Azad Məmmədov — İngilis dili və ədəbiyyatı kafedrasının professoru, filologiya elmləri doktoru, direktoru.
Azad Məmmədov | |
Vətəndaşlığı | |
Milliyyəti | azərbaycanlı |
Fəaliyyəti | direktoru |
Tanınır | professor |
Təhsil və peşə fəaliyyəti
- Azərbaycan Pedaqoji Xarici Dillər İnstitutu (1979–1984)
- Azərbaycan Pedaqoji Xarici Dillər İnstitutu (1985–1989)
- Moskva Dövlət Xarici Dillər İnstitutu (1990) Dissertasiya mövzusu "The construal role of English articles in text", researched under supervision of Prof. L.A. Chernyakhovskaya.
Akademik fəaliyyəti
- Nəzəri dilçilik
- Tətbiqi dilçilik
- Koqnitiv dilçilik
- Diskurs təhlili
Elmi nəşrlər
- Дейктические особенности некоторых английских наречий в дискурсе.The Deictic peculiarities of some English adverbs in discourse Вестник Московского Государственного Лингвистического Университета, Вып.553,2009, The Journal of Moscow State Linguistic University, Issue 553, 2009
- The issue of plurilingualism and language policy in Azerbaijan. In. Sociolinguistics in Azerbaijan: New Perspectives of Language and Society(ed. J.Garibova and K. Zuercher), International journal of the Sociology of Language. 198. Berlin, New York: Mouton de Gruyter, 2009
- Metaphors in the American and Russian political discourse. RASK Journal, 4, Institute of Language and Communication, the University of Southern Denmark, 2010
- Diskurs təhlilinin koqnitiv perspektivləri. The cognitive perspectives of discourse analysis. Çaşıoğlu, Bakı, 2010, Baku: Chashioglu, 2010
- Discourse and translation: functional-cognitive approach. Letterpress, Baku, 2012
- Perspectives of conceptualization in political discourse. International Conference Cognitive linguistics in 2012 , University of Wroclaw, 2012
- Political discourse between global and local knowledge. SALC IV, Joensuu, University of Eastern Finland, 2013, (co-author M. Mammadov)
- Deictic representations of person in media discourse. International Conference on Grammar and Text, University of New Lisbon, 2013
- The role of figurative language in political discourse Article In: From Conceptual Metaphor Theory to Cognitive Ethnolinguistics. Patterns of Imagery in Language, Series: Studies in Language, Culture and Society, Frankfurt am Main: Peter Lang, 2014
- Diskurs tədqiqi. BDU, Bakı, 2013. Baku State, University press, 2013, First edition
- Rhetoric parameters of conceptualization across languages and genre. 5th UK Cognitive Linguistics Conference, Lancaster University, 2014
- Deictic representation of person in media discourse. Papers in Pragmatics, Berlin-New-York: De Gruyter, 2014
- Subjectivity of discourse and translation: functional-cognitive approach. Asia-Pacific Forum on Intercultural and Translation Studies, Durham University, Octiber, 2015
- Diskurs tədqiqi. Discourse studies. Text-book BDU, Bakı, 2016 Baku State, University press, 2016, Second edition
- Дискурсивные исследования. Опыт Анализа. Lambert Academic Publishing, 2016
- Subjectivity of discourse and translation: functional-cognitive approach. Asia-Pacific Intercultural and Translation Studies Journal, London: Routledge, Taylor & Francis Group
- Contextualizing and conceptualizing time, space and person in political discourse Book of Abstracts. 8th Lodz Symposium"New Developments in Linguistic Pragmatics", 15-17 May 2017, Lord University
- Changing role of English in the contemporary world. 22nd International Conference: IAWE Local and Global Contexts of World Englishes June 30-July 2, 2017, University of Suracuse.
- The translator in the discourse of European integration 1st World Translation Studies Congress, University of Western Paris, Nauterre, La Defence, 2017
- İnformation structure of text and translation revisited, Tərcümə elm və incəsənət kimi məqalələr toplusu, Qərb Universiteti,Bakı 2017
- Studies in Text and Discourse,Newcastle-upon-Tyne:Cambridge Scholars Publishing,2017
- . 2019-01-14 tarixində orijinalından arxivləşdirilib. İstifadə tarixi: 2019-01-08.
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Vikipediyada bu ad soyadli diger sexsler haqqinda da meqaleler var bax Azad Memmedov Azad Memmedov Ingilis dili ve edebiyyati kafedrasinin professoru filologiya elmleri doktoru direktoru Azad MemmedovVetendasligi AzerbaycanMilliyyeti azerbaycanliFealiyyeti direktoruTaninir professorTehsil ve pese fealiyyetiAzerbaycan Pedaqoji Xarici Diller Institutu 1979 1984 Azerbaycan Pedaqoji Xarici Diller Institutu 1985 1989 Moskva Dovlet Xarici Diller Institutu 1990 Dissertasiya movzusu The construal role of English articles in text researched under supervision of Prof L A Chernyakhovskaya Akademik fealiyyetiNezeri dilcilik Tetbiqi dilcilik Koqnitiv dilcilik Diskurs tehliliElmi nesrlerDejkticheskie osobennosti nekotoryh anglijskih narechij v diskurse The Deictic peculiarities of some English adverbs in discourse Vestnik Moskovskogo Gosudarstvennogo Lingvisticheskogo Universiteta Vyp 553 2009 The Journal of Moscow State Linguistic University Issue 553 2009 The issue of plurilingualism and language policy in Azerbaijan In Sociolinguistics in Azerbaijan New Perspectives of Language and Society ed J Garibova and K Zuercher International journal of the Sociology of Language 198 Berlin New York Mouton de Gruyter 2009 Metaphors in the American and Russian political discourse RASK Journal 4 Institute of Language and Communication the University of Southern Denmark 2010 Diskurs tehlilinin koqnitiv perspektivleri The cognitive perspectives of discourse analysis Casioglu Baki 2010 Baku Chashioglu 2010 Discourse and translation functional cognitive approach Letterpress Baku 2012 Perspectives of conceptualization in political discourse International Conference Cognitive linguistics in 2012 University of Wroclaw 2012 Political discourse between global and local knowledge SALC IV Joensuu University of Eastern Finland 2013 co author M Mammadov Deictic representations of person in media discourse International Conference on Grammar and Text University of New Lisbon 2013 The role of figurative language in political discourse Article In From Conceptual Metaphor Theory to Cognitive Ethnolinguistics Patterns of Imagery in Language Series Studies in Language Culture and Society Frankfurt am Main Peter Lang 2014 Diskurs tedqiqi BDU Baki 2013 Baku State University press 2013 First edition Rhetoric parameters of conceptualization across languages and genre 5th UK Cognitive Linguistics Conference Lancaster University 2014 Deictic representation of person in media discourse Papers in Pragmatics Berlin New York De Gruyter 2014 Subjectivity of discourse and translation functional cognitive approach Asia Pacific Forum on Intercultural and Translation Studies Durham University Octiber 2015 Diskurs tedqiqi Discourse studies Text book BDU Baki 2016 Baku State University press 2016 Second edition Diskursivnye issledovaniya Opyt Analiza Lambert Academic Publishing 2016 Subjectivity of discourse and translation functional cognitive approach Asia Pacific Intercultural and Translation Studies Journal London Routledge Taylor amp Francis GroupTezisler Contextualizing and conceptualizing time space and person in political discourse Book of Abstracts 8th Lodz Symposium New Developments in Linguistic Pragmatics 15 17 May 2017 Lord University Changing role of English in the contemporary world 22nd International Conference IAWE Local and Global Contexts of World Englishes June 30 July 2 2017 University of Suracuse The translator in the discourse of European integration 1st World Translation Studies Congress University of Western Paris Nauterre La Defence 2017Meqale Information structure of text and translation revisited Tercume elm ve incesenet kimi meqaleler toplusu Qerb Universiteti Baki 2017Derslik Studies in Text and Discourse Newcastle upon Tyne Cambridge Scholars Publishing 2017Istinadlar 2019 01 14 tarixinde orijinalindan arxivlesdirilib Istifade tarixi 2019 01 08