İkasinakimilər (lat. Icacinaceae) — bitkilər aləminin i̇kasinaçiçəklilər dəstəsinə aid bitki fəsiləsi.
İkasinakimilər | ||||||||||||
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Elmi təsnifat | ||||||||||||
Domen: Klad: Ranqsız: Aləm: Klad: Klad: Klad: Klad: Klad: Klad: Klad: Klad: Klad: Klad: Klad: Dəstə: Fəsilə: İkasinakimilər | ||||||||||||
Beynəlxalq elmi adı | ||||||||||||
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- Oliv.
- Hassl.
- Sond.
- Planch. ex Miers
- Hemsl. & E.H.Wilson
- A.Juss.
- Blume
- Pierre
- Vell.
- Jacq.
- Hand.-Mazz.
- Kaneh.
- Meisn.
- Kurz
- Buch.-Ham. ex Arn.
- Wall.
- Craib
- Baill.
- Wight
- Becc.
- Wight & Arn.
- Utteridge, Nagam. & Teo
- Stachyanthus Engl.
- Jongkind & O.Lachenaud
- Angiosperm Phylogeny Group An update of the Angiosperm Phylogeny Group classification for the orders and families of flowering plants: APG III (ing.). // Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society / M. F. Fay Wiley-Blackwell, Linnean Society of London, OUP, 2009. Vol. 161, Iss. 2. P. 105–121. ISSN 0024-4074; 1095-8339 doi:10.1111/J.1095-8339.2009.00996.X
- Appendix IIB: Conserved and rejected names of families of bryophytes and spermatophytes. // International Code of Nomenclature for algae, fungi, and plants (Shenzhen Code) / red. N. J. Turland, J. H. Wiersema, F. Barrie, V. Qreuter, D. L. Hawksworth, P. S. Herendeen, S. Knapp, W. Kusber, D. Z. Li, K. Marhold və b. 2018.
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Ikasinakimiler lat Icacinaceae bitkiler aleminin i kasinacicekliler destesine aid bitki fesilesi IkasinakimilerElmi tesnifatDomen EukariotlarKlad DiaphoretickesRanqsiz ArxeplastidlerAlem BitkilerKlad StreptofitlerKlad EmbryophytesKlad Klad Klad Toxumlu bitkilerKlad Cicekli bitkilerKlad Klad Klad Klad AsteridsKlad Deste IkasinaciceklilerFesile IkasinakimilerBeynelxalq elmi adiIcacinaceae Miers 1851 Sekil axtarisiITIS 28017NCBI 4321EOL 4244FW 54682CinsleriOliv Hassl Sond Planch ex Miers Hemsl amp E H Wilson A Juss Blume Pierre Vell Jacq Hand Mazz Kaneh Meisn Kurz Buch Ham ex Arn Wall Craib Baill Wight Becc Wight amp Arn Utteridge Nagam amp Teo Stachyanthus Engl Jongkind amp O LachenaudIstinadlarAngiosperm Phylogeny Group An update of the Angiosperm Phylogeny Group classification for the orders and families of flowering plants APG III ing Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society M F Fay Wiley Blackwell Linnean Society of London OUP 2009 Vol 161 Iss 2 P 105 121 ISSN 0024 4074 1095 8339 doi 10 1111 J 1095 8339 2009 00996 X Appendix IIB Conserved and rejected names of families of bryophytes and spermatophytes International Code of Nomenclature for algae fungi and plants Shenzhen Code red N J Turland J H Wiersema F Barrie V Qreuter D L Hawksworth P S Herendeen S Knapp W Kusber D Z Li K Marhold ve b 2018 ISBN 978 3 946583 16 5Hemcinin bax