Jungermanniopsida (lat. Jungermanniopsida) — bitkilər aləminin marchantiophyta şöbəsinə aid bitki sinfi.
Jungermanniopsida | ||||||||||||
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Elmi təsnifat | ||||||||||||
Domen: Klad: Ranqsız: Aləm: Klad: Klad: Klad: Şöbə: Sinif: Jungermanniopsida | ||||||||||||
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Novíkov & Barabaš-Krasni (2015) işində bu cür təsnif edilmişdir:
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- He-Nygrén et al. 2006
- Pelliales He-Nygrén et al. 2006
- Frey & Stech 2005
- von Klinggräff 1858
- Pallaviciniales Frey & Stech 2005
- Schuster 1967
- Hodgson 1964
- Schuster 1984
- Schuster 1984
- Stotler & Crandall-Stotler 2007
- Schuster 1963
- 1904 [Dilaenaceae Müller 1940; Symphyogynaceae Reimers 1952]
- Schuster 1967
- Fossombroniales Schljakov 1972
- He-Nygrén et al. 2006
- He-Nygrén et al. 2006
- He-Nygrén et al. 2006
- Nakai 1943
- Schuster ex Stotler & Crandall-Stotler 2000 [Codoniineae]
- Hazsl. nom. cons. 1885 [Codoniaceae]
- Schljakov 1975
- Stotler & Crandall-Stotler 2002
- He-Nygrén et al. 2006
- Pelliales He-Nygrén et al. 2006
- Bartholomew-Began 1990
- Pleuroziales Schljakov 1972
- Müller 1909
- Metzgeriales Chalaud 1930
- von Klinggräff 1858 [Vandiemeniaceae Hewson]
- von Klinggräff 1858 [Riccardiaceae; Verdoorniaceae Inoue 1976]
- Pleuroziales Schljakov 1972
- Jungermanniidae Engler 1893
- Porellales Schljakov 1972
- Schuster 1963
- Cavers 1910 nom. cons. [Macvicariaceae]
- Verdoorn 1932
- Nakai 1943 [Jubulopsaceae]
- Schuster 1963
- Müller 1909
- Müller 1909
- Lorch 1914
- von Klinggräff 1858
- Cavers 1910 [Metzgeriopsaceae]
- Schuster 1963
- Ptilidiales Schljakov 1972
- Stotler & Crandall-Stotler 2009
- von Klinggräff 1858
- Inoue 1974
- Jungermanniales von Klinggräff 1858
- Schuster 1963
- Buch 1928 [Perssoniellaceae Schuster ex Grolle 1972]
- Schljakov 1972
- Vanden Berghen 1956
- Müller & Herzog 1956
- Schuster 1963 [Vetaformataceae Fulford & Taylor 1963]
- Limpricht 1877 [Neogrollaceae]
- Fulford & Taylor 1960 [Herzogiariaceae; Chaetocoleaceae]
- Frey & Stech 2008
- Nakai 1943
- Solari ex Schuster 1984
- Schuster 1972
- Müller ex Fulford & Hatcher 1958
- Schljakov
- Grolle 1972 [Jamesoniellaceae He-Nygrén et al. 2006]
- Söderström et al. 2010b
- Migula 1904
- Douin 1920 [Phycolepidoziaceae Schuster 1967]
- Migula 1904 [Diplophyllaceae Potemk. 1999; Chaetophyllopsaceae Schuster 1960]
- Cavers 1910
- Engel & Braggins ex Crandall-Stotler et al.
- Schljakov 1975
- Schuster ex Stotler & Crandall-Stotler 2000
- Nakai 1943
- Schuster 2002
- Konstantinova, Vilnet & Troitsky 2011
- Arnell 1928
- Konstantinova & Vilnet 2014
- Schuster 1972
- Crandall-Stotler, Vana & Stotler
- Heeg
- Váňa et al. 2012
- Schuster 1972
- Buch 1955 [Isotachidaceae]
- Schuster ex Grolle 1972
- Engel & Schuster 1981
- von Klinggräff 1858
- Schuster 1970
- Stotler & Crandall-Stotler 2009
- Schuster 2002
- Hodgson 1962
- Arnell 1928 [Mizutaniaceae Furuki & Iwatsuki 1989]
- Reichenbach 1828 [Mesoptychiaceae Inoue & Steere 1975; Delavayellaceae Schuster 1961]
- Schuster 1963
- von Klinggräff 1858
- Schuster 1963
- Porellales Schljakov 1972
- Crandall-Stotler B. J., Stotler R., Long D. G. Phylogeny and classification of the Marchantiophyta (ing.). // Edinburgh Journal of Botany Cambridge University Press, Royal Botanic Garden Edinburgh, 2009. Vol. 66, Iss. 1. P. 155–198. ISSN 0960-4286; 1474-0036 doi:10.1017/S0960428609005393
- Novíkov & Barabaš-Krasni. "Modern plant systematics". Liga-Pres. 2015: 685. doi:10.13140/RG.2.1.4745.6164. ISBN .
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Jungermanniopsida lat Jungermanniopsida bitkiler aleminin marchantiophyta sobesine aid bitki sinfi JungermanniopsidaElmi tesnifatDomen EukariotlarKlad DiaphoretickesRanqsiz ArxeplastidlerAlem BitkilerKlad StreptofitlerKlad EmbryophytesKlad Sobe CiyerotuSinif JungermanniopsidaBeynelxalq elmi adiJungermanniopsida Stotler amp Crand Stotl Sekil axtarisiITIS 846124NCBI 186771EOL 6077179FW 306731FilogenNovikov amp Barabas Krasni 2015 isinde bu cur tesnif edilmisdir PellialesPallavicinialesFossombronialesPleurozialesMetzgerialesJungermanniidae PorellalesPtilidialesJungermannialesTesnifatiHe Nygren et al 2006 Pelliales He Nygren et al 2006 Frey amp Stech 2005 von Klinggraff 1858 Pallaviciniales Frey amp Stech 2005 Schuster 1967 Hodgson 1964 Schuster 1984 Schuster 1984 Stotler amp Crandall Stotler 2007 Schuster 1963 1904 Dilaenaceae Muller 1940 Symphyogynaceae Reimers 1952 Fossombroniales Schljakov 1972 He Nygren et al 2006 He Nygren et al 2006 He Nygren et al 2006 Nakai 1943 Schuster ex Stotler amp Crandall Stotler 2000 Codoniineae Hazsl nom cons 1885 Codoniaceae Schljakov 1975 Stotler amp Crandall Stotler 2002 Bartholomew Began 1990 Pleuroziales Schljakov 1972 Muller 1909 Metzgeriales Chalaud 1930 von Klinggraff 1858 Vandiemeniaceae Hewson von Klinggraff 1858 Riccardiaceae Verdoorniaceae Inoue 1976 Jungermanniidae Engler 1893 Porellales Schljakov 1972 Schuster 1963 Cavers 1910 nom cons Macvicariaceae Verdoorn 1932 Nakai 1943 Jubulopsaceae Schuster 1963 Muller 1909 Muller 1909 Lorch 1914 von Klinggraff 1858 Cavers 1910 Metzgeriopsaceae Ptilidiales Schljakov 1972 Stotler amp Crandall Stotler 2009 von Klinggraff 1858 Inoue 1974 Jungermanniales von Klinggraff 1858 Schuster 1963 Buch 1928 Perssoniellaceae Schuster ex Grolle 1972 Schljakov 1972 Vanden Berghen 1956 Muller amp Herzog 1956 Schuster 1963 Vetaformataceae Fulford amp Taylor 1963 Limpricht 1877 Neogrollaceae Fulford amp Taylor 1960 Herzogiariaceae Chaetocoleaceae Frey amp Stech 2008 Nakai 1943 Solari ex Schuster 1984 Schuster 1972 Muller ex Fulford amp Hatcher 1958 Schljakov Grolle 1972 Jamesoniellaceae He Nygren et al 2006 Soderstrom et al 2010b Migula 1904 Douin 1920 Phycolepidoziaceae Schuster 1967 Migula 1904 Diplophyllaceae Potemk 1999 Chaetophyllopsaceae Schuster 1960 Cavers 1910 Engel amp Braggins ex Crandall Stotler et al Schljakov 1975 Schuster ex Stotler amp Crandall Stotler 2000 Nakai 1943 Schuster 2002 Konstantinova Vilnet amp Troitsky 2011 Arnell 1928 Konstantinova amp Vilnet 2014 Schuster 1972 Crandall Stotler Vana amp Stotler Heeg Vana et al 2012 Schuster 1972 Buch 1955 Isotachidaceae Schuster ex Grolle 1972 Engel amp Schuster 1981 von Klinggraff 1858 Schuster 1970 Stotler amp Crandall Stotler 2009 Schuster 2002 Hodgson 1962 Arnell 1928 Mizutaniaceae Furuki amp Iwatsuki 1989 Reichenbach 1828 Mesoptychiaceae Inoue amp Steere 1975 Delavayellaceae Schuster 1961 Schuster 1963 von Klinggraff 1858IstinadlarCrandall Stotler B J Stotler R Long D G Phylogeny and classification of the Marchantiophyta ing Edinburgh Journal of BotanyCambridge University Press Royal Botanic Garden Edinburgh 2009 Vol 66 Iss 1 P 155 198 ISSN 0960 4286 1474 0036 doi 10 1017 S0960428609005393 Novikov amp Barabas Krasni Modern plant systematics Liga Pres 2015 685 doi 10 13140 RG 2 1 4745 6164 ISBN 978 966 397 276 3 Hemcinin bax