IX Kristian (dan. Christian 9.; 8 aprel 1818[…], Qottorp sarayı[d], Şlezviq – 29 yanvar 1906[…], Amalienborq[d], Kopenhagen, Danimarka) — Danimarka kralı.
IX Kristian | |
dan. Christian IX | |
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15 noyabr 1863 – 29 yanvar 1906 | |
Əvvəlki | VII Fridrix |
Sonrakı | VIII Fridrix |
Şəxsi məlumatlar | |
Doğum tarixi | 8 aprel 1818[…] |
Doğum yeri |
Vəfat tarixi | 29 yanvar 1906[…](87 yaşında) |
Vəfat yeri |
Dəfn yeri |
Təhsili | |
Fəaliyyəti | monarx, zabit |
Uşaqları | |
Rütbəsi | general |
| |
![]() | |
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- . A Family of Kings: The descendants of Christian IX of Denmark (2nd). London: Thistle Publishing. 2014. ISBN .
- Beéche, Arturo E.; Hall, Coryne. APAPA: King Christian IX of Denmark and His Descendants. East Richmond Heights, California: Eurohistory. 2014. ISBN .
- Bramsen, Bo. Huset Glücksborg. Europas svigerfader og hans efterslægt [The House of Glücksburg. The Father-in-law of Europe and his descendants] (danimarka) (2nd). Copenhagen: Forlaget Forum. 1992. ISBN .
- . Histoires de familles royales : Victoria d'Angleterre – Christian IX de Danemark et leurs descendances de 1840 à nos jours (fransız). Paris: . 1980. ISBN .
- Fabricius-Møller, Jes. Dynastiet Glücksborg, en Danmarkshistorie [The Glücksborg Dynasty, a history of Denmark] (danimarka). Copenhagen: Gad. 2013. ISBN .
- Glenthøj, Rasmus. 1864 : Sønner af de Slagne [1864 : Sons of the defeated] (danimarka). : . 2014. ISBN .
- Lerche, Anna; Mandal, Marcus. A royal family : the story of Christian IX and his European descendants. Copenhagen: Aschehoug. 2003. ISBN .
- Olden-Jørgensen, Sebastian. Prinsessen og det hele kongerige. Christian IX og det glücksborgske kongehus [The princess and the whole kingdom. Christian IX and the royal house of Glücksburg] (danimarka). Copenhagen: Gad. 2003. ISBN .
- Ostler, Fred J. Father of the Christmas Seal (PDF). Coronet Printing. 1947.
- Scocozza, Benito. Christian 9. // Politikens bog om danske monarker [Politiken's book about Danish monarchs] (danimarka). Copenhagen: Politikens Forlag. 1997. 182–189. ISBN .
- Thorsøe, Alexander. Christian 9. // (redaktor). (danimarka). III (1st). Copenhagen: . 1889. 523–526.
- . Northern crowns : the kings of modern Scandinavia. Stroud, Gloucestershire: Sutton Publishing. 1996. ISBN .
- Christian IX // Encyclopædia Britannica (ing.).
- Lundy D. R. Christian IX zu Schleswig-Holstein-Sonderburg-Glücksburg, King of Denmark // The Peerage (ing.).
- Мария Феодоровна (rus.). // Энциклопедический словарь СПб: Брокгауз — Ефрон, 1896. Т. XVIIIа. С. 639.
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IX Kristian dan Christian 9 8 aprel 1818 Qottorp sarayi d Slezviq 29 yanvar 1906 Amalienborq d Kopenhagen Danimarka Danimarka krali IX Kristiandan Christian IXDanimarka krali15 noyabr 1863 29 yanvar 1906EvvelkiVII FridrixSonrakiVIII FridrixSexsi melumatlarDogum tarixi 8 aprel 1818 1818 04 08 Dogum yeri SlezviqVefat tarixi 29 yanvar 1906 1906 01 29 87 yasinda Vefat yeri Amalienborq d Kopenhagen DanimarkaDefn yeri Roskille kafedrali d Tehsili Bonn UniversitetiFealiyyeti monarx zabitUsaqlari VIII Frederik I Georq Mariya FyodorovnaRutbesi general Vikianbarda elaqeli mediafayllarMenbe A Family of Kings The descendants of Christian IX of Denmark 2nd London Thistle Publishing 2014 ISBN 978 1910198124 Beeche Arturo E Hall Coryne APAPA King Christian IX of Denmark and His Descendants East Richmond Heights California Eurohistory 2014 ISBN 978 0985460341 Bramsen Bo Huset Glucksborg Europas svigerfader og hans efterslaegt The House of Glucksburg The Father in law of Europe and his descendants danimarka 2nd Copenhagen Forlaget Forum 1992 ISBN 87 553 1843 6 Histoires de familles royales Victoria d Angleterre Christian IX de Danemark et leurs descendances de 1840 a nos jours fransiz Paris 1980 ISBN 9782859561840 Fabricius Moller Jes Dynastiet Glucksborg en Danmarkshistorie The Glucksborg Dynasty a history of Denmark danimarka Copenhagen Gad 2013 ISBN 9788712048411 Glenthoj Rasmus 1864 Sonner af de Slagne 1864 Sons of the defeated danimarka 2014 ISBN 978 8712 04919 7 Lerche Anna Mandal Marcus A royal family the story of Christian IX and his European descendants Copenhagen Aschehoug 2003 ISBN 9788715109577 Olden Jorgensen Sebastian Prinsessen og det hele kongerige Christian IX og det glucksborgske kongehus The princess and the whole kingdom Christian IX and the royal house of Glucksburg danimarka Copenhagen Gad 2003 ISBN 8712040517 Ostler Fred J Father of the Christmas Seal PDF Coronet Printing 1947 Scocozza Benito Christian 9 Politikens bog om danske monarker Politiken s book about Danish monarchs danimarka Copenhagen Politikens Forlag 1997 182 189 ISBN 87 567 5772 7 Thorsoe Alexander Christian 9 redaktor danimarka III 1st Copenhagen 1889 523 526 Northern crowns the kings of modern Scandinavia Stroud Gloucestershire Sutton Publishing 1996 ISBN 9780750911382 IstinadlarChristian IX Encyclopaedia Britannica ing Lundy D R Christian IX zu Schleswig Holstein Sonderburg Glucksburg King of Denmark The Peerage ing Mariya Feodorovna rus Enciklopedicheskij slovarSPb Brokgauz Efron 1896 T XVIIIa S 639