Sədokimilər (lat. Rutaceae) — i̇kiləpəlilər sinfinin sabunağacıçiçəklilər sırasına aid bitki fəsiləsi.
Sədokimilər | ||||||||||||
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Elmi təsnifat | ||||||||||||
Domen: Klad: Ranqsız: Aləm: Klad: Klad: Klad: Klad: Klad: Klad: Klad: Klad: Klad: Klad: Klad: Dəstə: Fəsilə: Sədokimilər | ||||||||||||
Beynəlxalq elmi adı | ||||||||||||
- Zanthoxylaceae
- Angiosperm Phylogeny Group An update of the Angiosperm Phylogeny Group classification for the orders and families of flowering plants: APG III (ing.). // Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society / M. F. Fay Wiley-Blackwell, Linnean Society of London, OUP, 2009. Vol. 161, Iss. 2. P. 105–121. ISSN 0024-4074; 1095-8339 doi:10.1111/J.1095-8339.2009.00996.X
- Appendix IIB: Conserved and rejected names of families of bryophytes and spermatophytes. // International Code of Nomenclature for algae, fungi, and plants (Shenzhen Code) / red. N. J. Turland, J. H. Wiersema, F. Barrie, V. Qreuter, D. L. Hawksworth, P. S. Herendeen, S. Knapp, W. Kusber, D. Z. Li, K. Marhold və b. 2018.
- GRIN saytının məlumatına görə.
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Sedokimiler lat Rutaceae i kilepeliler sinfinin sabunagacicicekliler sirasina aid bitki fesilesi SedokimilerElmi tesnifatDomen EukariotlarKlad DiaphoretickesRanqsiz ArxeplastidlerAlem BitkilerKlad StreptofitlerKlad EmbryophytesKlad Klad Klad Toxumlu bitkilerKlad Cicekli bitkilerKlad Klad Klad Klad RosidsKlad Deste SabunagaciciceklilerFesile SedokimilerBeynelxalq elmi adiRutaceae Juss 1789 Sekil axtarisiITIS 28848NCBI 23513EOL 4414FW 55733SinonimleriAmyridaceae Kunth Aurantiaceae Juss Boroniaceae Cneoraceae Vest nom cons Correaceae Cuspariaceae Dictamnaceae Vest Diosmaceae R Br ex Diplolaenaceae Flindersiaceae C T White ex Fraxinellaceae Nees amp Pilocarpaceae Ptaeroxylaceae Pteleaceae KunthZanthoxylaceaeCinsleri amp Acronychia J R Forst amp G Forst Akronixiya Willd Ducke Correa Willd P Browne amp R S Cowan F Muell Correa L Rchb Meisn Sm F Muell Benth Baill F Muell Thunb Baill DC Kunth Citrofortunella amp amp amp Citrus L Sitrus Hook f L amp Correa Sm Hook f Pittier amp Dictamnus L A Juss L R Br Harv Baill Aiton Eremocitrus Eriostemon Sm Adans Nees amp Kunth amp J R Forst amp G Forst R Br Fortunella Turcz Correa F Muell A Juss R Br A Juss Borhidi amp F Muell Hook f L Pittier Wight amp Arn amp Hook f Hook f Melicope J R Forst amp G Forst Microcitrus Turcz Blume C A Gardner L Naringi Adans amp Turcz Ducke Thunb Wight Walp Hook f Rudge Baill Pilocarpus Vahl Pilokarpus Molina Urb Hook f DC amp L Nees amp R S Cowan Ruta L typus Steyerm amp Thunb L Hook f Tetradium Tetradium amp Juss Baill amp Vepris A Juss Zanthoxylum L Sm IstinadlarAngiosperm Phylogeny Group An update of the Angiosperm Phylogeny Group classification for the orders and families of flowering plants APG III ing Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society M F Fay Wiley Blackwell Linnean Society of London OUP 2009 Vol 161 Iss 2 P 105 121 ISSN 0024 4074 1095 8339 doi 10 1111 J 1095 8339 2009 00996 X Appendix IIB Conserved and rejected names of families of bryophytes and spermatophytes International Code of Nomenclature for algae fungi and plants Shenzhen Code red N J Turland J H Wiersema F Barrie V Qreuter D L Hawksworth P S Herendeen S Knapp W Kusber D Z Li K Marhold ve b 2018 ISBN 978 3 946583 16 5 GRIN saytinin melumatina gore Hemcinin baxAmur mexmeragaci