Burbonlu Mariya (fr. Marie de Bourbon; 22 iyul 1615[…], Nansi – 13 aprel 1672[…], Paris) — Orlean hersoqu Qastonun xanımı, Orlean hersoqinası.
Lorreynli Marqarita | |
fr. Marguerite de Lorraine | |
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3 yanvar 1632 – 2 fevral 1660 | |
Əvvəlki | Burbonlu Mariya |
Sonrakı | Henretta Stüart |
Şəxsi məlumatlar | |
Doğum tarixi | 22 iyul 1615[…] |
Doğum yeri |
Vəfat tarixi | 13 aprel 1672[…](56 yaşında) |
Vəfat yeri | |
Dəfn yeri | |
Fəaliyyəti | əsilzadə |
Həyat yoldaşı |
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3 yanvar 1632-ci ildə Fransa kralı XIII Lüdovikin qardaşı Orlean hersoqu Qastonla gizlicə evləndi. Buna qarşı çıxan kral, bu evliliyi yalnız ölüm döşəyində ikən qəbul etdi. Cütlüyün bu nigahdan 5 övladı doğuldu.
- Marqarita Luiza (28 iyul 1645 - 17 sentyabr 1721), Böyük Toskana hersoqinası
- Yelizaveta Marqarita (26 dekabr 1646 - 17 mart 1696), Quiza hersoqinası
- Fransiska Medlin (13 oktyabr 1648 - 14 yanvar 1664), Savoyya hersoqinası
- Con Qaston (17 avqust 1650 - 10 avqust 1652), Valua hersoqu
- Mariya Anna (9 noyabr 1652 - 17 avqust 1656)
- Adams, Tracy (2010). The Life and Afterlife of Isabeau of Bavaria. Johns Hopkins University Press.
- Azzolini, Monica (2013). The Duke and the Stars: Astrology and Politics in Renaissance Milan. Harvard University Press.
- Booton, Diane E. (2016). Manuscripts, Market and the Transition to Print in Late Medieval Brittany. Taylor & Francis.
- DeSilva, Jennifer Mara (2015). The Sacralization of Space and Behavior in the Early Modern World: Studies and Sources. Routledge.
- Emerton, Ephraim (1917). The Beginnings of Modern Europe (1250–1450). Boston: Ginn & Co.
- Gallo, F. Alberto (1995). Music in the Castle: Troubadours, Books, and Orators in Italian Courts of the Thirteenth, Fourteenth, and Fifteenth Centuries. University of Chicago Press.
- Henneman, John Bell (2018). Olivier de Clisson and Political Society in France Under Charles V and Charles VI. University of Pennsylvania Press.
- Knecht, Robert (2004). The Valois: Kings of France 1328–1589. Hambledon Continuum.
- de Mesquita, Daniel Meredith Bueno (1941). Giangaleazzo Visconti, Duke of Milan (1351–1402): A Study in the Political Career of an Italian Despot. Cambridge at the University Press.
- Rohr, Zita Eva (2016). Yolande of Aragon (1381–1442) Family and Power: The Reverse of the Tapestry. Palgrave Macmillan.
- Sumption, Jonathan (2016). The Hundred Years War. Vol. 4: Cursed Kings. University of Pennsylvania Press.
- Veenstra, Jan R. (1998). Magic and Divination at the Courts of Burgundy and France: Text and Contest of Laurens Pignon's "Contre le devineurs (1411)". Brill.
- Welch, Evelyn S. (1995). Art and Authority in Renaissance Milan. Yale University Press.
- http://genealogy.euweb.cz/lorraine/lorraine5.html.
- Lundy D. R. Marguerite de Lorraine // The Peerage (ing.).
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Burbonlu Mariya fr Marie de Bourbon 22 iyul 1615 Nansi 13 aprel 1672 Paris Orlean hersoqu Qastonun xanimi Orlean hersoqinasi Lorreynli Marqaritafr Marguerite de LorraineOrlean hersoqinasi3 yanvar 1632 2 fevral 1660EvvelkiBurbonlu MariyaSonrakiHenretta StuartSexsi melumatlarDogum tarixi 22 iyul 1615 1615 07 22 Dogum yeri Nansi Lotaringiya hersoqlugu d Vefat tarixi 13 aprel 1672 1672 04 13 56 yasinda Vefat yeri Paris Fransa kralligiDefn yeri Sen Deni bazilikasiFealiyyeti esilzadeHeyat yoldasi Qaston de Orleans 1632 Vikianbarda elaqeli mediafayllar 3 yanvar 1632 ci ilde Fransa krali XIII Ludovikin qardasi Orlean hersoqu Qastonla gizlice evlendi Buna qarsi cixan kral bu evliliyi yalniz olum doseyinde iken qebul etdi Cutluyun bu nigahdan 5 ovladi doguldu Marqarita Luiza 28 iyul 1645 17 sentyabr 1721 Boyuk Toskana hersoqinasi Yelizaveta Marqarita 26 dekabr 1646 17 mart 1696 Quiza hersoqinasi Fransiska Medlin 13 oktyabr 1648 14 yanvar 1664 Savoyya hersoqinasi Con Qaston 17 avqust 1650 10 avqust 1652 Valua hersoqu Mariya Anna 9 noyabr 1652 17 avqust 1656 MenbeAdams Tracy 2010 The Life and Afterlife of Isabeau of Bavaria Johns Hopkins University Press Azzolini Monica 2013 The Duke and the Stars Astrology and Politics in Renaissance Milan Harvard University Press Booton Diane E 2016 Manuscripts Market and the Transition to Print in Late Medieval Brittany Taylor amp Francis DeSilva Jennifer Mara 2015 The Sacralization of Space and Behavior in the Early Modern World Studies and Sources Routledge Emerton Ephraim 1917 The Beginnings of Modern Europe 1250 1450 Boston Ginn amp Co Gallo F Alberto 1995 Music in the Castle Troubadours Books and Orators in Italian Courts of the Thirteenth Fourteenth and Fifteenth Centuries University of Chicago Press Henneman John Bell 2018 Olivier de Clisson and Political Society in France Under Charles V and Charles VI University of Pennsylvania Press Knecht Robert 2004 The Valois Kings of France 1328 1589 Hambledon Continuum de Mesquita Daniel Meredith Bueno 1941 Giangaleazzo Visconti Duke of Milan 1351 1402 A Study in the Political Career of an Italian Despot Cambridge at the University Press Rohr Zita Eva 2016 Yolande of Aragon 1381 1442 Family and Power The Reverse of the Tapestry Palgrave Macmillan Sumption Jonathan 2016 The Hundred Years War Vol 4 Cursed Kings University of Pennsylvania Press Veenstra Jan R 1998 Magic and Divination at the Courts of Burgundy and France Text and Contest of Laurens Pignon s Contre le devineurs 1411 Brill Welch Evelyn S 1995 Art and Authority in Renaissance Milan Yale University Press Istinadlarhttp genealogy euweb cz lorraine lorraine5 html Lundy D R Marguerite de Lorraine The Peerage ing