Eduard Qranvil Braun (ing. Edward Granville Browne; 7 fevral 1862 – 5 yanvar 1926, Kembric) — Böyük Britaniya şərqşünası, yazıçısı, tərcüməçisi, alimi.
Eduard Qranvil Braun | |
ing. Edward Granville Browne | |
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Doğum tarixi | 7 fevral 1862 |
Vəfat tarixi | 5 yanvar 1926(63 yaşında) |
Vəfat yeri |
Fəaliyyəti | şərqşünas, həkim, universitet müəllimi[d], tərcüməçi, tarixçi |
Əsərlərinin dili | ingilis dili |
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Bəhai dinini qəbul etmişdir. Babın Bəyan kitabını ingilis dilinə tərcümə etmişdir.
- "İran ədəbiyyatı tarixi", 1906
Həmçinin bax
- Eduard Qranvil Braun 1900
- Eduard Qranvil Braun
Xarici keçidlər

- Э. Г. Браун. Конспект Персидского Байана
- A YEAR AMONGST THE PERSIANS — IMPRESSIONS AS TO THE LIFE, CHARACTER, & THOUGHT OF THE PEOPLE OF PERSIA — Received during Twelve Months' Residence in that Country in the Year 1887—1888.
- The Persian Revolution of 1905—1909 2009-01-08 at the Wayback Machine, by Edward G. Browne, with a new introduction by Abbas Amanat in the Persia Observed series by Mage Publishers (1995, 2006)
- E.G. Browne. Literary History of Persia. (Four volumes, 2,256 pages, and twenty-five years in the writing). 1998.
- A Summary of the Persian Bayan is a Section 3 (pages: 316—406) of the book "Selection from the Writings of E. G. Browne on the Babi and Baha’i Religions" by Moojan Momen (Oxford: George Ronald, 1987. , )
- "Персидский Байан. Конспект" ("Selection from the Writings of E.G. Browne on the Babi and Baha’i Religions" стр. 316—406) Перевод с английского, издательство "Фолиантъ", Казань, 2002, 2006, , 120 с.
- Bibliothèque nationale de France BnF identifikatoru (fr.): açıq məlumat platforması. 2011.
- Lundy D. R. Edward Granville Browne // The Peerage (ing.).
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Eduard Qranvil Braun ing Edward Granville Browne 7 fevral 1862 5 yanvar 1926 Kembric Boyuk Britaniya serqsunasi yazicisi tercumecisi alimi Eduard Qranvil Brauning Edward Granville BrowneDogum tarixi 7 fevral 1862 1862 02 07 Vefat tarixi 5 yanvar 1926 1926 01 05 63 yasinda Vefat yeri Kembric Kembric d Kembricsir qrafligi d Ingiltere Birlesmis KralliqFealiyyeti serqsunas hekim universitet muellimi d tercumeci tarixciEserlerinin dili ingilis dili Vikianbarda elaqeli mediafayllarHeyatiBehai dinini qebul etmisdir Babin Beyan kitabini ingilis diline tercume etmisdir Eserleri Iran edebiyyati tarixi 1906IstinadlarHemcinin baxEduard Qranvil Braun 1900 Eduard Qranvil BraunXarici kecidlerVikianbarda Eduard Qranvil Braun ile elaqeli mediafayllar var E G Braun Konspekt Persidskogo Bajana A YEAR AMONGST THE PERSIANS IMPRESSIONS AS TO THE LIFE CHARACTER amp THOUGHT OF THE PEOPLE OF PERSIA Received during Twelve Months Residence in that Country in the Year 1887 1888 The Persian Revolution of 1905 1909 2009 01 08 at the Wayback Machine by Edward G Browne with a new introduction by Abbas Amanat in the Persia Observed series by Mage Publishers 1995 2006 E G Browne Literary History of Persia Four volumes 2 256 pages and twenty five years in the writing 1998 ISBN 0 7007 0406 X A Summary of the Persian Bayan is a Section 3 pages 316 406 of the book Selection from the Writings of E G Browne on the Babi and Baha i Religions by Moojan Momen Oxford George Ronald 1987 ISBN 0 85398 247 3 ISBN 0 85398 246 5 Persidskij Bajan Konspekt Selection from the Writings of E G Browne on the Babi and Baha i Religions str 316 406 Perevod s anglijskogo izdatelstvo Foliant Kazan 2002 2006 ISBN 5 94990 001 4 120 s Bibliotheque nationale de France BnF identifikatoru fr aciq melumat platformasi 2011 Lundy D R Edward Granville Browne The Peerage ing