Avtobioqrafiya — Bencamin Franklinin 1771-90-cı illərdə yazdığı və ölümündən sonra 1791-ci ildə nəşr edilmiş memuar kitabı.
Avtobioqrafiya | |
The Autobiography of Benjamin Franklin The Private Life of the late Benjamin Mémoires de la vie privée de Benjamin Franklin | |
![]() Əsərin 2017-ci il azərbaycanca nəşrinin üz tərəfi | |
Müəllif | Bencamin Franklin |
Janr | Avtobioqrafiya |
Orijinalın dili | Amerikan ingiliscəsi |
Ölkə | |
Orijinalın nəşr ili | 1791 |
Tərcüməçi | |
Nəşriyyat | (2017) |
Səhifə | 280 |
Tiraj | 100 |
ISBN | |
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- Stuber, Henry. "History of the Life and Character of Benjamin Franklin." Universal Asylum and Columbian Magazine. 4 (May, June and July 1790), 268–72, 332–39, 4–9.
- Carey, Mathew. "Short sketch of the life of Dr. Franklin." American Museum. 8 (July, November 1790), 12–20, 210–12. Internet Archive
- Franklin, Benjamin. Mémoires de la vie privée de Benjamin Franklin écrits par lui-méme, et adressés a son fils; suivis d'un précis historique de sa vie politique, et de plusieurs pièces, relatives à ce père de la liberté. Translated by Jacques Gibelin. Paris: F. Buisson Libraire, 1791.
- Franklin, Benjamin. Works of the late Doctor Benjamin Franklin: consisting of his life written by himself: together with Essays, humorous, moral & literary, chiefly in the manner of the Spectator: in two volumes. Edited by Benjamin Vaughan and Richard Price. London: Printed for G.G.J. and J. Robinson, 1793.
- Franklin, Benjamin. The private life of the late Benjamin Franklin. London: J. Parsons, 1793.
- Franklin, Benjamin. The life of Dr. Benjamin Franklin. Philadelphia: Benjamin Johnson, 1794.
- Franklin, Benjamin. Benjamin Franklins kleine Schriften: meist in der Manier des Zuschauers: nebst seinem Leben. Weimar: Im Verlage des Industrie-Comptoirs, 1794.
- Franklin, Benjamin. The life of Doctor Benjamin Franklin. Edited by Richard Price. New-London, CN: Charles Holt, 1798.
- Franklin, Benjamin. Vie de Benjamin Franklin écrite par lui-même; suivie de ses œvres morales, politiques et littéraires, dont la plus grande partie n'avoit pas encore été publiée. Edited and translated by J. Castera. Paris: F. Buisson, 1798.
- Franklin, Benjamin. The Works of the late Dr. Benjamin Franklin; consisting of his life written by himself: together with essays humorous, moral, and literary; chiefly in the manner of the Spectator. New York: John Tiebout, 1799.
- Franklin, Benjamin. The Works of the Late Dr. Benjamin Franklin Consisting of His Life, Written by Himself: Together with Essays, Humorous, Moral and Literary, Chiefly in the Manner of the Spectator: to Which Is Added, Not in Any Other Edition, an Examination Before the British House of Lords Respecting the Stamp Act. Philadelphia: Wm. W. Woodward, 1801.
- Franklin, Benjamin. The Complete Works in Philosophy, Politics, and Morals, of the Late Dr. Benjamin Franklin, Now First Collected and Arranged: With Memories of His Early Life. Edited by Marshall. London: J. Johnson, and Longman, Hurst, Rees and Orme, 1806.
- Franklin, Benjamin. Memoirs of the life and writings of Benjamin Franklin. Edited by William Franklin. Philadelphia: T.S. Manning, 1818.
- Franklin, Benjamin. The Life of the Late Dr. Benjamin Franklin. New York. Evert Duyckinck, 1813.
- Franklin, Benjamin. Memoirs of the life and writings of Benjamin Franklin. London: Henry Colburn, 1818.
- Franklin, Benjamin. The works of Dr. Benjamin Franklin. Philadelphia: B.C. Buzby, 1818.
- Franklin, Benjamin. Mémoires sur la vie de Benjamin Franklin écrits par lui-même. Paris: Jules Renouard, 1828.
- Franklin, Benjamin. Memoirs of Benjamin Franklin. Edited by William Temple Franklin, William Duane, George B. Ellis, and Henry Stevens. Philadelphia: M'Carty & Davis, 1831.
- Franklin, Benjamin. The works of Benjamin Franklin. Edited by Jared Sparks. Boston: Hilliard, Gray, and Company, 1836–1840.
- Franklin, Benjamin. The Life of Benjamin Franklin. Edited by Jared Sparks. Boston: Tappan and Dennet, 1844.
- Franklin, Benjamin. Benjamin Franklin: His Autobiography; With a Narrative of His Public Life and Services. Edited by Weld, H. Hastings. New York: Harper and Bros., 1849.
- Franklin, Benjamin. The Autobiography of Benjamin Franklin: published verbatim from the original manuscript, by his grandson, William Temple Franklin. Edited by Jared Sparks. London: Henry G. Bohn, 1850.
- Franklin, Benjamin. Benjamin Franklin's Autobiography. Leipzig: Alphons Dürr, 1858.
- Franklin, Benjamin. Autobiography of Benjamin Franklin edited from his manuscript. Edited by John Bigelow. Philadelphia: J.B. Lippincott & Co., 1868.
- Franklin, Benjamin. The Life of Benjamin Franklin. Edited by John Bigelow. Philadelphia: J.B. Lippincott, 1874.
- Franklin, Benjamin. Franklin's boyhood: from his autobiography. Old South Leaflets, No. 5. Boston: Beacon Press, 1883. Google books
- Franklin, Benjamin. The Autobiography of Benjamin Franklin edited by Professor Henry Morley. Cassell's National Library. London, Paris, New York & Melbourne: Cassell & Company, 1883
- Franklin, Benjamin. The autobiography of Benjamin Franklin, and a sketch of Franklin's life from the point where the autobiography ends, drawn chiefly from his letters. With notes and a chronological historical table. Boston: Houghton, 1886.
- Franklin, Benjamin. The Complete Works of Benjamin Franklin: Including His Private as Well as His Official and Scientific Correspondence, and Numerous Letters and Documents Now for the First Time Printed, With Many Others Not Included in any Former Collection: Also the Unmutilated and Correct Version of his Autobiography. Edited by John Bigelow and Henry Bryan Hall. New York and London: G. P. Putnam's Sons, 1887–1888.
- Franklin, Benjamin. The Autobiography of Benjamin Franklin. New York and London: G. P. Putnam's Sons, 1889.
- Franklin, Benjamin. The autobiography of Benjamin Franklin. Prepared for use in schools. Edited by J. W. Abernethy. English Classic Series. no. 112–113. New York: Charles E. Merrill Co., 1892.
- Franklin, Benjamin. The Autobiography of Benjamin Franklin. Philadelphia: H. Altemus, 1895.
- Franklin, Benjamin. The Autobiography of Benjamin Franklin. New York and Cincinnati: American Book Company, 1896.
- Franklin, Benjamin. The Autobiography of Benjamin Franklin and a Sketch of Franklins Life: From the Point Where the Autobiography Ends. Boston: Houghton, Mifflin, and Co., 1896.
- Franklin, Benjamin. The life of Benjamin Franklin: Franklin's autobiography with the continuation by Jared Sparks. Französische und Englische Schulbibliothek, 52. Edited by Franz Wüllenweber. Leipzig: Renger, 1899.
- Franklin, Benjamin. The Autobiography of Benjamin Franklin: Poor Richard's Almanac and other papers. New York: A. L. Burt Co., 1900.
Kitab tərəfindən Azərbaycan dilinə tərcümə edilib, 2017-ci ildə 280 səhifədə nəşr edilib.
- "Bencamin Franklin – Avtobiqrafiya" ( (az.)). . 2019-12-28 tarixində . İstifadə tarixi: 2020-07-04.
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- "Bencamin Franklin – Avtobiqrafiya" ( (az.)). . 2019-12-28 tarixində . İstifadə tarixi: 2020-07-04.
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Avtobioqrafiya Bencamin Franklinin 1771 90 ci illerde yazdigi ve olumunden sonra 1791 ci ilde nesr edilmis memuar kitabi AvtobioqrafiyaThe Autobiography of Benjamin Franklin The Private Life of the late Benjamin Memoires de la vie privee de Benjamin FranklinEserin 2017 ci il azerbaycanca nesrinin uz terefiMuellif Bencamin FranklinJanr AvtobioqrafiyaOrijinalin dili Amerikan ingiliscesiOlke FransaOrijinalin nesr ili 1791TercumeciNesriyyat 2017 Sehife 280Tiraj 100ISBN 978 9952 8202 8 7 Vikianbarda elaqeli mediafayllarNesrleriStuber Henry History of the Life and Character of Benjamin Franklin Universal Asylum and Columbian Magazine 4 May June and July 1790 268 72 332 39 4 9 Carey Mathew Short sketch of the life of Dr Franklin American Museum 8 July November 1790 12 20 210 12 Internet Archive Franklin Benjamin Memoires de la vie privee de Benjamin Franklin ecrits par lui meme et adresses a son fils suivis d un precis historique de sa vie politique et de plusieurs pieces relatives a ce pere de la liberte Translated by Jacques Gibelin Paris F Buisson Libraire 1791 Franklin Benjamin Works of the late Doctor Benjamin Franklin consisting of his life written by himself together with Essays humorous moral amp literary chiefly in the manner of the Spectator in two volumes Edited by Benjamin Vaughan and Richard Price London Printed for G G J and J Robinson 1793 Franklin Benjamin The private life of the late Benjamin Franklin London J Parsons 1793 Franklin Benjamin The life of Dr Benjamin Franklin Philadelphia Benjamin Johnson 1794 Franklin Benjamin Benjamin Franklins kleine Schriften meist in der Manier des Zuschauers nebst seinem Leben Weimar Im Verlage des Industrie Comptoirs 1794 Franklin Benjamin The life of Doctor Benjamin Franklin Edited by Richard Price New London CN Charles Holt 1798 Franklin Benjamin Vie de Benjamin Franklin ecrite par lui meme suivie de ses œvres morales politiques et litteraires dont la plus grande partie n avoit pas encore ete publiee Edited and translated by J Castera Paris F Buisson 1798 Franklin Benjamin The Works of the late Dr Benjamin Franklin consisting of his life written by himself together with essays humorous moral and literary chiefly in the manner of the Spectator New York John Tiebout 1799 Franklin Benjamin The Works of the Late Dr Benjamin Franklin Consisting of His Life Written by Himself Together with Essays Humorous Moral and Literary Chiefly in the Manner of the Spectator to Which Is Added Not in Any Other Edition an Examination Before the British House of Lords Respecting the Stamp Act Philadelphia Wm W Woodward 1801 Franklin Benjamin The Complete Works in Philosophy Politics and Morals of the Late Dr Benjamin Franklin Now First Collected and Arranged With Memories of His Early Life Edited by Marshall London J Johnson and Longman Hurst Rees and Orme 1806 Franklin Benjamin Memoirs of the life and writings of Benjamin Franklin Edited by William Franklin Philadelphia T S Manning 1818 Franklin Benjamin The Life of the Late Dr Benjamin Franklin New York Evert Duyckinck 1813 Franklin Benjamin Memoirs of the life and writings of Benjamin Franklin London Henry Colburn 1818 Franklin Benjamin The works of Dr Benjamin Franklin Philadelphia B C Buzby 1818 Franklin Benjamin Memoires sur la vie de Benjamin Franklin ecrits par lui meme Paris Jules Renouard 1828 Franklin Benjamin Memoirs of Benjamin Franklin Edited by William Temple Franklin William Duane George B Ellis and Henry Stevens Philadelphia M Carty amp Davis 1831 Franklin Benjamin The works of Benjamin Franklin Edited by Jared Sparks Boston Hilliard Gray and Company 1836 1840 Franklin Benjamin The Life of Benjamin Franklin Edited by Jared Sparks Boston Tappan and Dennet 1844 Franklin Benjamin Benjamin Franklin His Autobiography With a Narrative of His Public Life and Services Edited by Weld H Hastings New York Harper and Bros 1849 Franklin Benjamin The Autobiography of Benjamin Franklin published verbatim from the original manuscript by his grandson William Temple Franklin Edited by Jared Sparks London Henry G Bohn 1850 Franklin Benjamin Benjamin Franklin s Autobiography Leipzig Alphons Durr 1858 Franklin Benjamin Autobiography of Benjamin Franklin edited from his manuscript Edited by John Bigelow Philadelphia J B Lippincott amp Co 1868 Franklin Benjamin The Life of Benjamin Franklin Edited by John Bigelow Philadelphia J B Lippincott 1874 Franklin Benjamin Franklin s boyhood from his autobiography Old South Leaflets No 5 Boston Beacon Press 1883 Google books Franklin Benjamin The Autobiography of Benjamin Franklin edited by Professor Henry Morley Cassell s National Library London Paris New York amp Melbourne Cassell amp Company 1883 Franklin Benjamin The autobiography of Benjamin Franklin and a sketch of Franklin s life from the point where the autobiography ends drawn chiefly from his letters With notes and a chronological historical table Boston Houghton 1886 Franklin Benjamin The Complete Works of Benjamin Franklin Including His Private as Well as His Official and Scientific Correspondence and Numerous Letters and Documents Now for the First Time Printed With Many Others Not Included in any Former Collection Also the Unmutilated and Correct Version of his Autobiography Edited by John Bigelow and Henry Bryan Hall New York and London G P Putnam s Sons 1887 1888 Franklin Benjamin The Autobiography of Benjamin Franklin New York and London G P Putnam s Sons 1889 Franklin Benjamin The autobiography of Benjamin Franklin Prepared for use in schools Edited by J W Abernethy English Classic Series no 112 113 New York Charles E Merrill Co 1892 Franklin Benjamin The Autobiography of Benjamin Franklin Philadelphia H Altemus 1895 Franklin Benjamin The Autobiography of Benjamin Franklin New York and Cincinnati American Book Company 1896 Franklin Benjamin The Autobiography of Benjamin Franklin and a Sketch of Franklins Life From the Point Where the Autobiography Ends Boston Houghton Mifflin and Co 1896 Franklin Benjamin The life of Benjamin Franklin Franklin s autobiography with the continuation by Jared Sparks Franzosische und Englische Schulbibliothek 52 Edited by Franz Wullenweber Leipzig Renger 1899 Franklin Benjamin The Autobiography of Benjamin Franklin Poor Richard s Almanac and other papers New York A L Burt Co 1900 TercumeKitab terefinden Azerbaycan diline tercume edilib 2017 ci ilde 280 sehifede nesr edilib Istinadlar Bencamin Franklin Avtobiqrafiya az 2019 12 28 tarixinde Istifade tarixi 2020 07 04 Xarici kecidler Bencamin Franklin Avtobiqrafiya az 2019 12 28 tarixinde Istifade tarixi 2020 07 04