Vaterlo döyüşü — 1815-ci il 18 iyun tarixində ərazisində (müasir Belçika) baş vermiş və Napoleon Bonapartın başçılığı altındakı fransız ordusunun rəhbərlik etdiyi Britaniya və müttəfiq qoşunları, həmçinin rəhbərliyi altındakı Prussiya ordusundan ibarət ordularına məğlub olduğu döyüş.
Vaterlo döyüşü | |||
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Tarix | 18 iyun 1815 | ||
Yeri | , Niderland (indiki Belçika) | ||
Nəticəsi | Anti-Napoleon koalisiyasının qəti qələbəsi | ||
Münaqişə tərəfləri | |||
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Komandan(lar) | |||
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Tərəflərin qüvvəsi | |||
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İtkilər | |||
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- Barbero, Alessandro, The Battle: A New History of Waterloo, Atlantic Books, 2005, ISBN
- Barbero, Alessandro, The Battle: A New History of Waterloo (translated by John Cullen) (paperback), Walker & Company, 2006, ISBN
- Barbero, Alessandro, The Battle: A New History of Waterloo, Atlantic Books, 2013, səh. 160, ISBN
- Adkin, Mark (2001). The Waterloo Companion. Aurum.
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- Beamish, N. Ludlow (1832, reprint 1995). History of the King’s German Legion. Dallington: Naval and Military Press.
- Boller, Jr., Paul F.; George, John (1989). They Never Said It: A Book of Fake Quotes, Misquotes, and Misleading Attributions. New York: Oxford University Press. .
- Bonaparte, Napoleon; Correspondance, No. 22060, vol XXVIII, p. 392.
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- Booth, John (1815). The Battle of Waterloo: Containing the Accounts Published by Authority, British and Foreign, and Other Relevant Documents, with Circumstantial Details, Previous and After the Battle, from a Variety of Authentic and Original Sources. available on Google Books
- Chandler, David G. (1973). Campaigns of Napoleon. New York: Scribner.
- Chesney, Charles C. (1907). Waterloo Lectures: A Study Of The Campaign Of 1815. Longmans, Green, and Co.
- Cookson, John E. (1996). The British Armed Nation, 1793—1815. Oxford University Press.
- Cotton, Edward (1849). A voice from Waterloo. A history of the battle, on the 18th June 1815. London: B.L. Green.
- Creasy, Sir Edward (1877). The Fifteen Decisive Battles of the World: from Marathon to Waterloo. Richard Bentley & Son.
- , (1805). Drouet’s account of Waterloo to the French Parliament 2007-10-08 at the Wayback Machine. Retrieved on 14 September 2007.
- Fitchett, W. H. (1897, reprint 1921 & 2006). Deeds that Won the Empire. Historic Battle Scenes. London: John Murray. (). Chapter: King-making Waterloo
- Frye, W. E. After Waterloo: Reminiscences of European Travel 1815—1819 2012-05-15 at the Wayback Machine,
- Gleig, George Robert (ed) (1845). The Light Dragoon. London: George Routledge & Co.
- (1862). Reminiscences of Captain Gronow London.
- (1998). 1815: The Waterloo Campaign. Vol. 1: Wellington, His German Allies and the Battles of Ligny and Quatre Bras. London: Greenhill Books.
- Hofschröer, Peter (1999). 1815: The Waterloo Campaign. Vol. 2: The German Victory. London: Greenhill Books.
- Hofschröer, Peter (2005). Waterloo 1815: Quatre Bras and Ligny. London: Leo Cooper.
- Houssaye, Henri. Waterloo (translated from the French), London, 1900.
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- (1864). The Political and Military History of the Campaign of Waterloo (Trans. Benet S.V.). (3rd edn.) New York; D. Van Nostrand.
- Kincaid, Captain J., Rifle Brigade. Waterloo, 18 June 1815: The Finale. Retrieved on 14 September 2007.
- (1971). Wellington the Years of the Sword. London: Panther.
- Mercer, A.C. "Waterloo, 18 June 1815: The Royal Horse Artillery Repulse Enemy Cavalry, late afternoon". İstifadə tarixi: 2007-09-14. The whole of 's book "Journal of the Waterloo Campaign: Kept Throughout the Campaign of 1815" can be found on Google Books.
- Lozier J.F. What was the name of Napoleon’s horse?, The Napoleon Series.
- Parry, D.H. (1900). Waterloo 2008-12-16 at the Wayback Machine from Battle of the nineteenth century, Vol. 1. London: Cassell and Company. Retrieved on 14 September 2007.
- Roberts, Andrew (2005). Waterloo: June 18, 1815, the Battle for Modern Europe. New York: HarperCollins Publishers.
- (1891, reprint 1993). The Waterloo Letters. New York & London: Cassell & Greenhill Books.
- (1844, reprint 1894 & 1990). The Waterloo Campaign. Birmingham. 4th edition. London: Greenhill Books.
- Smith, Digby (1998). The Greenhill Napoleonic Wars Data Book. London & Pennsylvania: Greenhill Books & Stackpole Books.
- Summerville, Christopher J. (2007). Who was who at Waterloo: a biography of the battle, Pearson Education, , 9780582784055
- Weller, J. (1992). Wellington at Waterloo, London: Greenhill Books.
- Wellington’s Dispatches June 19, 1815. War Times Journal Archives.
- White, John. Cambronne’s Words Letters to The Times (June 1932). Retrieved on 14 September 2007.
- Чандлер Дэвид (в переводе и под ред. Зотова А.В.) "Ватерлоо. Последняя кампания Наполеона", СПб., Знак, 2004.[1] 2012-03-23 at the Wayback Machine. [2]
Xarici keçidlər

- . Booknotes. 12 January 2003. 16 November 2010 tarixində orijinalından arxivləşdirilib. Interview with Andrew Roberts on Napoleon & Wellington: The Battle of Waterloo and the Great Commanders Who Fought It
- "Guides 1815" (fransız). Official guides of the Waterloo battlefield.
- . National Army Museum, London. 10 June 2015. 20 October 2015 tarixində orijinalından arxivləşdirilib. İstifadə tarixi: 8 October 2018. (British site)
- George Nafgizer collection Waterloo ORBATs for French 2017-01-28 at the Wayback Machine, Allied 2016-12-30 at the Wayback Machine.
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Vaterlo doyusu 1815 ci il 18 iyun tarixinde erazisinde muasir Belcika bas vermis ve Napoleon Bonapartin basciligi altindaki fransiz ordusunun rehberlik etdiyi Britaniya ve muttefiq qosunlari hemcinin rehberliyi altindaki Prussiya ordusundan ibaret ordularina meglub oldugu doyus Vaterlo doyusuVaterlo doyusuTarix 18 iyun 1815Yeri Niderland indiki Belcika Neticesi Anti Napoleon koalisiyasinin qeti qelebesiMunaqise terefleri Boyuk Britaniya Niderland PrussiyaKomandan lar Napoleon Bonapart Misel Ney Artur Uelsli VellinqtonTereflerin quvvesi73 000 252 top 118 000 156 topItkilerCemi 41 000 24 000 26 000 olu ve yarali 6 000 7 000 esir 15 000 itkin Cemi 24 000 Britaniya ve muttefiqleri 17 000 3 500 olu 10 200 yarali 3 300 itkin Prussiyalilar 7 000 1 200 olu 4 400 yarali 1 400 itkin Vikianbarda elaqeli mediafayllarIstinadlarBarbero 2006 seh 312 Barbero 2005 seh 420 Barbero 2005 seh 419 EdebiyyatBarbero Alessandro The Battle A New History of Waterloo Atlantic Books 2005 ISBN 1 84354 310 9 Barbero Alessandro The Battle A New History of Waterloo translated by John Cullen paperback Walker amp Company 2006 ISBN 0 8027 1500 1 Barbero Alessandro The Battle A New History of Waterloo Atlantic Books 2013 seh 160 ISBN 9781782391388 Adkin Mark 2001 The Waterloo Companion Aurum ISBN 1 85410 764 X Barbero Alessandro 2005 The Battle A New History of Waterloo Atlantic Books ISBN 1 84354 310 9 Beamish N Ludlow 1832 reprint 1995 History of the King s German Legion Dallington Naval and Military Press ISBN 0 9522011 0 0 Boller Jr Paul F George John 1989 They Never Said It A Book of Fake Quotes Misquotes and Misleading Attributions New York Oxford University Press ISBN 0 19 505541 1 Bonaparte Napoleon Correspondance No 22060 vol XXVIII p 392 Bonaparte Napoleon Chandler David G Cairnes William E 1995 The Military Maxims of Napoleon Da Capo Press ISBN 0 306 80618 5 9780306806186 Booth John 1815 The Battle of Waterloo Containing the Accounts Published by Authority British and Foreign and Other Relevant Documents with Circumstantial Details Previous and After the Battle from a Variety of Authentic and Original Sources available on Google Books Chandler David G 1973 Campaigns of Napoleon New York Scribner ISBN 0 02 523660 1 Chesney Charles C 1907 Waterloo Lectures A Study Of The Campaign Of 1815 Longmans Green and Co ISBN 1 4286 4988 3 Cookson John E 1996 The British Armed Nation 1793 1815 Oxford University Press ISBN 0 19 820658 5 Cotton Edward 1849 A voice from Waterloo A history of the battle on the 18th June 1815 London B L Green Creasy Sir Edward 1877 The Fifteen Decisive Battles of the World from Marathon to Waterloo Richard Bentley amp Son ISBN 0 306 80559 6 1805 Drouet s account of Waterloo to the French Parliament 2007 10 08 at the Wayback Machine napoleonbonaparte nl Retrieved on 14 September 2007 Fitchett W H 1897 reprint 1921 amp 2006 Deeds that Won the Empire Historic Battle Scenes London John Murray Chapter King making Waterloo Frye W E After Waterloo Reminiscences of European Travel 1815 1819 2012 05 15 at the Wayback Machine Gleig George Robert ed 1845 The Light Dragoon London George Routledge amp Co 1862 Reminiscences of Captain Gronow London ISBN 1 4043 2792 4 1998 1815 The Waterloo Campaign Vol 1 Wellington His German Allies and the Battles of Ligny and Quatre Bras London Greenhill Books ISBN 978 1 85367 304 7 Hofschroer Peter 1999 1815 The Waterloo Campaign Vol 2 The German Victory London Greenhill Books ISBN 978 1 85367 368 9 Hofschroer Peter 2005 Waterloo 1815 Quatre Bras and Ligny London Leo Cooper ISBN 978 1 84415 168 4 Houssaye Henri Waterloo translated from the French London 1900 Les Miserables Chapter VII Napoleon in a Good Humor The Literature Network Retrieved on 14 September 2007 1864 The Political and Military History of the Campaign of Waterloo Trans Benet S V 3rd edn New York D Van Nostrand Kincaid Captain J Rifle Brigade Waterloo 18 June 1815 The Finale iprimus com au Retrieved on 14 September 2007 1971 Wellington the Years of the Sword London Panther ISBN 0 586 03548 6 Mercer A C Waterloo 18 June 1815 The Royal Horse Artillery Repulse Enemy Cavalry late afternoon Istifade tarixi 2007 09 14 The whole of s book Journal of the Waterloo Campaign Kept Throughout the Campaign of 1815 can be found on Google Books Lozier J F What was the name of Napoleon s horse The Napoleon Series Parry D H 1900 Waterloo 2008 12 16 at the Wayback Machine from Battle of the nineteenth century Vol 1 London Cassell and Company Retrieved on 14 September 2007 Roberts Andrew 2005 Waterloo June 18 1815 the Battle for Modern Europe New York HarperCollins Publishers ISBN 0 06 008866 4 1891 reprint 1993 The Waterloo Letters New York amp London Cassell amp Greenhill Books ISBN 1 85367 156 8 1844 reprint 1894 amp 1990 The Waterloo Campaign Birmingham 4th edition London Greenhill Books ISBN 1 85367 069 3 Smith Digby 1998 The Greenhill Napoleonic Wars Data Book London amp Pennsylvania Greenhill Books amp Stackpole Books ISBN 1 85367 276 9 Summerville Christopher J 2007 Who was who at Waterloo a biography of the battle Pearson Education ISBN 0 582 78405 0 9780582784055 Weller J 1992 Wellington at Waterloo London Greenhill Books ISBN 1 85376 339 0 Wellington s Dispatches June 19 1815 War Times Journal Archives White John Cambronne s Words Letters to The Times June 1932 NapoleonSeries org Retrieved on 14 September 2007 Chandler Devid v perevode i pod red Zotova A V Vaterloo Poslednyaya kampaniya Napoleona SPb Znak 2004 1 2012 03 23 at the Wayback Machine 2 Xarici kecidlerVikianbarda Vaterlo doyusu ile elaqeli mediafayllar var Booknotes 12 January 2003 16 November 2010 tarixinde orijinalindan arxivlesdirilib Interview with Andrew Roberts on Napoleon amp Wellington The Battle of Waterloo and the Great Commanders Who Fought It Guides 1815 fransiz Official guides of the Waterloo battlefield National Army Museum London 10 June 2015 20 October 2015 tarixinde orijinalindan arxivlesdirilib Istifade tarixi 8 October 2018 British site George Nafgizer collection Waterloo ORBATs for French 2017 01 28 at the Wayback Machine Allied 2016 12 30 at the Wayback Machine