Primitivizm — XIX əsrdə yaranmış rəsm stili. Bir uşaqın yaradıcılığına və ya ibtidai dövrün təsvirlərinə bənzər formaları tərtib edən şəklin qəsdən sadələşdirilməsi daxildir. Bəzi tənqidçilərə görə, sadə sənətinin konsepsiyası "primitivizm" anlayışına deyil, birincisi qeyri-peşəkar, ikincisi, peşəkar rəsm stilidir.

Primitivizmin ən məşhur nümayəndələri: Anri Russo, Niko Pirosmani, Pol Qogen və başqaları hesab oluna bilər.
İngilis dilində
- Antliff, Mark and Patricia Leighten, "Primitive" in Critical Terms for Art History, R. Nelson and R. Shiff (Eds.). Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1996 (rev. ed. 2003).
- Blunt, Anthony & Pool, Phoebe. Picasso, the Formative Years: A Study of His Sources. Graphic Society, 1962.
- Connelly, S. Frances. The Sleep of Reason: Primitivism in Modern European Art and Aesthetics, 1725–1907. University Park: Pennsylvania State University Press, 1999.
- Diamond, Stanley. In Search of the Primitive: A Critique of Civilization. New Brunswick: Transaction Publishers, 1974.
- Etherington, Ben. Literary Primitivism. Stanford: Stanford University Press, 2018.
- Flam, Jack and Miriam Deutch, eds. Primitivism and Twentieth Century Art Documentary History. University of California Press, 2003.
- Goldwater, Robert. Primitivisim in Modern Art. Belnap Press. 2002.
- Lovejoy, A. O. and George Boas. Primitivism and Related Ideas in Antiquity. Baltimore: Johns Hopkins Press, 1935 (With supplementary essays by W. F. Albright and P. E. Dumont, Baltimore and London, Johns Hopkins U. Press. 1997).
- Redfield, Robert. "Art and Icon" in Anthropology and Art, C. Otten (Ed.). New York: Natural History Press, 1971.
- Rhodes, Colin. Primitivism and Modern Art. London: Thames and Hudson, 1994.
- Solomon-Godeau, Abigail. "Going Native: Paul Gauguin and the Invention of Primitivist Modernism" in The Expanded Discourse: Feminism and Art History, N. Broude and M. Garrard (Eds.). New York: Harper Collins, 1986.
Rus dilində
- Авдеева В. В. Современное наивное искусство Германии: проблемы изучения // Известия Уральского государственного университета. — 2004. — № 33. — С. 230–238.
- Прокофьев В. О трех уровнях художественной культуры Нового и Новейшего времени: К проблеме примитива в изобразительных искусствах // Примитив и его место в художественной культуре Нового и Новейшего времени [: сб.]. М.: Наука, 1983. С. 6–28
- Юрков С. От лубка к "Бубновому валету": Гротеск и антиповедение в культуре "примитива" // Юрков С. Под знаком гротеска: антиповедение в русской культуре: XI-начало XX вв. СПб.: Летний сад, 2003. С. 177–187. — ISBN 5-89740-083-0.
Xarici keçidlər
- Articles on Primitivism 2014-01-04 at the Wayback Machine (ing.)
- "Primitivism meaning and methods""
- Research Group in Primitive Art and Primitivism (CIAP-UPF)
- Ben Etherington, "The New Primitives", Los Angeles Review of Books, may 24, 2018.
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Primitivizm XIX esrde yaranmis resm stili Bir usaqin yaradiciligina ve ya ibtidai dovrun tesvirlerine benzer formalari tertib eden seklin qesden sadelesdirilmesi daxildir Bezi tenqidcilere gore sade senetinin konsepsiyasi primitivizm anlayisina deyil birincisi qeyri pesekar ikincisi pesekar resm stilidir Niko Pirosmani Aktrisa Marqarita 1909 Primitivizmin en meshur numayendeleri Anri Russo Niko Pirosmani Pol Qogen ve basqalari hesab oluna biler EdebiyyatIngilis dilinde Antliff Mark and Patricia Leighten Primitive in Critical Terms for Art History R Nelson and R Shiff Eds Chicago University of Chicago Press 1996 rev ed 2003 Blunt Anthony amp Pool Phoebe Picasso the Formative Years A Study of His Sources Graphic Society 1962 Connelly S Frances The Sleep of Reason Primitivism in Modern European Art and Aesthetics 1725 1907 University Park Pennsylvania State University Press 1999 Diamond Stanley In Search of the Primitive A Critique of Civilization New Brunswick Transaction Publishers 1974 Etherington Ben Literary Primitivism Stanford Stanford University Press 2018 Flam Jack and Miriam Deutch eds Primitivism and Twentieth Century Art Documentary History University of California Press 2003 Goldwater Robert Primitivisim in Modern Art Belnap Press 2002 Lovejoy A O and George Boas Primitivism and Related Ideas in Antiquity Baltimore Johns Hopkins Press 1935 With supplementary essays by W F Albright and P E Dumont Baltimore and London Johns Hopkins U Press 1997 Redfield Robert Art and Icon in Anthropology and Art C Otten Ed New York Natural History Press 1971 Rhodes Colin Primitivism and Modern Art London Thames and Hudson 1994 Solomon Godeau Abigail Going Native Paul Gauguin and the Invention of Primitivist Modernism in The Expanded Discourse Feminism and Art History N Broude and M Garrard Eds New York Harper Collins 1986 Rus dilinde Avdeeva V V Sovremennoe naivnoe iskusstvo Germanii problemy izucheniya Izvestiya Uralskogo gosudarstvennogo universiteta 2004 33 S 230 238 Prokofev V O treh urovnyah hudozhestvennoj kultury Novogo i Novejshego vremeni K probleme primitiva v izobrazitelnyh iskusstvah Primitiv i ego mesto v hudozhestvennoj kulture Novogo i Novejshego vremeni sb M Nauka 1983 S 6 28 Yurkov S Ot lubka k Bubnovomu valetu Grotesk i antipovedenie v kulture primitiva Yurkov S Pod znakom groteska antipovedenie v russkoj kulture XI nachalo XX vv SPb Letnij sad 2003 S 177 187 ISBN 5 89740 083 0 Xarici kecidlerArticles on Primitivism 2014 01 04 at the Wayback Machine ing Primitivism meaning and methods Research Group in Primitive Art and Primitivism CIAP UPF Ben Etherington The New Primitives Los Angeles Review of Books may 24 2018