Kiçik Zab (ərəb. الزاب الاسفل, əl-Zab əl-Əsfəl; kürd. Zêy Koya və ya Zêyê Biçûk; fars. زاب کوچک, Zab-i Küçük; süry. ܙܒܐ ܬܚܬܝܐ, Zaba Taḥtaya) — İran və İraqda çay, Dəclə çayının sol qolu. Çayın uzunluğu 456 km, hövzəsinin sahəsi 19400 km2-dir. Avajeru və Çomme-Bendinabad çaylarının qovuşduğu yerdə əmələ gəlir.
Kiçik Zab | |
زاب کوچک | |
![]() | |
Ölkə | |
Mənbəyi | Zaqros dağları |
Mənsəbi | Dəclə |
Uzunluğu |
Su sərfi | 219 m³/s |
Hövzəsinin sahəsi | 19.400 km² |
![]() |
- Dəclə // Azərbaycan Milli Ensiklopediyası (25 cilddə). 6-cı cild: Çin – Dərk. Bakı: "Azərbaycan Milli Ensiklopediyası" Elmi Mərkəzi. 2015. 608 səh. ISBN .
- [карты] J-38-XXXIV. Масштаб: 1 : 200 000. [дату выпуска/состояния местности].
Əlavə ədəbiyyat
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- Al-Soof, Behnam Abu, "Mounds in the Rania Plain and Excavations at Tell Bazmusian (1956)", Sumer, 26, 1970: 65–104, ISSN 0081-9271
- Biglari, Fereidoun; Shidrang, Sonia, "The Lower Paleolithic Occupation of Iran", Near Eastern Archaeology, 69 (3–4), 2006: 160–168, ISSN 1094-2076, JSTOR 25067668
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- Eidem, Jesper, "News from the Eastern Front: The Evidence from Tell Shemshāra", Iraq, 47, 1985: 83–107, ISSN 0021-0889, JSTOR 4200234
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- Solecki, Ralph S., "The Bekhme Dam Project in Kurdistan Iraq. A Threat to the Archaeology of the Upper Zagros River Valley", International Journal of Kurdish Studies, 19 (1/2), 2005: 161–224, ISSN 1073-6697
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- Villard, Pierre, Arbèles // Joannès, Francis (redaktor), Dictionnaire de la Civilisation Mésopotamienne, Bouquins (fransız), Paris: Robert Laffont, 2001, 68–69, ISBN
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Kicik Zab ereb الزاب الاسفل el Zab el Esfel kurd Zey Koya ve ya Zeye Bicuk fars زاب کوچک Zab i Kucuk sury ܙܒܐ ܬܚܬܝܐ Zaba Taḥtaya Iran ve Iraqda cay Decle cayinin sol qolu Cayin uzunlugu 456 km hovzesinin sahesi 19400 km2 dir Avajeru ve Comme Bendinabad caylarinin qovusdugu yerde emele gelir Kicik Zabزاب کوچکOlke Iran IraqMenbeyi Zaqros daglariMensebi DecleUzunlugu 456 kmSu serfi 219 m sHovzesinin sahesi 19 400 km Vikianbarda elaqeli mediafayllarIstinadlarDecle Azerbaycan Milli Ensiklopediyasi 25 cildde 6 ci cild Cin Derk Baki Azerbaycan Milli Ensiklopediyasi Elmi Merkezi 2015 608 seh ISBN 978 9952 441 11 6 karty J 38 XXXIV Masshtab 1 200 000 datu vypuska sostoyaniya mestnosti Elave edebiyyatAl Soof Abu Distribution of Uruk Jamdat Nasr and Ninevite V Pottery as Revealed by Field Survey Work in Iraq Iraq 30 1 1968 74 86 ISSN 0021 0889 JSTOR 4199840 Al Soof Behnam Abu Mounds in the Rania Plain and Excavations at Tell Bazmusian 1956 Sumer 26 1970 65 104 ISSN 0081 9271 Biglari Fereidoun Shidrang Sonia The Lower Paleolithic Occupation of Iran Near Eastern Archaeology 69 3 4 2006 160 168 ISSN 1094 2076 JSTOR 25067668 Bosworth C E AL Zab Bearman P Bianquis Th van Donzel E Heinrichs W P redaktorlar Encyclopaedia of Islam Second Edition Leiden Brill Online 2010 OCLC 624382576 Braidwood Robert J Howe Bruce Prehistoric Investigations in Iraqi Kurdistan PDF Studies in Ancient Oriental Civilization 31 Chicago University of Chicago Press 1960 OCLC 395172 Buringh P Soils and Soil Conditions in Iraq Baghdad Ministry of Agriculture 1960 OCLC 630122693 Kurds Turks and Arabs Politics Travel and Research in North Eastern Iraq 1919 1925 London Oxford University Press 1957 OCLC 397502 Eidem Jesper News from the Eastern Front The Evidence from Tell Shemshara Iraq 47 1985 83 107 ISSN 0021 0889 JSTOR 4200234 Fink A K Ostrizhnov I D Dokan Hydroelectric Station in Iraq Power Technology and Engineering 17 10 1983 519 522 doi 10 1007 BF01425181 ISSN 1570 1468 Frenken Karen Irrigation in the Middle East Region in Figures AQUASTAT Survey 2008 Water Reports 34 Rome FAO 2009 ISBN 978 92 5 106316 3 Hunt Will Arbil Iraq Discovery Could be Earliest Evidence of Humans in the Near East Heritage Key 2010 Istifade tarixi 4 August 2010 Iraqi Ministries of Environment Water Resources and Municipalities and Public Works Volume I Overview of Present Conditions and Current Use of the Water in the Marshlands Area Book 1 Water resources New Eden Master Plan for integrated water resources management in the marshlands areas New Eden Group 2006a Iraqi Ministries of Environment Water Resources and Municipalities and Public Works Annex III Main Water Control Structures Dams and Water Diversions and Reservoirs New Eden Master Plan for integrated water resources management in the marshlands areas New Eden Group 2006b Isaev V A Mikhailova M V The Hydrology Evolution and Hydrological Regime of the Mouth Area of the Shatt al Arab River Water Resources 36 4 2009 380 395 doi 10 1134 S0097807809040022 ISSN 0097 8078 Kliot Nurit Water Resources and Conflict in the Middle East Milton Park Routledge 1994 ISBN 0 415 09752 5 Kolars John Problems of International River Management The Case of the Euphrates Biswas Asit K redaktor International Waters of the Middle East From Euphrates Tigris to Nile Oxford University Press 1994 44 94 ISBN 978 0 19 854862 1 Mohammadifar Yaghoub Motarjem Abbass Settlement Continuity in Kurdistan Antiquity 82 317 2008 ISSN 0003 598X Mortensen Peder Tell Shimshara The Hassuna period Historisk Filosofiske Skrifter 5 2 Copenhagen Kongelige Danske videnskabernes selskab 1970 OCLC 562453801 Naval Intelligence Division Iraq and the Persian Gulf Geographical Handbook Series 1944 OCLC 1077604 Novacek Karel Chabr Tomas Filipsky David Janicek Libor Pavelka Karel Sida Petr Trefny Martin Vareka Pavel Research of the Arbil Citadel Iraqi Kurdistan First Season Pamatky Archeologicke 99 2008 259 302 ISSN 0031 0506 Shahin Mamdouh Water Resources and Hydrometeorology of the Arab Region Dordrecht Springer 2007 ISBN 978 1 4020 5414 3 Solecki Ralph S Prehistory in Shanidar Valley Northern Iraq Fresh Insights into Near Eastern Prehistory from the Middle Paleolithic to the Proto Neolithic are Obtained Science 139 3551 1963 179 193 doi 10 1126 science 139 3551 179 PMID 17772076 Solecki Ralph S The Bekhme Dam Project in Kurdistan Iraq A Threat to the Archaeology of the Upper Zagros River Valley International Journal of Kurdish Studies 19 1 2 2005 161 224 ISSN 1073 6697 Stein Diana L Nuzi Meyers Eric M redaktor The Oxford Encyclopedia of Archaeology in the Ancient Near East 4 New York Oxford University Press 1997 171 175 ISBN 0 19 506512 3 US Air Force Combat Climatology Center Climate of Iraq NOAA 2009 Istifade tarixi 4 August 2010 van de Mieroop Marc A History of the Ancient Near East ca 3000 323 BC Second Edition Blackwell History of the Ancient World Malden Blackwell 2007 ISBN 978 1 4051 4911 2 Villard Pierre Arbeles Joannes Francis redaktor Dictionnaire de la Civilisation Mesopotamienne Bouquins fransiz Paris Robert Laffont 2001 68 69 ISBN 978 2 221 09207 1 Zeder Melinda A Animal Domestication in the Zagros A Review of Past and Current Research Paleorient 25 2 1999 11 25 doi 10 3406 paleo 1999 4684 ISSN 1957 701X