on Mathematical Sciences and Applications, September 03-07, 2012, Pristine, Kosovo, p. 107.
17.Aliev F.A., Gasimov Y.S., Velieva N.I., Safarova N.A., Agamalieva L.F. High accuracy algorithm to the solution of the optimal output feedback problem for the linear systems, 9th Seminar on differential equations and dynamical systems, July 11-13, 2012, Tabriz, Iran, pp. 353–354.
18.Gasimov Y.S., Mardanov I.J., Safarova N.A. On a minimization of the first eigenfrequency of the plate with respect to its domain, IV Congress of the Turkic World Mathematical Society, Baku, Azerbaijan, 1-3 July 2011, p. 353.
19.Aliev F.A., Ismayilov F.S., Ismayilov N.A., Gasimov Y.S. On a problem of identification in the linear stationary case, The 3rd International Conference on Control and Optimization with Industrial Applications, Ankara, Turkey, 2011, pp. 134–135.
20.Gasimov Y.S., Safarova N.A. On an optimization problem with respect to domain for the eigenfrequency of the vibrating plate, The 3rd International Conference on Control and Optimization with Industrial Applications, Ankara, Turkey, 2011, pp. 87–88.
21.Aliev F.A., Velieva N.I., Gasimov Y.S. High-accuracy algorithm to the solution of the optimal control output feedback problem, The 3rd International Conference on Control and Optimization with Industrial Applications, Ankara, Turkey, 2011, p. 97.
22.Gasimov Y.S. Variable domain eigenvalue problems with applications to some mechanical systems, The NATO Science for Peace and Security Programme Workshop on Use of the Risk Analysis in Computer-Aided Persuasion, Antalya, Turkey, 22-26 May 2011.
23.Aliev F.A., Mutalimmov M.M., Gasimov Y.S. Algorithm to the solution of the spatial problem of construction program trajectory and control of the gaslift process, International Conferense Dedicated to the 80th Anniversary of prof. F.G.Maksudov, Baku, 2010, pp. 56–58.
24.Gasimov Y.S.On an optimization problem with respect to domain for the eigenvalues of Laplace operator, The Second International Conference on Mathematical Physics and its Applications, Samara, 2010, pp. 54–55.
25.Aliev F.A., Velieva N.I., Gasimov Y.S.High-accuracy algorithm to the solution of the optimal control output feedback problem for the linear systems, 7th International Conference on Applied Mathematics, Baia Mare, Romania, 1-4 September 2010, 1p.
26.Gasimov Y.S., Safarova N.A. An iterative method to the solution of the optimal regulator problem, 7th International Conference on Applied Mathematics, Baia Mare, Romania, 1-4 September 2010, 1p
27.Gasimov Y.S.Necessary optimality condition with respect to domain for one spectral functional, International Conference on Differential Equations and Dynamical Systems, Suzdal, 2010, p. 211.
28.Aliev F.A., Ilyasov M.M., Gasimov Y.S., Nuriev N.B. Problems of mathematical modeling, optimization and control of the gazlift process, III Congress of the Turkic World Mathematical Society, Almaty, Kazakhstan, 2009, V.2, p. 113.
29.Aliev F.A., Ilyasov M.M., Gasimov Y.S. Space optimal control problem in the oil extraction by gazlift method, III Congress of the Turkic World Mathematical Society, Almaty, Kazakhstan, 2009, vol.2, p. 114.
30.Gasimov Y.S. Eigenvalue problems for -Laplacian with variable domain, III Congress of the Turkic World Mathematical Society, Almaty, Kazakhstan, 2009, V.1, p. 306.
31.Gasimov Y.S. On one shape optimization problem for - Laplacian, International Conference “Modern Problems of Applied Mathematics and Information Technologies – Al-Khorezmiy-2009”, V.2, pp. 78–81.
32.Gasimov Y.S. How to find an optimal shape for one spectral functional, International Conference on mathematical physics and applications, Samara, 2008, p. 52.
33.Gasimov Y.S., Nachaoui A. On an existence of the optimal shape for one spectral functional, The 2nd International Conference on Control and Optimization with Industrial Applications, Baku, 2-4 June 2008, p. 65.
34.Gasimov Y.S. On a numerical solution of a domain optimization problem for the eigenvalues, International Conference Dedicated to the 100th Anniversary of prof. A.I. Huseynov, Baku, 2007, p. 61.
35.Gasimov Y.S.On a minimization of one functional over domain, Proceedings of the 38th Annual Iranian Mathematical Conference, Zanjan, 2007, pp. 267–269.
36.Gasimov Y.S. On an optimization problem for the eigenvalues, International Conference “Inverse and Ill-Posed Problems of Mathematical Physics” dedicated to prof. M.M. Lavrentev in Occasion of his 75-th Birthday, Novosibirsk, 2007, pp. 1–3.
37.Gasimov Y.S. On a Numerical Solution of one Shape Optimization Problem for the Eigenvalues, The Second Turkic World Mathematical Symposium, Sakarya 4-7 June 2007, p. 66.
38.Gasimov Y.S.On the minimal value of the constant in one functional inequality, International Conference “Mathematics, Mechanics, Informatics”, Chelyabinsk, 19-22 June 2006, p. 161.
39.Gasimov Y.S., Niftiyev A.A. On one minimization problem for the eigenvalues relatively domain, The 1st International Conference on Control and Optimization with Industrial Applications, Baku, 2005, pp. 76–77.
40.Gasimov Y.S. On an inverse problem relatively domain for the plate, The 1st International Conference on Control and Optimization with Industrial Applications, Baku, 2005, pp. 42–43.
41.Gasimov Y.S. On a convex dependence of the eigenvalues on the domain, Proceedings of the 2nd Conference “Modern Problems of Informatics, Cybernetics and Information Technologies”, Baku, 2004, V.3, pp. 106–109.
42.Gasimov Y.S. On an inverse spectral problem, International Conference “Algorithmic analysis of the nonstable problems”, Yekaterinburg, 2003, p. 134.
43.Gasimov Y.S., Niftiyev A.A. Convex dependence of the eigenvalues on the domain, International Conference “Modern Problems of Mathematics, Mechanics and Informatics” dedicated to the 80th anniversary of prof. Tolokonnikov, Tula Russia, 2003, pp. 16–17.
44.Gasimov Y.S.On the extremal properties of the eigenvalues with respect to domain, International Conference “Ill Posed and Inverse Problems” dedicated to prof. M.M. Lavrentev, Moscow, 2002, p. 64.
45.Gasimov Y.S. On a variation of the eigenvalues of the second-order elliptic equation with the second condition relatively domain, Conference Dedicated to the 85th Anniversary of prof. A.S. Habibzade, Baku, 2001, p. 105.
46.Gasimov Y.S., Niftiyev A.A. Some aspects of the investigation of the movement and interaction of the bodies, International Conference “Nasreddin Tusi and modern mathematics”, Baku, 2001, 1p.
47.Gasimov Y.S. On a variation of the eigenvalues relatively two connected domains, International Conference “Tools for Mathematical Modeling”, Saint-Petersburg, 2001, р. 23.
48.Gasimov Y.S., Niftiyev A.A. Parametrical dependence of the eigenvalues of Laplace operator on the domain, International Conference “Differential Equations and Applications”, Saint- Petersburg, V.6, 2000, p. 43.
49.Gasimov Y.S. On some parametrical properties of the eigenvalues relatively domain, The Second Joint Seminar on Applied Mathematics, Zanjan University, 2000, p. 44.
50.Gasimov Y.S., Niftiyev A.A. On Minimization of the Fist Eigenvaule of Laplace Operator over Domains, International Conference “Tools for Mathematical Modeling”, Saint- Petersburg, 1999, pp. 94–95.
51.Gasimov Y.S.Asymptotical formulas for some series of the eigenvalues of Pauli operator in sphere, Proceedings of the Conference Dedicated to the 80th Anniversary of prof. G.Ahmadov, Baku, 1998, pp. 154–156.
52.Niftiyev A.A., Gasimov Y.S. Optimal Control Problem for the Elliptic Equation with Unknown Boundaries, International Conference Dedicated to the 90th Anniversary of L.S. Pontryagin, Moscow, 1998, pp. 147–149.
Əsas iş yeri və ünvanı
Vəzifəsi-Elmi İşlər üzrə prorektor
Elektron poçtu- ysfgasimov@yahoo.com
Xarici keçidlər
Daxili keçidlər
- [5]
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Bu meqaledeki melumatlarin yoxlanilabiler olmasi ucun elave menbelere ehtiyac var Daha etrafli melumat ve ya meqaledeki problemlerle bagli muzakire aparmaq ucun diqqet yetire bilersiniz Lutfen meqaleye etibarli menbeler elave ederek bu meqaleni tekmillesdirmeye komek edin Menbesiz mezmun problemler yarada ve siline biler Problemler hell edilmemis sablonu meqaleden cixarmayin Vikipediyada bu ad soyadli diger sexsler haqqinda da meqaleler var bax Yusif Qasimov Yusif Qasimov 8 iyun 1968 Cebrayil fizika riyaziyyat elmleri doktoru Yusif QasimovQasimov Yusif Soltan ogluDogum tarixi 8 iyun 1968 56 yas Dogum yeri Cebrayil rayonu Azerbaycan SSR SSRIVetendasligi SSRI AzerbaycanMilliyyeti azerbaycanliElm sahesi riyaziyyatElmi derecesi fizika riyaziyyat elmleri doktoruElmi adi elmi Isler uzre prorektorIs yeri Azerbaycan UniversitetiTehsili Baki Dovlet Universitetinin Mexanika riyaziyyat fakultesiHeyatiQasimov Yusif Soltan oglu 1968 ci il iyun ayinin 8 de Cebrayil rayonunda anadan olmusdur 1985 ci ilde Cebrayil rayonu Suleymanli kend orta mektebini bitirmisdir 1992 ci ilde Baki Dovlet Universitetinin Mexanika riyaziyyat fakultesini bitirmisdir 1996 ci ilde namizedlik dissertasiyasi mudafie edib 2010 cu il doktorluq dissertasiyasini mudafie etmisdir 1 Tehsili elmi derece ve elmi adlari1985 1992 Mexanika Riyaziyyat fakultesi BDU 1996 fizika riyaziyyat elmleri namizedi 2010 fizika riyaziyyat elmleri doktoruEmek fealiyyeti1992 1995 Tetbiqi Riyaziyyat Elmi Tedqiqat Institutu kicik elmi isci 1995 1997 Tetbiqi Riyaziyyat Elmi Tedqiqat Institutu boyuk elmi isci 2006 ci il may iyun devetli professor Nant Universiteti Fransa 2 1997 hal hazirda Tetbiqi Riyaziyyat Elmi Tedqiqat Institutu Ters meseler ve qeyri xetti tenlikler sobesinin mudiri 2009 cu il may iyun devetli professor Nant Universiteti Fransa 2017 hal hazirda Azerbaycan Universiteti elmi isler uzre prorektorTedqiqat sahesi Spektral nezeriyye deyisen oblastli mexsusi eded meseleleri shape optimallasdirmaTeltiflerFexri Fermani Tehsil Nazirliyinin Fexri Fermani Firat Universiteti Turkiye rektorunun Fexri Fermani BDU rektorunun Fexri FermaniQrantlar ve nailiyyetler Applied and Computattional Mathematics Beynelxalq jurnalinin aparici redaktoru www science az acm COIA 2005 Beynelxalq konfransin elmi katibi COIA 2008 Beynelxalq konfransin elmi katibi Ters meseleler ve formanin optimallasdirilmasi Beynelxalq konfransin hemteskilatcisi Nant Universiteti Fransa 2007 Ters meseleler ve formanin optimallasdirilmasi Beynelxalq konfransin hemteskilatcisi Nant Universiteti Fransa 2008 Azerbaycan Riyaziyyat Cemiyyetinin uzvu III Turk dunyasi Riyaziyyat simpoziumunun teskilat komitesinin uzvu Almati Qazaxistan Devetli meruzeci III Turk dunyasi Riyaziyyat simpoziumu Almati Qazaxistan Layiheni Qazaxistan Elm ve Tehsil Nazirliyi maliyelesdirir Aciq Cemiyyet Institutu SOROS fondu Qrant No 500481HE61 Layiheni SOROS fondu maliyelesdirir Aciq Cemiyyet Institutu ZUG fondu Qrant No 17013 Layiheni SOROS fondu maliyelesdirir EGIDE ECONET Qrant No 16362VB Layiheni Fransa Xarici Isler Nazirliyi maliyelesdirir PICS Layihe No 4962 koordinator Layiheni CNRS ve AMEA maliyelesdirir Scientific Committee Member of the 1st Eurasian Conference on Mathematical Sciences and Applications September 03 07 2012 Pristine Kosovo 2015 BDU nun Ilin alimi musabiqesinin qalibi Beynelxalq seminar simpoium ve konfranslarda istiraki 1998 Proceedings of the conference dedicated to the 80th anniversary of prof G T Ahmatov Baku 1998 International Conference Dedicated to the 90th Anniversary of L S Pontyagin Moscow 1999 Tools or Mathematical Modeling International Conference Saint Peterburg 2000 The second Joint Seminar on Applied Mathematics Zanjan University Iran 2007 Conf Inverse and III Pesed Problems of Mathematical Physics dedicated to Prof M M Lavrentev in occasion of his 75th birthday Novosibirsk 2008 The 2 nd International Conference on Control and Optimization with Industrial Applications Baku 2008 Journess Problems Inverses et Optimisation de Form Laboratoire de Mathematiques Jean Leray Nantes France 2012 1st Eurasian Conference on Mathematical Sciences and Applications Pristine Kosovo Elmi eserleriKitablar 1 Abbasov A M Aliev F A Gasimov Y S et al English Russian Azerbaijanian Terminological Dictionary on Informatics Telecommunication and Radioelectronics Publishing House of Azerbaijan State University of Economics 2003 2 Niftiyev A A Gasimov Y S Control by Boundaries and Eigenvalue Problems with Variable Domain Publishing House of Baku State University 2004 185p 3 Yusif S Gasimov Variable domain eigenvalue problems with applications to some mechanical systems In Use of Risk Analysis in Computer Aided Persuasion pp 222 244 NATO Science for Peace and Security Series E Human and Societal Dynamics IOS Press Netherlands Volume 88 2011 327 p Meqaleler 1 Min Ma Dumitru Baleanu Yusif S Gasimov Xiao Jun Yang New results for multidimensional diffusion equations in fractal dimensional space Romanian Journal of Physics Vol 61 No 5 6 pp 784 794 2 Gasimov Y S Allahverdiyeva N A Aliyeva A R On an optimal shape problem for the eigenfrequency of the clamped plate TWMS J Pure Appl Math Vol 7 No 1 2016 pp 28 33 3 Yusif Gasimov Ghasem Farjamia Wireless sensor networks architecture International Research Journal of Computer Science Vol 3 No 1 2016 4 H F Guliyev Y S Gasimov S M Zeynalli Optimal control method for solving the Cauchy Neumann problem for the Poisson equation Journal of Mathematical Physics Analysis Geometry Vol 10 No 4 2014 pp 32 41 5 H F Guliyev Y S Gasimov S M Zeynalli Application of the optimization methods to solution of the Cauchy Dirichlet problem for Poisson equation News of Baku University No 3 2013 pp 12 18 6 S I Kabanikhin Y S Gasimov D B Nurseitov M A Shishlenin B B Sholpanbaev S Kasenov Regularization of the continuation problem for elliptic equations Journal of Inverse and Ill Posed Problems Volume 21 Issue 6 November 2013 pp 871 884 DOI 10 1515 jip 2013 0041 7 Gasimov Y S On a shape design problem for one spectral functional Journal of Inverse and Ill Posed Problems Vol 21 N 5 2013 pp 629 637 DOI 10 1515 jip 2012 0001 8 Aliev F A Gasimov Y S Velieva N I Safarova N A Agamalieva L F High accuracy algorithms to the solution of the optimal output feedback problem for the linear systems Proceedings of the Romanian Academy Series A Vol 13 N3 2012 pp 207 214 9 Aliev F A Velieva N I Gasimov Y S Comments on An alternate numerical solution to the linear quadratic problem by P L D Peres and J C Geromel Applied and Computational Mathematics V 9 N 1 2010 pp 146 148 10 Aliev F A Gasimov Y S Application of the shape optimization method to one optimal control problem in oil extraction by gazlift method Reports of ANAS V LXVI N 2 2010 pp 18 23 11 Gasimov Y S Nachaoui A Niftiyev A A Nonlinear eigenvalue problems for Laplacian Optimization Letters 2010 N 4 pp 67 84 12 Pourgholi R Azizi N Gasimov Y S Aliev F A Khalafi H K Removal of numerical instability in the solution of an inverse head conduction problem Communications in Nonlinear Science and Numerical Simulation V 14 N 6 2009 pp 2664 2669 13 Mardanov M J Nachaoui A Velieva N I Gasimov Y S Niftili A A Methods for the solution of the optimal stabilization problem for the descriptor systems Reports of ANAS V LXIV N 4 2008 pp 8 13 14 Aliev F A Gasimov Y S Nachaoui A Safarova N A Efendiev R F An iterative algorithm for the solution of the discrete periodic optimal regulator problem Reports of ANAS V LXIV N 6 2008 pp 3 7 15 Gasimov Y S An inverse spectral problem W R T domain Mathematical Physics Analysis Geometry V 4 N 3 2008 pp 358 370 16 Gasimov Y S Some shape optimization problems for the eigenvalues J Phys A Math Theor 41 2008 N 5 pp 521 529 17 Gasimov Y S Algorithm to the solution of a shape optimization problem for the eigenvalues Reports of ANAS V LXIII N 6 2007 pp 15 21 18 Gasimov Y S On a convex dependence of the eigenvalues of Schrodinger operator on the domain News of Baku State University N 2 2006 pp 29 33 19 Gasimov Y S Ahmadov E Algorithm to the solution of the discrete problem of the variational calculus with unknown boundaries Reports of ANAS V LXI N 5 2005 pp 31 37 20 Gasimov Y S On one inverse problem for defining of the domain of the plate Applied and Computational Mathematics V 4 N 2 2005 pp 41 46 21 Gasimov Y S On one inverse problem relatively domain for the plate Archive Math SP 0506442 V 1 2005 7p 22 Gasimov Y S On some properties of the eigenvalues by the variation of the domain Mathematical Physics Analysis Geometry V 10 N 2 2003 pp 249 255 23 Gasimov Y S Niftiyev A A On a dependence of the eigenfrequency of the plate under across vibrations Problems of Durability and Plasticity 2002 issue 64 pp 91 95 24 Gasimov Y S Niftiyev A A On a minimization of the eigenvalues of Schrodinger operator relatively domain Differential Equations V 38 N 6 2002 pp 842 844 25 Gasimov Y S Variation of the eigenvalues of the second order elliptic operator with respect to boundary conditions Optimization Methods and Applications V 4 2001 pp 82 88 26 Gasimov Y S Niftiyev A A On a minimization of the eigenvalues of Schrodinger operator with respect to domain Doklady Mathematics V 380 N 3 2001 pp 305 307 27 Gasimov Y S Niftiyev A A On a minimization of the fist eigenvalue of the Laplace operator over domains The Journal of Mathematics University of Istanbul V 57 58 2001 pp 99 102 28 Gasimov Y S Niftiyev A A Some properties of the eigenvalues and their parametrical dependence on the domain Theory and Practice of Differential Equations V 6 2000 pp 70 74 29 Gasimov Y S On a minimization of the eigenvalues of Laplace operator with respect to domain Theory and Practice of Differential Equations V 7 2000 pp 70 73 30 Niftiyev A A Gasimov Y S The optimal control problem for the elliptic equation Statistics Journal of Turkish Statistical Association V 2 N 3 1999 pp 175 186 31 Niftiyev A A Gasimov Y S The optimal control problem for the elliptic equation with unknown boundaries News of Baku State University N 3 4 1999 pp 124 136 Tezisler 1 Gasimov Y S Allahverdiyeva N Amirova L On a convexity property of the eigenfrequency of the clamped plate International Conference on Differential Equations and Dynamic Systems Suzdal Russia 8 12 July 2016 2 Aliyev A M Gasimov Y S On an inverse problem relatively domain in variational formulation V International Scientific Conference Assymptotical Topological and Computer Methods in Mathematics devoted to the 85 Aniversary of academician M Imanaliyev Bishkek 2016 3 Gasimov Y S On a solution of the inverse spectral problems on reconstruction of the domain for some operators 5th International Conference on Mathematics amp Information Sciences 11 13 Feb 2016 Zeval City Egypt 4 Gasimov Y S Farjamia G Probe selection to reduce the power consumption in wireless sensor networks International Conference on Electrical Engineering Computer Information Technology Tabriz Iran September 2016 5 Gasimov Y S Farjamia G CS ideas on WSN deployment International Conference on Electrical Engineering Computer Information Technology Tabriz Iran September 2016 6 Gasimov Y S Amirova L I Allahverdiyeva N Investigation of one applied optimization problem by shape optimization method Scientific Conference Functional Analysis and Applications dedicated to the 100th Anniversary of prof A Habibzade Baki 2016 7 Gasimov Y S Murtuzayeva A Aliyeva A On an inverse problem for the composite type equation Scientific Conference dedicated to the 100th Anniversary of prof M L Rasulov Sheki Azerbaijan November 2016 8 Gasimov Y S A Aliyeva On a variation of the eigenvalues of Pauli operator with respect to domain V Congress of the Turkic World Mathematicians Kyrgyzstan Issyk Kul Aurora 5 7 June 2014 p 70 9 Gasimov Y S Allahverdiyeva N A On an extremal problem for the eigenvalue of Pauli operator with variable domain V Congress of the Turkic World Mathematicians Kyrgyzstan Issyk Kul Aurora 5 7 June 2014 p 70 10 G F Kuliev Yu S Gasymov S M Zejnally Ob opredelenii pravoj chasti uravneniya kolebanij struny Mathematics and ICT Applications Sphere New Training Technologies Ganja Azerbaijan 5 6 June 2014 pp 198 199 11 F A Aliev N A Ismailov Y S Gasimov M M Mutallimov Mathematical modeling control and stabilization of gas lift process V Congress of the Turkic World Mathematicians Kyrgyzstan Issyk Kul Aurora 5 7 June 2014 p 235 12 Gasimov Y S Allahverdiyeva N A On an optimal shape design problem for the eigenvalues of the biharmonic operator Extended abstracts of the 4th International Conference on Control and Optimization with Industrial Applications 10 12 July 2013 Borovets Bulgaria 13 Guliyev H F Gasimov Y S Optimal control method to solving the Cauchy Dirichlet problem for elliptic equation Extended abstracts of the 4th International Conference on Control and Optimization with Industrial Applications 10 12 July 2013 Borovets Bulgaria 14 Gasimov Y S Allahverdiyeva N A Algorithm to solution of the shape optimization problem for the eigenvalues 2nd International Eurasian Conference on Mathematical Sciences and Applications 26 29 September 2013 Sarajevo Bosnia and Herzegovina 15 Gasimov Y S Amirova L I On a shape design problem for the eigenfrequency of the membrane with fixed boundary length The 1st Eurasian Conference on Mathematical Sciences and Applications September 03 07 2012 Pristine Kosovo p 144 16 Aliev F A Gasimov Y S Velieva N I Agamalieva L F A method for the solution of the optimal control problem for the linear descriptor systems The 1st Eurasian Conference on Mathematical Sciences and Applications September 03 07 2012 Pristine Kosovo p 107 17 Aliev F A Gasimov Y S Velieva N I Safarova N A Agamalieva L F High accuracy algorithm to the solution of the optimal output feedback problem for the linear systems 9th Seminar on differential equations and dynamical systems July 11 13 2012 Tabriz Iran pp 353 354 18 Gasimov Y S Mardanov I J Safarova N A On a minimization of the first eigenfrequency of the plate with respect to its domain IV Congress of the Turkic World Mathematical Society Baku Azerbaijan 1 3 July 2011 p 353 19 Aliev F A Ismayilov F S Ismayilov N A Gasimov Y S On a problem of identification in the linear stationary case The 3rd International Conference on Control and Optimization with Industrial Applications Ankara Turkey 2011 pp 134 135 20 Gasimov Y S Safarova N A On an optimization problem with respect to domain for the eigenfrequency of the vibrating plate The 3rd International Conference on Control and Optimization with Industrial Applications Ankara Turkey 2011 pp 87 88 21 Aliev F A Velieva N I Gasimov Y S High accuracy algorithm to the solution of the optimal control output feedback problem The 3rd International Conference on Control and Optimization with Industrial Applications Ankara Turkey 2011 p 97 22 Gasimov Y S Variable domain eigenvalue problems with applications to some mechanical systems The NATO Science for Peace and Security Programme Workshop on Use of the Risk Analysis in Computer Aided Persuasion Antalya Turkey 22 26 May 2011 23 Aliev F A Mutalimmov M M Gasimov Y S Algorithm to the solution of the spatial problem of construction program trajectory and control of the gaslift process International Conferense Dedicated to the 80th Anniversary of prof F G Maksudov Baku 2010 pp 56 58 24 Gasimov Y S On an optimization problem with respect to domain for the eigenvalues of Laplace operator The Second International Conference on Mathematical Physics and its Applications Samara 2010 pp 54 55 25 Aliev F A Velieva N I Gasimov Y S High accuracy algorithm to the solution of the optimal control output feedback problem for the linear systems 7th International Conference on Applied Mathematics Baia Mare Romania 1 4 September 2010 1p 26 Gasimov Y S Safarova N A An iterative method to the solution of the optimal regulator problem 7th International Conference on Applied Mathematics Baia Mare Romania 1 4 September 2010 1p 27 Gasimov Y S Necessary optimality condition with respect to domain for one spectral functional International Conference on Differential Equations and Dynamical Systems Suzdal 2010 p 211 28 Aliev F A Ilyasov M M Gasimov Y S Nuriev N B Problems of mathematical modeling optimization and control of the gazlift process III Congress of the Turkic World Mathematical Society Almaty Kazakhstan 2009 V 2 p 113 29 Aliev F A Ilyasov M M Gasimov Y S Space optimal control problem in the oil extraction by gazlift method III Congress of the Turkic World Mathematical Society Almaty Kazakhstan 2009 vol 2 p 114 30 Gasimov Y S Eigenvalue problems for Laplacian with variable domain III Congress of the Turkic World Mathematical Society Almaty Kazakhstan 2009 V 1 p 306 31 Gasimov Y S On one shape optimization problem for Laplacian International Conference Modern Problems of Applied Mathematics and Information Technologies Al Khorezmiy 2009 V 2 pp 78 81 32 Gasimov Y S How to find an optimal shape for one spectral functional International Conference on mathematical physics and applications Samara 2008 p 52 33 Gasimov Y S Nachaoui A On an existence of the optimal shape for one spectral functional The 2nd International Conference on Control and Optimization with Industrial Applications Baku 2 4 June 2008 p 65 34 Gasimov Y S On a numerical solution of a domain optimization problem for the eigenvalues International Conference Dedicated to the 100th Anniversary of prof A I Huseynov Baku 2007 p 61 35 Gasimov Y S On a minimization of one functional over domain Proceedings of the 38th Annual Iranian Mathematical Conference Zanjan 2007 pp 267 269 36 Gasimov Y S On an optimization problem for the eigenvalues International Conference Inverse and Ill Posed Problems of Mathematical Physics dedicated to prof M M Lavrentev in Occasion of his 75 th Birthday Novosibirsk 2007 pp 1 3 37 Gasimov Y S On a Numerical Solution of one Shape Optimization Problem for the Eigenvalues The Second Turkic World Mathematical Symposium Sakarya 4 7 June 2007 p 66 38 Gasimov Y S On the minimal value of the constant in one functional inequality International Conference Mathematics Mechanics Informatics Chelyabinsk 19 22 June 2006 p 161 39 Gasimov Y S Niftiyev A A On one minimization problem for the eigenvalues relatively domain The 1st International Conference on Control and Optimization with Industrial Applications Baku 2005 pp 76 77 40 Gasimov Y S On an inverse problem relatively domain for the plate The 1st International Conference on Control and Optimization with Industrial Applications Baku 2005 pp 42 43 41 Gasimov Y S On a convex dependence of the eigenvalues on the domain Proceedings of the 2nd Conference Modern Problems of Informatics Cybernetics and Information Technologies Baku 2004 V 3 pp 106 109 42 Gasimov Y S On an inverse spectral problem International Conference Algorithmic analysis of the nonstable problems Yekaterinburg 2003 p 134 43 Gasimov Y S Niftiyev A A Convex dependence of the eigenvalues on the domain International Conference Modern Problems of Mathematics Mechanics and Informatics dedicated to the 80th anniversary of prof Tolokonnikov Tula Russia 2003 pp 16 17 44 Gasimov Y S On the extremal properties of the eigenvalues with respect to domain International Conference Ill Posed and Inverse Problems dedicated to prof M M Lavrentev Moscow 2002 p 64 45 Gasimov Y S On a variation of the eigenvalues of the second order elliptic equation with the second condition relatively domain Conference Dedicated to the 85th Anniversary of prof A S Habibzade Baku 2001 p 105 46 Gasimov Y S Niftiyev A A Some aspects of the investigation of the movement and interaction of the bodies International Conference Nasreddin Tusi and modern mathematics Baku 2001 1p 47 Gasimov Y S On a variation of the eigenvalues relatively two connected domains International Conference Tools for Mathematical Modeling Saint Petersburg 2001 r 23 48 Gasimov Y S Niftiyev A A Parametrical dependence of the eigenvalues of Laplace operator on the domain International Conference Differential Equations and Applications Saint Petersburg V 6 2000 p 43 49 Gasimov Y S On some parametrical properties of the eigenvalues relatively domain The Second Joint Seminar on Applied Mathematics Zanjan University 2000 p 44 50 Gasimov Y S Niftiyev A A On Minimization of the Fist Eigenvaule of Laplace Operator over Domains International Conference Tools for Mathematical Modeling Saint Petersburg 1999 pp 94 95 51 Gasimov Y S Asymptotical formulas for some series of the eigenvalues of Pauli operator in sphere Proceedings of the Conference Dedicated to the 80th Anniversary of prof G Ahmadov Baku 1998 pp 154 156 52 Niftiyev A A Gasimov Y S Optimal Control Problem for the Elliptic Equation with Unknown Boundaries International Conference Dedicated to the 90th Anniversary of L S Pontryagin Moscow 1998 pp 147 149 Esas is yeri ve unvaniAzerbaycan Universiteti Vezifesi Elmi Isler uzre prorektor Elektron poctu ysfgasimov yahoo comIstinadlarXarici kecidler 3 4 Daxili kecidler 5