Daxili Monqolustan Muxtar Rayonu (çin. sadə. 内蒙古自治区, pinyin: Nèiménggǔ Zìzhìqū) — Çin Xalq Respublikasında muxtar rayon. Ərazisi 1 milyon 183 min km², əhalisi 1 noyabr 2010-cu il siyahıyaalınmasına əsasən 24.706.291 nəfər, 31 dekabr 2012-ci il tarixinə olan rəsmi təxminə əsasən isə 24.898.500 nəfər, inzibati mərkəzi Xux-Xoto şəhəridir.
- 中华人民共和国国家统计局 2011-05-14 at the Wayback Machine: 1-6 各地区分性别、民族的人口 2015-09-23 at the Wayback Machine (çin.) — yoxlanılıb: 14.11.2014
- National Bureau of Statistics of People's Republic of China 2011-05-14 at the Wayback Machine: China Statistical Yearbook 2013 2021-10-27 at the Wayback Machine: 3-5 Population at Year-end by Region (xls.) 2022-03-23 at the Wayback Machine (ing.) — yoxlanılıb: 15.11.2014
- National Bureau of Statistics of People's Republic of China 2011-05-14 at the Wayback Machine: China Statistical Yearbook 2013 2021-10-27 at the Wayback Machine: 3-7 Total Population by Urban and Rural Residence and Birth Rate, Death Rate, Natural Growth Rate by Region (2012) (xls.) 2022-03-23 at the Wayback Machine (ing.) — yoxlanılıb: 10.11.2014

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Daxili Monqolustan Muxtar Rayonu cin sade 内蒙古自治区 pinyin Neimenggǔ Zizhiqu Cin Xalq Respublikasinda muxtar rayon Erazisi 1 milyon 183 min km ehalisi 1 noyabr 2010 cu il siyahiyaalinmasina esasen 24 706 291 nefer 31 dekabr 2012 ci il tarixine olan resmi texmine esasen ise 24 898 500 nefer inzibati merkezi Xux Xoto seheridir Istinadlar中华人民共和国国家统计局 2011 05 14 at the Wayback Machine 1 6 各地区分性别 民族的人口 2015 09 23 at the Wayback Machine cin yoxlanilib 14 11 2014 National Bureau of Statistics of People s Republic of China 2011 05 14 at the Wayback Machine China Statistical Yearbook 2013 2021 10 27 at the Wayback Machine 3 5 Population at Year end by Region xls 2022 03 23 at the Wayback Machine ing yoxlanilib 15 11 2014 National Bureau of Statistics of People s Republic of China 2011 05 14 at the Wayback Machine China Statistical Yearbook 2013 2021 10 27 at the Wayback Machine 3 7 Total Population by Urban and Rural Residence and Birth Rate Death Rate Natural Growth Rate by Region 2012 xls 2022 03 23 at the Wayback Machine ing yoxlanilib 10 11 2014Vikianbarda Daxili Monqolustan Muxtar Rayonu ile elaqeli mediafayllar var