Ştat simvolları
Növü | Simvol | Təsviri | Qəbul edilib | Şəkli |
(Pseudacris regilla) | Şimal-Şərqi Pasifikdə yaşayan Pasifik ağac qurbağasının ştat amfibiyası üçün seçilməsində əsas səbəb onun hər iki tərəfində və Vaşinqton ştatının yaşamasıdır. Simvol 3-cü sinif şagirdləri tərəfindən təklif edilib. | 2007 | ![]() | |
Dendrari | Sietl şəhəri rəhbərliyi və Vaşinqton Universiteti tərəfindən idarə edilən dendari "canlı muzey"ə bənzəyir. Burada Şimal-Şərqi Pasifikdə yetişdirilməsi mümkün olan dünyanın bütün bitkiləri sərgilənir. Dendari regionda "botanika və bağçılığın öyrənilməsində ən qədim mərkəz", həmçinin ölkənin ən böyük iki meşə bitkiləri kolleksiyasından biri kimi tanınır. | 1995 | ||
(Carduelis tristis) | 1928-ci ildə məktəb şagirdləri 7 digər ştatla eyni vaxtda torağayı ştat quşu olaraq qəbul etdilər. Vaşinqton Qadınlar Klubu Federasiyası 1931-ci ildə tanaqr, sərçə, yunko və ağacdələndən payızbülbülünü üstün tutaraq ştat quşu seçdilər. 20 il sonra qanunvericilər təkrar məktəb uşaqlarına iki quş arasında seçimə icazə verdilər və payızbülbülü seçildi. | 1951 | ![]() | |
İlk müahacirlər qərbə miqrasiya etdikdə özləri ilə kadril adı ilə tanınan rəqsi də gətirdilər. 4 cütlüklə (8 rəqqas) icar edilən xalq rəqsi 17 aprel 1979-cu ildə ştat rəqsi olaraq elan edildi. | 1979 | ![]() | ||
Olimpiya marmotu (Marmota olympus) | The only mammal in Washington, the highly social Olympic marmot can be found throughout the and are easy to spot during the summer months along in . To promote awareness of the animal, the adopted the state endemic mammal in 2009. | 2009 | ![]() | |
Al-əlvan qızılxallı (Oncorhynchus mykiss) | Adopted as the state fish in 1969, the steelhead is one of the most popular fish for recreational fishing in Washington. While the Legislature used an old scientific name Salmo gairdnerii to describe the fish, two subspecies of rainbow trout are anadromous and known as steelhead— O. m. gairdneri and O. m. irideus. | 1969 | ![]() | |
Vaşinqton bayrağı | The Legislature adopted the state flag in 1923, more than thirty years after the state was admitted to the United States. By law ( 1.20.010), the flag "shall be of dark green silk or bunting and shall bear in its center a reproduction of the seal of the state of Washington embroidered, printed, painted or stamped thereon. The edges of the flag may, or may not, be fringed. If a fringe is used the same shall be of gold or yellow color of the same shade as the seal. The dimensions of the flag may vary." | 1923 | ![]() | |
(Rhododendron macrophyllum) | Before , Washington women selected the coast rhododendron as the state flower in 1892. Six flowers were initially considered as an entry for a floral exhibit at the 1893 , but the rhododendron beat out the clover following a statewide election. In 1959, the lawmakers officially designated the native species Rhododendron macrophyllum as the state flower. | 1959 | ![]() | |
Xalq mahnısı | "" | The produced a film in the 1940s encouraging Pacific Northwest residents to use by the recently built and dams along the . was hired to write songs for the project; "Roll On, Columbia, Roll On", described as "an ode to the harnessing of Washington's mightiest river", was the most popular of the 26 songs. In 1987, the song was officially designated as the state folk song by the Legislature. | 1987 | ![]() |
(Mammuthus columbi) | The Legislature designated the Columbian mammoth as the state fossil in 1998, following a four-year effort by students at Windsor Elementary School near . During the , the prehistoric elephants roamed throughout the United States, including the Pacific Northwest (fossils were discovered on the Olympic Peninsula). | 1998 | ||
Alma (Malus domestica) | In 1989, Rep. Clyde Ballard proposed a that would designate the apple as Washington's state fruit and require that they appear on new . The apple trees of represent one of the state's largest industries and led the nation in apple production. | 1989 | ![]() | |
Petrified wood, formed when water permeates wood and replaces the fiber with silica, can be found in almost every county of the state in a variety of tree species, "some extinct and some exquisite". Petrified wood was discovered in in the early 1930s, which led to the creation of the as a national historic preserve. Other sites with petrified wood include the Umtanum Petrified Forest and the Saddle Mountain Petrified Forest. | 1975 | ![]() | ||
(Agropyron spicatum) | Native to Eastern Washington, bluebunch wheatgrass supports the cattle and livestock industry and was designated as the state grass in 1989. | 1989 | ![]() | |
(Anax junius) | The common green darner drago1nfly was designated as the state insect in 1997 following a proposal by students at Crestwood Elementary School in and the support of children in more than 100 . This dragonfly species can be found throughout Washington and is a "beneficial contributor to the ecosystem because it consumes a large number of insect pests." | 1997 | ![]() | |
Orka (Orcinus orca) | Following a proposal submitted by students at Crescent Harbor Elementary in , the Legislature adopted the orca as the state marine mammal in 2005 since it attracts many tourists, is a significant symbol for the culture, and pods of the whales through each year. The designation is also intended to promote awareness of the whale and encourage protection of the marine environment. | 2005 | ![]() | |
Vaşinqton gerbi | Originally designed by Charles Talcott shortly before Washington was admitted to the United States in 1889, the seal contains the image of encircled with "The Seal of the State of Washington" and the date "1889". The simple design was accepted by the Legislature, but did not become the official seal until graphic designer Richard Nelms was commissioned to create a new insignia. Nelms used a portrait by painter in his design, which was accepted by the Legislature in 1967. | 1967 | ![]() | |
Lady Washington is the name for the original wooden merchant sailing vessel that sailed during the 18th century as well as the updated modern created in 1989. Named after , the original ship left on October 1, 1787 as part of the Columbia Expedition and foundered in 1797. The replica was built in as part of the state centennial celebrations of 1989. | 2007 | ![]() | ||
Himn | "" | Written by Helen Davis in 1950 and arranged by Stuart Churchill, "Washington, My Home" was approved unanimously after a from introduced a bill proposing the song as the state song. In 1909, "Washington Beloved" was unofficially adopted as the state song but was never part of the state's code of law. | 1959 | — |
Consisting of a green background with stripes of blue, white, yellow, red, and black, the state tartan of Washington was designed by Margaret McLeod van Nus and Frank Cannonita in 1988 to commemorate the Washington centennial celebration and is registered with the Scottish Tartan Society. The colors represent various aspects of nature: green symbolizes rich forests of the state; blue the lakes, rivers and ocean; white the snow-capped mountains; red the apple and cherry crops; yellow the wheat and grain crops; and black the of . | 1991 | ![]() | ||
(Tsuga heterophylla) | In 1946, "teased" Washington for not having a state tree, suggesting the western hemlock for its neighbor. Washington newspapers preferred the popular western red cedar, but state representative George Adams insisted on the western hemlock, claiming the species would become "the backbone of [the] state's forest industry". Adams' bill passed the Legislature and became law in 1947. | 1947 | ![]() | |
(Allium cepa) | Originally from the island of , a sweet onion seed was brought to by a French soldier more than a century ago. Well-suited for the climate offered by southeastern Washington, many Walla Walla Valley farmers continue to grow the onions today. The onion was designated as the state vegetable due to the persistence of students at Eatonville Middle School and Kirkland Junior High School. | 2007 | ![]() |
- "Chapter 1.20 RCW". Secretary of State of Washington. February 12, 2006 tarixində . İstifadə tarixi: December 19, 2009.
- "Symbols of Washington State" (PDF). Washington State Legislature. 2013-10-29 tarixində (PDF). İstifadə tarixi: 2014-03-04.
- Rainbow and Redband Trout // Trout and Salmon of North America. New York: The Free Press. 2002. 65–120. ISBN .
- "History of the State Flag". Secretary of State of Washington. November 19, 2009 tarixində . İstifadə tarixi: December 14, 2009.
- "Bill would make apple state fruit". . . January 6, 1989. January 9, 2016 tarixində . İstifadə tarixi: December 18, 2009.
- Johnston, Greg. "Rocks of Ages: Washington is a gem of a state for amateur geologists". . . June 26, 1997. İstifadə tarixi: December 19, 2009.[ölü keçid]
- . Washington State Parks and Recreation Commission. December 18, 2009 tarixində orijinalından arxivləşdirilib. İstifadə tarixi: December 19, 2009.
- Mapes, Lynda V. "Rare surprise for Yakima man: a forest of stone". . . May 4, 2007. January 16, 2010 tarixində . İstifadə tarixi: December 19, 2009. Note: Sites are mentioned under the "Petrified-wood facts" column, which cites the Washington State Department of Natural Resources.
- "State Symbols". Secretary of State of Washington. December 10, 2009 tarixində . İstifadə tarixi: December 14, 2009.
- "History of the State Seal". Secretary of State of Washington. January 8, 2010 tarixində . İstifadə tarixi: December 20, 2009.
- "The Historical Seaport: Lady Washington". . April 7, 2010 tarixində arxivləşdirilib. İstifadə tarixi: December 21, 2009.
- "Composer of state song, Helen Davis, dies at 87". . Cowles Publishing Company. January 3, 1993. İstifadə tarixi: January 11, 2010.[ölü keçid]
- Tuinstra, Rachel. "Students taste sweet victory as onion passes first hurdle to state icon status". The Seattle Times. The Seattle Times Company. February 15, 2006. June 4, 2011 tarixində . İstifadə tarixi: December 21, 2009.
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Stat simvollariNovu Simvol Tesviri Qebul edilib Sekli Pseudacris regilla Simal Serqi Pasifikde yasayan Pasifik agac qurbagasinin stat amfibiyasi ucun secilmesinde esas sebeb onun her iki terefinde ve Vasinqton statinin yasamasidir Simvol 3 cu sinif sagirdleri terefinden teklif edilib 2007Dendrari Sietl seheri rehberliyi ve Vasinqton Universiteti terefinden idare edilen dendari canli muzey e benzeyir Burada Simal Serqi Pasifikde yetisdirilmesi mumkun olan dunyanin butun bitkileri sergilenir Dendari regionda botanika ve bagciligin oyrenilmesinde en qedim merkez hemcinin olkenin en boyuk iki mese bitkileri kolleksiyasindan biri kimi taninir 1995 Carduelis tristis 1928 ci ilde mekteb sagirdleri 7 diger statla eyni vaxtda toragayi stat qusu olaraq qebul etdiler Vasinqton Qadinlar Klubu Federasiyasi 1931 ci ilde tanaqr serce yunko ve agacdelenden payizbulbulunu ustun tutaraq stat qusu secdiler 20 il sonra qanunvericiler tekrar mekteb usaqlarina iki qus arasinda secime icaze verdiler ve payizbulbulu secildi 1951Ilk muahacirler qerbe miqrasiya etdikde ozleri ile kadril adi ile taninan reqsi de getirdiler 4 cutlukle 8 reqqas icar edilen xalq reqsi 17 aprel 1979 cu ilde stat reqsi olaraq elan edildi 1979Olimpiya marmotu Marmota olympus The only mammal in Washington the highly social Olympic marmot can be found throughout the and are easy to spot during the summer months along in To promote awareness of the animal the adopted the state endemic mammal in 2009 2009Al elvan qizilxalli Oncorhynchus mykiss Adopted as the state fish in 1969 the steelhead is one of the most popular fish for recreational fishing in Washington While the Legislature used an old scientific name Salmo gairdnerii to describe the fish two subspecies of rainbow trout are anadromous and known as steelhead O m gairdneri and O m irideus 1969Vasinqton bayragi The Legislature adopted the state flag in 1923 more than thirty years after the state was admitted to the United States By law 1 20 010 the flag shall be of dark green silk or bunting and shall bear in its center a reproduction of the seal of the state of Washington embroidered printed painted or stamped thereon The edges of the flag may or may not be fringed If a fringe is used the same shall be of gold or yellow color of the same shade as the seal The dimensions of the flag may vary 1923 Rhododendron macrophyllum Before Washington women selected the coast rhododendron as the state flower in 1892 Six flowers were initially considered as an entry for a floral exhibit at the 1893 but the rhododendron beat out the clover following a statewide election In 1959 the lawmakers officially designated the native species Rhododendron macrophyllum as the state flower 1959Xalq mahnisi Roll On Columbia Roll On The produced a film in the 1940s encouraging Pacific Northwest residents to use by the recently built and dams along the was hired to write songs for the project Roll On Columbia Roll On described as an ode to the harnessing of Washington s mightiest river was the most popular of the 26 songs In 1987 the song was officially designated as the state folk song by the Legislature 1987 Mammuthus columbi The Legislature designated the Columbian mammoth as the state fossil in 1998 following a four year effort by students at Windsor Elementary School near During the the prehistoric elephants roamed throughout the United States including the Pacific Northwest fossils were discovered on the Olympic Peninsula 1998Alma Malus domestica In 1989 Rep Clyde Ballard proposed a that would designate the apple as Washington s state fruit and require that they appear on new The apple trees of represent one of the state s largest industries and led the nation in apple production 1989Petrified wood formed when water permeates wood and replaces the fiber with silica can be found in almost every county of the state in a variety of tree species some extinct and some exquisite Petrified wood was discovered in in the early 1930s which led to the creation of the as a national historic preserve Other sites with petrified wood include the Umtanum Petrified Forest and the Saddle Mountain Petrified Forest 1975 Agropyron spicatum Native to Eastern Washington bluebunch wheatgrass supports the cattle and livestock industry and was designated as the state grass in 1989 1989 Anax junius The common green darner drago1nfly was designated as the state insect in 1997 following a proposal by students at Crestwood Elementary School in and the support of children in more than 100 This dragonfly species can be found throughout Washington and is a beneficial contributor to the ecosystem because it consumes a large number of insect pests 1997Orka Orcinus orca Following a proposal submitted by students at Crescent Harbor Elementary in the Legislature adopted the orca as the state marine mammal in 2005 since it attracts many tourists is a significant symbol for the culture and pods of the whales through each year The designation is also intended to promote awareness of the whale and encourage protection of the marine environment 2005Vasinqton gerbi Originally designed by Charles Talcott shortly before Washington was admitted to the United States in 1889 the seal contains the image of encircled with The Seal of the State of Washington and the date 1889 The simple design was accepted by the Legislature but did not become the official seal until graphic designer Richard Nelms was commissioned to create a new insignia Nelms used a portrait by painter in his design which was accepted by the Legislature in 1967 1967Lady Washington is the name for the original wooden merchant sailing vessel that sailed during the 18th century as well as the updated modern created in 1989 Named after the original ship left on October 1 1787 as part of the Columbia Expedition and foundered in 1797 The replica was built in as part of the state centennial celebrations of 1989 2007Himn Written by Helen Davis in 1950 and arranged by Stuart Churchill Washington My Home was approved unanimously after a from introduced a bill proposing the song as the state song In 1909 Washington Beloved was unofficially adopted as the state song but was never part of the state s code of law 1959 Consisting of a green background with stripes of blue white yellow red and black the state tartan of Washington was designed by Margaret McLeod van Nus and Frank Cannonita in 1988 to commemorate the Washington centennial celebration and is registered with the Scottish Tartan Society The colors represent various aspects of nature green symbolizes rich forests of the state blue the lakes rivers and ocean white the snow capped mountains red the apple and cherry crops yellow the wheat and grain crops and black the of 1991 Tsuga heterophylla In 1946 teased Washington for not having a state tree suggesting the western hemlock for its neighbor Washington newspapers preferred the popular western red cedar but state representative George Adams insisted on the western hemlock claiming the species would become the backbone of the state s forest industry Adams bill passed the Legislature and became law in 1947 1947 Allium cepa Originally from the island of a sweet onion seed was brought to by a French soldier more than a century ago Well suited for the climate offered by southeastern Washington many Walla Walla Valley farmers continue to grow the onions today The onion was designated as the state vegetable due to the persistence of students at Eatonville Middle School and Kirkland Junior High School 2007 Chapter 1 20 RCW Secretary of State of Washington February 12 2006 tarixinde Istifade tarixi December 19 2009 Symbols of Washington State PDF Washington State Legislature 2013 10 29 tarixinde PDF Istifade tarixi 2014 03 04 Rainbow and Redband Trout Trout and Salmon of North America New York The Free Press 2002 65 120 ISBN 0 7432 2220 2 History of the State Flag Secretary of State of Washington November 19 2009 tarixinde Istifade tarixi December 14 2009 Bill would make apple state fruit January 6 1989 January 9 2016 tarixinde Istifade tarixi December 18 2009 Johnston Greg Rocks of Ages Washington is a gem of a state for amateur geologists June 26 1997 Istifade tarixi December 19 2009 olu kecid Washington State Parks and Recreation Commission December 18 2009 tarixinde orijinalindan arxivlesdirilib Istifade tarixi December 19 2009 Mapes Lynda V Rare surprise for Yakima man a forest of stone May 4 2007 January 16 2010 tarixinde Istifade tarixi December 19 2009 Note Sites are mentioned under the Petrified wood facts column which cites the Washington State Department of Natural Resources State Symbols Secretary of State of Washington December 10 2009 tarixinde Istifade tarixi December 14 2009 History of the State Seal Secretary of State of Washington January 8 2010 tarixinde Istifade tarixi December 20 2009 The Historical Seaport Lady Washington April 7 2010 tarixinde arxivlesdirilib Istifade tarixi December 21 2009 Composer of state song Helen Davis dies at 87 Cowles Publishing Company January 3 1993 Istifade tarixi January 11 2010 olu kecid Tuinstra Rachel Students taste sweet victory as onion passes first hurdle to state icon status The Seattle Times The Seattle Times Company February 15 2006 June 4 2011 tarixinde Istifade tarixi December 21 2009