Arevaxaç (erm. Արևախաչ) — erməni simvollarından biri.

- Bauer-Manndorff, Elisabeth. Armenia: Past and Present. Reich Verlag. 1981. səh. 89.
The circle, as a line returning upon itself, represented perfection. Having neither beginning, nor end, it was the symbol of eternity. The architects expressed the concept of everlasting, celestial life in the knowledge of the presence and effect of the divine power by sphere.
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Arevaxac erm Արևախաչ ermeni simvollarindan biri Arevaxac simvoluIstinadlarBauer Manndorff Elisabeth Armenia Past and Present Reich Verlag 1981 seh 89 The circle as a line returning upon itself represented perfection Having neither beginning nor end it was the symbol of eternity The architects expressed the concept of everlasting celestial life in the knowledge of the presence and effect of the divine power by sphere