Sekans — hipotenuzun qonşu katetə olan nisbətinə deyilir. İfadəsi:

sec (x) funksiyasının inteqralı bu funksiyanın, (sec (x) + tan (x)) ifadəsinə vurulur.
u = sec x + tan x ve du = ∫(sec x ∙ tan x + sec2x) dx periodu edilir.
Xarici keçidlər
- Tangent to a circle With interactive animation
- Tangent and first derivative - An interactive simulation
- The Tangent Parabola by John H. Mathews
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Sekans hipotenuzun qonsu katete olan nisbetine deyilir Ifadesi sec x 1cos x DO CO displaystyle sec x frac 1 cos x frac DO CO Sekans kosinusun tersidirInteqralisec x funksiyasinin inteqrali bu funksiyanin sec x tan x ifadesine vurulur sec x dx sec x sec x tan xsec x tan x dx displaystyle int sec x dx int sec x cdot sec x tan x over sec x tan x dx u sec x tan x ve du sec x tan x sec2x dx periodu edilir sec x sec x tan xsec x tan x dx sec2 x sec x tan x dxsec x tan x displaystyle int sec x sec x tan x over sec x tan x dx int sec 2 x sec x cdot tan x dx over sec x tan x duu ln u C displaystyle int du over u ln u C ve u sec x tan x displaystyle u sec x tan x oldugundan sec x dx ln sec x tan x C displaystyle int sec x dx ln sec x tan x C Xarici kecidlerTangent to a circle With interactive animation Tangent and first derivative An interactive simulation The Tangent Parabola by John H Mathews