Vilyam Yarell (ing. John Latham; 3 iyun 1784, Sent-Ceyms[d], Böyük London – 1 sentyabr 1856, Qreyt-Yarmut[d], Norfolk qraflığı) — İngiltərə təbiətçisi.
Vilyam Yarell | |
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Doğum tarixi | 3 iyun 1784 |
Doğum yeri |
Vəfat tarixi | 1 sentyabr 1856(72 yaşında) |
Vəfat yeri |
Elm sahəsi | nəşriyyat |
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Canlı təbiətin sistematiki | ||
Tədqiqatçı, zoologiya taksonlarını təsnif edən. Taksonlarda müəllifliyi qısaca bu cür göstərilir: «Yarrell».
- Observations on the Tracheae of Birds, with Descriptions and Representations of several not hitherto figured. — Linn. Trans. 1827, 15. 378.
- Description of a species of Tringa, killed in Cambridgeshire, new to England and Europe. — Linn. Trans. 16. 109.
- On the Organs of Voice in Birds. — Linn. Trans. 16. 305.
- On a new species of Wild Swan, taken in England, and hitherto confounded with the Hooper. — Linn. Trans. 16. 445.
- Description of the Organs of Voice in a new species of Wild Swan (Cygnus buccinator, Richards.). — Linn. Trans. 17.
- Descriptions of Three British Species of Freshwater Fishes, belonging to the genus of Klein. — Linn. Trans. 17. 5.
- On the Habits and Structure of the Great Bustard ( of Linnaeus). — Linn. Trans. 21. 155.
- Notice of an Interwoven Mass of Filaments of of extraordinary size. — Proc. Linn. Soc. 1. 65.
- On the Influence of the Sexual Organ in modifying External Character. — Journ. Linn. Soc. 1857, 1. 76–82.
- On the Growth of the Salmon in Freshwater, with six coloured illustrations of the fish of the natural size. Oblong Folio. van Voorst, London, 1839.
Xarici keçidlər
- Princeton University: William Yarrell Collection
- William Yarrell // SNAC (ing.). 2010.
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Vilyam Yarell ing John Latham 3 iyun 1784 Sent Ceyms d Boyuk London 1 sentyabr 1856 Qreyt Yarmut d Norfolk qrafligi Ingiltere tebietcisi Vilyam YarellDogum tarixi 3 iyun 1784 1784 06 03 Dogum yeri Sent Ceyms d Vestminster borosu Boyuk London Ingiltere Boyuk Britaniya kralligiVefat tarixi 1 sentyabr 1856 1856 09 01 72 yasinda Vefat yeri Qreyt Yarmut d Norfolk qrafligi Ingiltere Boyuk Britaniya ve Irlandiya Birlesmis KralligiElm sahesi nesriyyat Vikianbarda elaqeli mediafayllarCanli tebietin sistematikiTedqiqatci zoologiya taksonlarini tesnif eden Taksonlarda muellifliyi qisaca bu cur gosterilir Yarrell VikiNovlerde sehifelerEserleriObservations on the Tracheae of Birds with Descriptions and Representations of several not hitherto figured Linn Trans 1827 15 378 Description of a species of Tringa killed in Cambridgeshire new to England and Europe Linn Trans 16 109 On the Organs of Voice in Birds Linn Trans 16 305 On a new species of Wild Swan taken in England and hitherto confounded with the Hooper Linn Trans 16 445 Description of the Organs of Voice in a new species of Wild Swan Cygnus buccinator Richards Linn Trans 17 Descriptions of Three British Species of Freshwater Fishes belonging to the genus of Klein Linn Trans 17 5 On the Habits and Structure of the Great Bustard of Linnaeus Linn Trans 21 155 Notice of an Interwoven Mass of Filaments of of extraordinary size Proc Linn Soc 1 65 On the Influence of the Sexual Organ in modifying External Character Journ Linn Soc 1857 1 76 82 On the Growth of the Salmon in Freshwater with six coloured illustrations of the fish of the natural size Oblong Folio van Voorst London 1839 Xarici kecidlerPrinceton University William Yarrell CollectionIstinadlarWilliam Yarrell SNAC ing 2010 Elm xadimi ile elaqedar bu meqale qaralama halindadir Meqaleni redakte ederek Vikipediyani zenginlesdirin