Rocers Makvo (ing. Rogers McVaugh, 1909, ABŞ — 2009, ABŞ) — amerika botaniki, təsnifatçı, Beynəlxalq Bitki Taksonomiya Assosiasiyasının keçmiş prezidenti.
Rocers Makvo | |
ing. Rogers McVaugh | |
![]() | |
Doğum tarixi | |
Doğum yeri | Nyu-York, ABŞ |
Vəfat tarixi | (100 yaşında) |
Vəfat yeri | ABŞ |
Elm sahəsi | Botanika |
İş yerləri | |
Təhsili |
Canlı təbiətin sistematiki | |
Tədqiqatçı, botanika taksonlarını təsnif edən. Beynəlxalq Botaniki Adlandırma Kodeksində bu ad qısaldılmış şəkildə belə göstərilir: «McVaugh». Bu cür taksonlar IPNI saytında Şəxsi səhifə IPNI saytında |
- 1935—1938: Instructor then Asst. Professor, Botany, University of Georgia, Athens
- 1938—1946: Associate Botanist, Division of plant exploration & introduction, U.S. Department of Agriculture
- 1946—1951: Associate Professor, Botany, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor
- 1951—1974: Professor, Botany, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor
- 1955—1956: Program Director for Systematic Biology, National Science Foundation, 1974—1979: Harley Harris Bartlett Professor of Botany, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor
- 1946—1979: Curator of Vascular Plants, University of Michigan Herbarium, Ann Arbor
- 1972—1975: Director, University of Michigan Herbarium, Ann Arbor
- 1979—2009: Professor Emeritus, Botany, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor
- 1980—2009: Research Professor of Botany, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
- 1981—2009: Adjunct Research Scientist, Hunt Institute, Carnegie Mellon University
Mükafatlar və adlar
- International Association of Plant Taxonomy: Вице-президент в 1969-ах, Президент в 1972-ах
- Festschrift in Taxon, 1979
- Botanical Society of America-Merit Award, 1977
- Sociedad Botánica de Mexico- Gold Medal 1978
- New York Botanical Garden- Henry Allan Gleason award 1984, for Flora Novo-Galiciana vol. 14 (1983)
- American Society of Plant Taxonomists—First Annual Asa Gray award, 1984
- University of Guadalajara, Mexico — First Luz María Villarreal de Puga Medal, 1993
- International Botanical Congress, St. Louis, USA — Millennium Medal, 1999 (one of eight worldwide)
- Smithsonian Institution, Washington, D.C. — First Cuatrecasas Medal for Excellence in Tropical Botany, 2001
- Botanical Society of America — Centennial Award, 2006
- A revision of «Laurentia» and allied genera in North America. Bull. Torrey Bot. Club 67: 778—798. 3 dic 1940.
- A key to the North American species of Lobelia (Sect. Hemipogon). Amer. Midl. Naturalist 24: 681—702. (dic?) 1940.
- A monograph on the genus Downingia. Mem. Torrey Bot. Club 19: 1-57. 1 sep 1941.
- Campanulales, Campanulaceae, Lobelioideae. N. Amer. Flora 32A: 1-134. 5 ene 1943.
- A revision of Lysipomia (Campanulaceae, Lobelioideae). Brittonia 8: 69-105. 8 Apr 1955.
- Tropical American Myrtaceae. Notes on generic concepts and descriptions of previously unrecognized species. Fieldiana, Bot. 29: 145—228. 30 Nov 1956.
- Edward Palmer, plant explorer of the American West. xvii, 430 pp., illus. Univ. of Oklahoma Press, Norman. ?15 Dec 1956.
- Myrtaceae, in Flora of Peru. Field Mus. Nat. Hist., Bot. Ser. 13, pt. 4: 569—818, index. 28 Nov 1958.
- Euphorbiaceae novae Novo-galicianae. Brittonia 13; 145—205. 15 Apr 1961.
- Tropical American Myrtaceae, II. Notes on generic concepts and descriptions of previously unrecognized species. Fieldiana, Bot. 29: 393—532. 31 May 1963.
- Myrtaceae, in Flora of Guatemala. Fieldiana, Bot. 24, pt. 7: i-vii, 283—405. «25 Oct 1963»
- International code of botanical nomenclature. 402 pp. Utrecht, Netherlands. Dec 1966. Prepared and edited by an editorial committee, J. Laniouw (chairman), F. A. Stafleu (secretary), S. H. Mamay, R. McVaugh, et al.
- Flora Novo-Galiciana. Vol. 14, Gramineae. [i-iv], [I]-436, frontisp., maps. Univ. of Michigan Press, Ann Arbor. 6 sep 1983.
- Flora Novo-Galiciana. Vol. 12, Compositae. [i-iv], [1]- 1157, frontisp., maps. Univ. of Michigan Press, Ann Arbor. 17 sep 1984.
- Flora Novo-Galiciana. Vol. 16, Orchidaceae [i-vi], [1]-363, frontisp., maps. Univ. of Michigan Press, Ann Arbor. 28 jun 1985.
- Flora Novo-Galiciana. Vol. 5, Leguminosae. [i-v], [1]-786, frontisp., maps. Univ. of Michigan Press, Ann Arbor. 27 feb 1987 [27 ene 1987).
- Flora Novo-Galiciana. Vol. 15, Bromeliaceae a Dioscoreaceae. [i-v], [1]-398, frontisp., 2 color pl., mapas. Univ. Michigan Herb., Ann Arbor. 21 abr 1989.
- Flora Novo-Galiciana. Vol. 17. Gymnosperms & Pteridophytes. pp. [i-iv], [1]-467, frontisp., mapas. Univ. Michigan Herb., Ann Arbor. 30 may 1992. [Gymnosperms, pp. 1-119, x McVaugh excepto pp. 32-100, Pinus, x Servando Carvajal & McVaugb, pp. 107—119, Zamiaceae, x McVaugh & J.A. Pérez de la Rosa; Pteridophytes, pp. 120-43 1, x John T. Mickel].
- Flora Novo-Galiciana. Vo. 13. Limnocharitaceae to Typhaceae. Pp. [iv], [1 --] 462, [463], [464—467] (mapas), [468], 469—480, frosntisp. Univ. of Michigan Herbarium, Ann Arbor. 8 dic 1993. [Alismataceae, Potamogetonaceae, Ruppiaceae, Najadaceae, Zannichelliaceae, x Robert R. Haynes & Lauritz B. Holm-Nielsen; Lemnaceae & Typhaceae x McVaugh & Stephen D. Koch; Commelinaceae x David R. Hunt; Carex x A. A. Reznicek; Cyperus x Gordon C. Tucker & McVaugh; Karinia x Reznicek & McVaugh].
- Flora Novo-Galiciana. Vol. 3. Ochnaceae a Loasaceae. Pp. [I—vi], [1], 2—727, [728—731], (mapas), [732], 733—751, frontisp. Herb. Univ. Michigan, Ann Arbor. 7 dic 2001. [Tiliaceae, Sterculiaceae, Bombacaceae, Malvaceae x Paul A. Fryxell; Flacourtiaceae x Robert W. Kiger; Passifloraceae x John M. MacDougal & McVaugh; 3 spp. fr Schizocarpum (Curcurbitaceae) x Denis M. Kearns; Begoniaceae x Kathleen Burt-Utley & McVaugh].
- "Herbarium.UNC". 2010-06-13 tarixində . İstifadə tarixi: 2017-01-30.
- Malpighiaceae/Mcvaughia
- Rogers McVaugh 2013-10-06 at the Wayback Machine «in memoriam»
- University of Michigan Herbarium
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Rocers Makvo ing Rogers McVaugh 1909 ABS 2009 ABS amerika botaniki tesnifatci Beynelxalq Bitki Taksonomiya Assosiasiyasinin kecmis prezidenti Rocers Makvoing Rogers McVaughDogum tarixi 30 may 1909Dogum yeri Nyu York ABSVefat tarixi 24 sentyabr 2009 100 yasinda Vefat yeri ABSElm sahesi BotanikaIs yerleri Miciqan Universiteti Karnegi Mellon UniversitetiTehsili Pensilvaniya UniversitetiCanli tebietin sistematikiTedqiqatci botanika taksonlarini tesnif eden Beynelxalq Botaniki Adlandirma Kodeksinde bu ad qisaldilmis sekilde bele gosterilir McVaugh Bu cur taksonlar IPNI saytinda Sexsi sehife IPNI saytindaFealiyyetleri1935 1938 Instructor then Asst Professor Botany University of Georgia Athens 1938 1946 Associate Botanist Division of plant exploration amp introduction U S Department of Agriculture 1946 1951 Associate Professor Botany University of Michigan Ann Arbor 1951 1974 Professor Botany University of Michigan Ann Arbor 1955 1956 Program Director for Systematic Biology National Science Foundation 1974 1979 Harley Harris Bartlett Professor of Botany University of Michigan Ann Arbor 1946 1979 Curator of Vascular Plants University of Michigan Herbarium Ann Arbor 1972 1975 Director University of Michigan Herbarium Ann Arbor 1979 2009 Professor Emeritus Botany University of Michigan Ann Arbor 1980 2009 Research Professor of Botany University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill 1981 2009 Adjunct Research Scientist Hunt Institute Carnegie Mellon UniversityMukafatlar ve adlarInternational Association of Plant Taxonomy Vice prezident v 1969 ah Prezident v 1972 ah Festschrift in Taxon 1979 Botanical Society of America Merit Award 1977 Sociedad Botanica de Mexico Gold Medal 1978 New York Botanical Garden Henry Allan Gleason award 1984 for Flora Novo Galiciana vol 14 1983 American Society of Plant Taxonomists First Annual Asa Gray award 1984 University of Guadalajara Mexico First Luz Maria Villarreal de Puga Medal 1993 International Botanical Congress St Louis USA Millennium Medal 1999 one of eight worldwide Smithsonian Institution Washington D C First Cuatrecasas Medal for Excellence in Tropical Botany 2001 Botanical Society of America Centennial Award 2006EsesrleriA revision of Laurentia and allied genera in North America Bull Torrey Bot Club 67 778 798 3 dic 1940 A key to the North American species of Lobelia Sect Hemipogon Amer Midl Naturalist 24 681 702 dic 1940 A monograph on the genus Downingia Mem Torrey Bot Club 19 1 57 1 sep 1941 Campanulales Campanulaceae Lobelioideae N Amer Flora 32A 1 134 5 ene 1943 A revision of Lysipomia Campanulaceae Lobelioideae Brittonia 8 69 105 8 Apr 1955 Tropical American Myrtaceae Notes on generic concepts and descriptions of previously unrecognized species Fieldiana Bot 29 145 228 30 Nov 1956 Edward Palmer plant explorer of the American West xvii 430 pp illus Univ of Oklahoma Press Norman 15 Dec 1956 Myrtaceae in Flora of Peru Field Mus Nat Hist Bot Ser 13 pt 4 569 818 index 28 Nov 1958 Euphorbiaceae novae Novo galicianae Brittonia 13 145 205 15 Apr 1961 Tropical American Myrtaceae II Notes on generic concepts and descriptions of previously unrecognized species Fieldiana Bot 29 393 532 31 May 1963 Myrtaceae in Flora of Guatemala Fieldiana Bot 24 pt 7 i vii 283 405 25 Oct 1963 International code of botanical nomenclature 402 pp Utrecht Netherlands Dec 1966 Prepared and edited by an editorial committee J Laniouw chairman F A Stafleu secretary S H Mamay R McVaugh et al Flora Novo Galiciana Vol 14 Gramineae i iv I 436 frontisp maps Univ of Michigan Press Ann Arbor 6 sep 1983 Flora Novo Galiciana Vol 12 Compositae i iv 1 1157 frontisp maps Univ of Michigan Press Ann Arbor 17 sep 1984 Flora Novo Galiciana Vol 16 Orchidaceae i vi 1 363 frontisp maps Univ of Michigan Press Ann Arbor 28 jun 1985 Flora Novo Galiciana Vol 5 Leguminosae i v 1 786 frontisp maps Univ of Michigan Press Ann Arbor 27 feb 1987 27 ene 1987 Flora Novo Galiciana Vol 15 Bromeliaceae a Dioscoreaceae i v 1 398 frontisp 2 color pl mapas Univ Michigan Herb Ann Arbor 21 abr 1989 Flora Novo Galiciana Vol 17 Gymnosperms amp Pteridophytes pp i iv 1 467 frontisp mapas Univ Michigan Herb Ann Arbor 30 may 1992 Gymnosperms pp 1 119 x McVaugh excepto pp 32 100 Pinus x Servando Carvajal amp McVaugb pp 107 119 Zamiaceae x McVaugh amp J A Perez de la Rosa Pteridophytes pp 120 43 1 x John T Mickel Flora Novo Galiciana Vo 13 Limnocharitaceae to Typhaceae Pp iv 1 462 463 464 467 mapas 468 469 480 frosntisp Univ of Michigan Herbarium Ann Arbor 8 dic 1993 Alismataceae Potamogetonaceae Ruppiaceae Najadaceae Zannichelliaceae x Robert R Haynes amp Lauritz B Holm Nielsen Lemnaceae amp Typhaceae x McVaugh amp Stephen D Koch Commelinaceae x David R Hunt Carex x A A Reznicek Cyperus x Gordon C Tucker amp McVaugh Karinia x Reznicek amp McVaugh Flora Novo Galiciana Vol 3 Ochnaceae a Loasaceae Pp I vi 1 2 727 728 731 mapas 732 733 751 frontisp Herb Univ Michigan Ann Arbor 7 dic 2001 Tiliaceae Sterculiaceae Bombacaceae Malvaceae x Paul A Fryxell Flacourtiaceae x Robert W Kiger Passifloraceae x John M MacDougal amp McVaugh 3 spp fr Schizocarpum Curcurbitaceae x Denis M Kearns Begoniaceae x Kathleen Burt Utley amp McVaugh Istinadlar Herbarium UNC 2010 06 13 tarixinde Istifade tarixi 2017 01 30 Malpighiaceae Mcvaughia Rogers McVaugh 2013 10 06 at the Wayback Machine in memoriam University of Michigan Herbarium Elm xadimi ile elaqedar bu meqale qaralama halindadir Meqaleni redakte ederek Vikipediyani zenginlesdirin