Qordon Alport (11 noyabr 1897 - 9 oktyabr 1967) — Amerika psixoloqu.

Xarici keçidlər
- Allports classic paper on autonomy of motives at Classics in the History of Psychology page.
- Gordon Allport, The Scapegoats (1954)
- Gordon Allport, Becoming (1955)
- Gordon Allport, The Open System in Personality Theory (1960)
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Qordon Alport 11 noyabr 1897 9 oktyabr 1967 Amerika psixoloqu IstinadlarXarici kecidlerAllports classic paper on autonomy of motives at Classics in the History of Psychology page Gordon Allport The Scapegoats 1954 Gordon Allport Becoming 1955 Gordon Allport The Open System in Personality Theory 1960