Kulper casus şəbəkəsi — ABŞ İstiqlal müharibəsi zamanı fəal olan şəbəkəsi. 1778-ci ildə mayor Bencamin Talmec və general Corc Vaşinqton tərəfindən təşkil edilmişdir. "Kulper" adı Corc Vaşinqton tərəfindən təklif edilmiş və Kulpeper dairəsindən götürülmüşdür. Casus halqasının liderləri və idi.
Kulper casus şəbəkəsi | |
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Yaranma tarixi | 1778 |
Qurucusu | |
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- "INTEL - Culper Spy Ring". www.intel.gov. 2023-05-30 tarixində arxivləşdirilib. İstifadə tarixi: 2023-11-16.
Əlavə ədəbiyyat
- Bakeless, John. Turncoats, Traitors & Heroes. New York: Da Capo Press, 1998. Originally published New York: J. B. Lippincott, 1959. ISBN ISBN 978-0-306-80843-2.
- Baker, Mark Allen. Spies of Revolutionary Connecticut: From Benedict Arnold to Nathan Hale. Charleston, SC: The History Press, 2014. ISBN ISBN 978-1-62619-407-6.
- Brady, Kevin M. Culper Spy Ring In Frank, Lisa Tendrich. An Encyclopedia of American Women at War: From the Home Front to the Battlefields. Santa Barbara, CA: ABC-CLIO, 2013. ISBN ISBN 978-1-59884-444-3. p. 172.
- Ferling, John. Almost a Miracle: The American Victory in the War of Independence. New York: Oxford University Press, 2009. ISBN ISBN 978-0-19-538292-1. (pbk.) Originally published in hard cover in 2007.
- Jones, Robert Francis. "The King of the Alley": William Duer, Politician, Entrepreneur, and Speculator, 1768–1799. Philadelphia: American Philosophical Society, 1992. ISBN ISBN 0-87169-202-3.
- Kahn, David. The Codebreakers: The Comprehensive History of Secret Communication from Ancient Times to the Internet. New York, Simon and Schuster, 1996. ISBN ISBN 978-1-4391-0355-5.
- Kilmeade, Brian; Yaegar, Don. George Washington's Secret Six: The Spy Ring That Save the American Revolution. Penguin. 2013. ISBN .
- Knott, Stephen. Secret and Sanctioned: Covert Operations and the American Presidency. New York: Oxford University Press, 1996. ISBN ISBN 978-0-19-510098-3. Retrieved May 22, 2014.
- Leckie, Robert. George Washington's War: The Saga of the American Revolution. New York: Harper Perennial, a division of HarperCollins, 1993. ISBN ISBN 978-0-06-092215-3. First published 1992.
- Macmillan, Margaret Burnham. The War Governors in the American Revolution. New York: Columbia University Press, 1943. 3093783OCLC 3093783.[ISBN missing]
- Mahl, Tom E. Espionage's Most Wanted: The Top 10 Book of Malicious Moles, Blown Covers, and Intelligence Oddities. Potomac Books, Inc., 2003. ISBN ISBN 978-1-61234-038-8. Retrieved May 1, 2014.
- Mahoney, Henry Thayer; Mahoney, Marjorie. Gallantry in Action: A Biographic Dictionary of Espionage in the American Revolutionary War. University Press of America. 1999. ISBN .
- Martin, A. J. (2015). America’s Evolution of Women and Their Roles in the Intelligence Community Arxivləşdirilib 2023-04-06 at the Wayback Machine; Journal of Strategic Security, 8(3), 99–109.
- Misencik, Paul R. The Original American Spies: Seven Covert Agents of the Revolutionary War. Jefferson, NC: McFarland, 2013. ISBN ISBN 978-0-7864-7794-4. p. 122.
- Naylor, Natalie A. Women in Long Island's Past: A History of Eminent Ladies and Everyday Lives. Charleston, SC: The History Press, 2012. ISBN ISBN 978-1-60949-499-5. Retrieved May 1, 2014.
- Nelson, David Paul. Culper Ring in Hastedt, Glenn, P., ed. Spies, Wiretaps, and Secret Operations: A-J. Santa Barbara, CA: ABC-CLIO, 2011. ISBN ISBN 978-1-85109-807-1.
- Rose, Alexander. The Spy Who Never Was: The Strange Case of John Honeyman and Revolutionary War Espionage. In CIA Studies in Intelligence Journal, June 19, 2008. Retrieved May 30, 2014.
- Rose, Alexander. Washington's Spies; the story of America's first Spy Ring. Bantam Dell. 2007. ISBN .
- Schellhammer, Michael. George Washington and the Final British Campaign for the Hudson River, 1779. McFarland and Co. 2012. ISBN .
- Sharp, Arthur G. Not Your Father's Founders: An "Amended" Look at America's First Patriots. Adams Media. 2012. ISBN .
- Sternberg, Mark. "Selah Strong: Records Reveal an Overlooked Hero of the Culper Spy Ring" (PDF). New York Archives. Albany, NY: New York Archives Trust. Fall 2022. ISSN 1535-7813. March 6, 2023 tarixində arxivləşdirilib (PDF). İstifadə tarixi: March 6, 2023.
- Tallmadge, Benjamin. Memoir of Col. Benjamin Tallmadge. Thomas Holman. 1858. OCLC 15547874.
- Ward, Christopher. John Richard Alden, ed. The War of the Revolution. New York: Skyhorse Publishing, 2011. ISBN ISBN 978-1-61608-080-8. Originally published Old Saybrook, CT: Konecky & Konecky, 1952.
- Weigold, Marilyn E. The Long Island Sound: A History of Its People, Places, and Environment. New York: NYU Press, 2004. ISBN ISBN 978-0-8147-9400-5.
Xarici keçidlər
- Library of Congress, letters written by those involved in the Culper Ring
- The Culper Spy Ring
- Spy Networks: The Culper Gang
- Three Village Historical Society Setauket Spy Ring Web Article
- Caleb Brewster letter correspondence including with George Washington
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Kulper casus sebekesi ABS Istiqlal muharibesi zamani feal olan sebekesi 1778 ci ilde mayor Bencamin Talmec ve general Corc Vasinqton terefinden teskil edilmisdir Kulper adi Corc Vasinqton terefinden teklif edilmis ve Kulpeper dairesinden goturulmusdur Casus halqasinin liderleri ve idi Kulper casus sebekesiYaranma tarixi 1778Qurucusu Corc VasinqtonBencamin Talmec Vikianbarda elaqeli mediafayllarIstinadlar INTEL Culper Spy Ring www intel gov 2023 05 30 tarixinde arxivlesdirilib Istifade tarixi 2023 11 16 Elave edebiyyatBakeless John Turncoats Traitors amp Heroes New York Da Capo Press 1998 Originally published New York J B Lippincott 1959 ISBN 978 0 306 80843 2ISBN 978 0 306 80843 2 Baker Mark Allen Spies of Revolutionary Connecticut From Benedict Arnold to Nathan Hale Charleston SC The History Press 2014 ISBN 978 1 62619 407 6ISBN 978 1 62619 407 6 Brady Kevin M Culper Spy Ring In Frank Lisa Tendrich An Encyclopedia of American Women at War From the Home Front to the Battlefields Santa Barbara CA ABC CLIO 2013 ISBN 978 1 59884 444 3ISBN 978 1 59884 444 3 p 172 Ferling John Almost a Miracle The American Victory in the War of Independence New York Oxford University Press 2009 ISBN 978 0 19 538292 1ISBN 978 0 19 538292 1 pbk Originally published in hard cover in 2007 Jones Robert Francis The King of the Alley William Duer Politician Entrepreneur and Speculator 1768 1799 Philadelphia American Philosophical Society 1992 ISBN 0 87169 202 3ISBN 0 87169 202 3 Kahn David The Codebreakers The Comprehensive History of Secret Communication from Ancient Times to the Internet New York Simon and Schuster 1996 ISBN 978 1 4391 0355 5ISBN 978 1 4391 0355 5 Kilmeade Brian Yaegar Don George Washington s Secret Six The Spy Ring That Save the American Revolution Penguin 2013 ISBN 978 1 59523 103 1 Knott Stephen Secret and Sanctioned Covert Operations and the American Presidency New York Oxford University Press 1996 ISBN 978 0 19 510098 3ISBN 978 0 19 510098 3 Retrieved May 22 2014 Leckie Robert George Washington s War The Saga of the American Revolution New York Harper Perennial a division of HarperCollins 1993 ISBN 978 0 06 092215 3ISBN 978 0 06 092215 3 First published 1992 Macmillan Margaret Burnham The War Governors in the American Revolution New York Columbia University Press 1943 3093783OCLC 3093783 ISBN missing Mahl Tom E Espionage s Most Wanted The Top 10 Book of Malicious Moles Blown Covers and Intelligence Oddities Potomac Books Inc 2003 ISBN 978 1 61234 038 8ISBN 978 1 61234 038 8 Retrieved May 1 2014 Mahoney Henry Thayer Mahoney Marjorie Gallantry in Action A Biographic Dictionary of Espionage in the American Revolutionary War University Press of America 1999 ISBN 978 0 7618 1479 5 Martin A J 2015 America s Evolution of Women and Their Roles in the Intelligence Community Arxivlesdirilib 2023 04 06 at the Wayback Machine Journal of Strategic Security 8 3 99 109 Misencik Paul R The Original American Spies Seven Covert Agents of the Revolutionary War Jefferson NC McFarland 2013 ISBN 978 0 7864 7794 4ISBN 978 0 7864 7794 4 p 122 Naylor Natalie A Women in Long Island s Past A History of Eminent Ladies and Everyday Lives Charleston SC The History Press 2012 ISBN 978 1 60949 499 5ISBN 978 1 60949 499 5 Retrieved May 1 2014 Nelson David Paul Culper Ring in Hastedt Glenn P ed Spies Wiretaps and Secret Operations A J Santa Barbara CA ABC CLIO 2011 ISBN 978 1 85109 807 1ISBN 978 1 85109 807 1 Rose Alexander The Spy Who Never Was The Strange Case of John Honeyman and Revolutionary War Espionage In CIA Studies in Intelligence Journal June 19 2008 Retrieved May 30 2014 Rose Alexander Washington s Spies the story of America s first Spy Ring Bantam Dell 2007 ISBN 978 0 553 38329 4 Schellhammer Michael George Washington and the Final British Campaign for the Hudson River 1779 McFarland and Co 2012 ISBN 978 0 7864 6807 2 Sharp Arthur G Not Your Father s Founders An Amended Look at America s First Patriots Adams Media 2012 ISBN 978 1 4405 4011 0 Sternberg Mark Selah Strong Records Reveal an Overlooked Hero of the Culper Spy Ring PDF New York Archives Albany NY New York Archives Trust Fall 2022 ISSN 1535 7813 March 6 2023 tarixinde arxivlesdirilib PDF Istifade tarixi March 6 2023 Tallmadge Benjamin Memoir of Col Benjamin Tallmadge Thomas Holman 1858 OCLC 15547874 Ward Christopher John Richard Alden ed The War of the Revolution New York Skyhorse Publishing 2011 ISBN 978 1 61608 080 8ISBN 978 1 61608 080 8 Originally published Old Saybrook CT Konecky amp Konecky 1952 Weigold Marilyn E The Long Island Sound A History of Its People Places and Environment New York NYU Press 2004 ISBN 978 0 8147 9400 5ISBN 978 0 8147 9400 5 Xarici kecidlerLibrary of Congress letters written by those involved in the Culper Ring The Culper Spy Ring Spy Networks The Culper Gang Three Village Historical Society Setauket Spy Ring Web Article Caleb Brewster letter correspondence including with George Washington